Bulletin of the American Physical Society
6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan
Sunday–Friday, November 26–December 1 2023; Hawaii, the Big Island
Session 2WEB: Gas Cells for Rare Isotope Beam Research II
4:00 PM–5:30 PM,
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Hilton Waikoloa Village
Room: Queens 4
Chair: Peter Schury, KEK Wako Nuclear Science Center
Abstract: 2WEB.00003 : KISS gas cell system for the nuclear spectroscopy of multinucleon transfer reaction products*
5:00 PM–5:30 PM
Yoshikazu Hirayama
Yoshikazu Hirayama
Momo Mukai
Peter Schury
Yutaka X Watanabe
Shun Iimura
Hironobu Ishiyama
Sunchan Jeong
Hiroari Miyatake
Marco Rosenbusch
Aiko Takamine
Akihiro Taniguchi
(KURNS, Kyoto University)
Michiharu Wada
To extend the studies to more neutron-rich regions, we plan to upgrade the KISS facility to KISS-II [4] whereby we replace the present argon gas cell with a next-generation, large-volume, cryogenic helium gas catcher utilizing an advanced RF wire carpet. The RF wire carpet structure features a 4-phase RF traveling wave technique [5] which enables efficient transport of the desired radioactive ions under a strong plasma of He2+ and e— induced by ionizing interactions with the primary and secondary beams. The helium gas catcher can offer faster, more efficient, and element-independent extraction of ions. In advance of the development of the large-volume He gas catcher, we have started to test the RF wire carpet structure installed in a small-volume cryogenic helium gas catcher at KISS. We could successfully extract radioactive ions from the gas catcher and identify them by using the MRTOF-MS.
In this presentation, we will report the activities by using the argon gas cell system at KISS, and present the development of the small-volume cryogenic helium gas catcher and the upgrade plan.
[1] Y. Hirayama et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 353, 4 (2015).
[2] Y. Hirayama et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 412, 11 (2017).
[3] Y.X. Watanabe et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 172503 (2015).
[4] T. Aoki et al., https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.12649v2.
[5] K.R Lund et al., Nucl. Instru. and Meth. B 463, 378 (2020).
*This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grants No. JP23244060, No. JP24740180, No. JP26247044, No. JP15H02096, No. JP17H01132, No. JP17H06090, No. JP18H03711, No. JP20H00169, No. JP21H04479, and JP22H00136.
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