2005 APS March Meeting
Monday–Friday, March 21–25, 2005;
Los Angeles, CA
Session D35: Nanophotonic Materials, Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy I
2:30 PM–5:30 PM,
Monday, March 21, 2005
Room: 511B
Chair: Michael D. Barnes, Univ. Massachusetts
Abstract ID: BAPS.2005.MAR.D35.1
Abstract: D35.00001 : Photonic Crystal Devices for Quantum and Nanoscale Photonics
2:30 PM–3:06 PM
Preview Abstract
Jelena Vuckovic
(Stanford University)
Photonic crystal structures can be built to operate in two opposite regimes:
one is a suppression of photon states inside the photonic band gap, and the
other is a large enhancement of the density of photon states. Both regimes
are of consequence to a number of applications in nanoscale and nonlinear
optics, as well as to photonic quantum information technologies. Our work on
the employment of photonic crystals to build hardware of solid-state
photonic quantum information systems, as well as to construct miniaturized
optical devices will be reviewed in this talk.
We have demonstrated sources of single photons on demand based on quantum
dots in micropost microcavities that exhibit a large spontaneous emission
rate enhancement (Purcell factor of five) together with a small multi-photon
probability (2{\%} compared to a Poisson-distributed source of the same
intensity). We have also tested the indistinguishability of emitted single
photons from such a source through a Hong-Ou-Mandel-type two-photon
interference experiment, and found that consecutive photons exhibit a mean
wave-packet overlap as large as 0.81, making this source useful in a variety
of experiments in quantum optics and quantum information. The applications
of such a device include secure quantum cryptography and linear optical
quantum computation.
We have also developed two-dimensional photonic crystal microcavities of
finite depth with embedded quantum dots that exhibit large quality factors
($\sim $3000) together with small mode volumes ($\sim $0.5($\lambda
$/n)$^{3})$ and with a maximum field intensity in the high-index region,
which is of importance for enhanced interaction with quantum dot excitons.
We have performed spectroscopy on a single quantum dot coupled to such a
cavity, and demonstrated a very strong modification of its radiative
properties, as well as a single-photon generation on demand. A strong
interaction between a quantum dot exciton and the field enabled by such a
microcavity is of importance for construction of single photon sources with
improved efficiency, visibility, and speed, as well as for construction of
entangled photon sources. Finally, we will also discuss some of our ongoing
work on the integration of many photonic crystal components into functional
circuits and devices, such as two-dimensional coupled arrays of photonic
crystal microcavities for miniaturized lasers or sensors, or integration of
photonic crystal cavities and waveguides for quantum networking.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2005.MAR.D35.1