2007 APS March Meeting
Volume 52, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 5–9, 2007;
Denver, Colorado
Session D2: Ion Traps for Scalable Quantum Computation
2:30 PM–5:30 PM,
Monday, March 5, 2007
Colorado Convention Center
Room: Four Seasons 4
Chair: Lorenza Viola, Dartmouth College
Abstract ID: BAPS.2007.MAR.D2.4
Abstract: D2.00004 : Scalable Designs for Planar Ion Trap Arrays*
4:18 PM–4:54 PM
Preview Abstract
R.E. Slusher
Recent progress in quantum operations with trapped ion qubits has
been spectacular for qubit counts up to approximately ten ions.
Two qubit quantum gates, quantum error correction, simple quantum
algorithms and entanglement of up to 8 qubits have been
demonstrated by groups including those at NIST, University of
Michigan, University of Innsbruck and Oxford. Interesting
problems in quantum information processing including quantum
simulations of condensed matter systems and quantum repeaters for
long distance quantum communication systems require hundreds or
thousands of qubits. Initial designs for an ion trap ``Quantum
CCD'' using spatially multiplexed planar ion traps\footnote{D.
Kielpinski, C. Monroe, and D.J. Wineland, ``Architecture for a
large-scale ion-trap quantum computer,'' Nature, Vol.417,
pp.709--711, (2002).} as well as initial experiments\footnote{S.
Seidelin, J. Chiaverini, R. Reicle, J. J. Bollinger, D.
Leibfried, J. Briton, J. H. Wesenberg, R. B. Blakestad, R. J.
Epstein, D. B. Hume, J. D. Jost, C. Langer, R. Ozeri, N. Shiga,
and D. J. Wineland, ``Amicrofabricated surface-electrode ion trap
for scalable quantum informtion processing,'' quant-ph/0601173,
(2006).} using planar ion traps are promising routes to scaling
up the number of trapped ions to more interesting levels. We
describe designs\footnote{J. Kim, S. Pau, Z. Ma, H.R. McLellan,
J.V. Gates, A. Kornblit, and R.E. Slusher, ``System design for
large-scale ion trap quantum information processor,'' Quantum
Inf. Comput., Vol 5, pp 515--537, (2005).} for planar ion traps
fabricated using silicon VLSI techniques. This approach allows
the control voltages required for the moving and positioning the
ions in the array to be connected vertically through the silicon
substrate to underlying CMOS electronics. We have developed
techniques that allow the ion trap structures to be fabricated
monolithically on top of the CMOS electronics.
The planar traps have much weaker trapping depths than the more
conventional multi-level traps. However, the trap depths are
still adequate for trapping hot ions from many ion sources. The
planar traps also involve more complex configurations for laser
cooling and micromotion control. Initial solutions to these
problems will be presented. Laser access to the ions can be
provided by laser beams grazing the trap surface or by using
vertical slots through the trap chip. We will also discuss limits
imposed by power dissipation and ion transport through trap
junctions (e.g. crosses and Ys).
We have fabricated these VLSI based traps in a number of
configurations. Initial fabrication and packaging challenges will
be discussed.
*This research is supported by DTO. In collaboration with C. S. Pei, Y. L. Low, R. E. Frahm and H. R. McLellan,
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.MAR.D2.4