2005 APS March Meeting
Monday–Friday, March 21–25, 2005;
Los Angeles, CA
Session B43: Focus Session: Spin Transfer Effect II
11:15 AM–2:15 PM,
Monday, March 21, 2005
Room: 150C
Chair: Andrew Kent, New York University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2005.MAR.B43.4
Abstract: B43.00004 : Current Induced Switching by Spin Torque Including the Effects of Temperature*
11:51 AM–12:27 PM
Preview Abstract
Pieter Visscher
(University of Alabama)
Recently it has been shown[1] that the magnetization $\bf{M}$ of
submicron patterned thin-film ferromagnetic elements can be switched
by passing a current from another (pinned) ferromagnetic layer. This
phenomenon could lead to a new type of high-density non-volatile
MRAM (magnetic random access memory). The incoming electrons deposit
their spin angular momentum in the ferromagnet, where it adds to the
local vector magnetization. Quantitatively, one adds a "spin
torque" term to the Landau-Lifshitz equation for $d\bf{M}/dt$,
proportional to the component of the pinned magnetization
perpendicular to $\bf{M}$.
The familiar Arrhenius-Neel reaction rate formula [$\propto
\exp(-E_b/kT)$, where $E_b$ is a potential energy barrier] cannot be
used for this problem, because the spin-torque is not conservative
so a potential energy cannot be defined. We have gone back to the
fundamental Fokker-Planck equation from which the Arrhenius-Neel
result was derived and reformulated it including the spin torque. We
obtain a simple differential equation for the energy distribution,
which gives the expected $\exp(-E/kT)$ if the current vanishes. In
the limit of small oscillations about an easy axis, the energy
distribution can be approximated by a Boltzmann distribution with an
elevated effective temperature, allowing the use of an
Arrhenius-Neel-like rate formula. This picture gives an adequate
accounting[2] of room-temperature telegraph noise rates, for
example. However, at low temperature the distribution resulting
from our theory is qualitatively unlike a Boltzmann distribution,
and describes the statistics of recently-observed large-amplitude
precessional states[3], which have possible applications to tunable
gigahertz oscillators. In addition to these steady-state
applications, the new Fokker-Planck equation can model the effects
of nanosecond current pulses in high-speed MRAM.
[1] F. J. Albert et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. \textbf{77}, 3809 (2000).
[2] D. M. Apalkov and P. B. Visscher, cond-mat preprint 0405305.
[3] S. I. Kiselev, Nature \textbf{425}, 380 (2003).
*Supported by NSF grant DMR-MRSEC-0213985
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2005.MAR.B43.4