Bulletin of the American Physical Society
5th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan
Volume 63, Number 12
Tuesday–Saturday, October 23–27, 2018; Waikoloa, Hawaii
Session MH: Instrumentation V |
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Chair: Shaofei Zhu, Argonne National Laboratory Room: Hilton Kona 2/3 |
Saturday, October 27, 2018 2:00PM - 2:15PM |
MH.00001: Modifying Semi-Coaxial Ge Detectors for Use in 0ππ½π½&[nu]ββ Experiments Anna Reine, David C Radford, Benjamin E Shanks, John F Wilkerson The next generation of experimental searches for 0ππ½π½νββ, such as the Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (LEGEND), will require low backgrounds and large exposure to reach half life sensitivities greater than 1027 years. Germanium-based 0ππ½π½νββ experiments realize significant background reduction through pulse shape discrimination, typically made possible by point contact detector technology. This presentation discusses a project studying the feasibility of converting conventional semi-coaxial Ge detectors into coaxial detectors with a ring-shaped p+ contact on the outer surface. If this design demonstrates improved pulse shape discrimination, five 76Ge enriched coaxial detectors originally used in the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment that are currently running in GERDA could potentially be converted with minimal loss of mass. Simulations of the weighting potential and electric fields in a detector of the modified design are being performed to study the design’s feasibility and suitability for use in a 0νππ½π½ββ search. |
Saturday, October 27, 2018 2:15PM - 2:30PM |
MH.00002: Development of a gamma-ray tracking detector and its performance test Asahi Kohda, Nori Aoi, Yasutaka Yamamoto, Eiji Ideguchi, Mukhi Kumar Raju, Hoang Thi Ha, Tung Thanh Pham, Tatsushi Shima, Viljamaa Topi Benjamin, Shuji Miyamoto, Toshiyuki Shizuma, Nobuaki Imai, Kathrin Wimmer, Pieter Doornenbal, Rudrajyoti Palit The gamma-ray tracking detector is a germanium detector realizing both high efficiency and Compton background suppression by reconstructing the scattering process of the incident gamma-rays from the positions and energy deposits of the gamma-rays at each interaction points in the detector. Its high position resolution is also beneficial for accurate Doppler correction. In the tracking detector, the interaction positions are determined three-dimensionally with high position resolution by analyzing the signal waveform from the segmented electrodes. We have measured waveforms for different interaction points of gamma-rays using a GRETINA Quad Detector. The experiment was performed using a gamma-ray beam from the GACKO beam line at the NewSUBARU electron storage ring facility. The three dimensional position of the interaction in points are selected first by collimating the incident gamma-rays and then by measuring the gamma-rays scatted at 90 degree in the detector by using a narrow slit. Obtained waveforms were compared with the simulated waveform. |
Saturday, October 27, 2018 2:30PM - 2:45PM |
MH.00003: GRETINA as a Compton Polarimeter Peter C Bender, Dirk W Weisshaar, Alexandra Gade, Andreas Wiens, Augusto O Macchiavelli, Christopher M Campbell, Roderick M Clark, Heather L Crawford, Mario Cromaz, Paul Fallon, I-Yang Lee, Samuel L Tabor, Vandana Tripathi, Akaa D Ayangeakaa, Michael P Carpenter, Helena David, Robert V F Janssens, Torben Lauritsen, Shaofei Zhu, Partha Chowdhury, Christopher J Lister
The ability to measure both the spin and parity of an excited state in an oriented nucleus through its emitted gamma radiation can provide information on the multipolarity, mixing ratio, and parity of the transition. GRETINA has been characterized as a Compton-polarimeter with interaction positions from tracking by examining gamma-rays emitted in the 24Mg(p,p') reaction at 2.45 and 6 MeV[1]. In this work, we consider GRETINA as a traditional Compton-polarimeter, where the intensity of the scattered radiation measured between physical detecting elements (segment and crystal boundaries) is used to determine its polarization sensitivity. The 36-fold crystals of GRETINA along with the arrays compact geometry allows many elements to act as both scatterer and detector across the array. This provides a direct comparison of the arrays ability to measure the linear polarization to measurements made over the past decades. The performance of GRETINA as a traditional Compton-polarimeter will be presented.
[1] A. Wiens et al: BAPS2014.HAW.DK.2, to be published. |
Saturday, October 27, 2018 2:45PM - 3:00PM |
MH.00004: Development of HPGe Detectors for Ultra High Rate Spectroscopy and Imaging Joanna M Szornel, Paul Barton, Reynold J Cooper, Heather L Crawford, Alexey Drobizhev, Mustapha Saad, Marco Salathe, Kai Vetter While High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors are the gold standard for high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy, conventional, coaxial HPGe detectors show significant performance degradation at high rates (tens of thousands of counts per second (cps)).
Based on previous work, a new HPGe detector prototype has been designed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). It is intended to maintain resolution and throughput performance at ultra-high rates (5 Mcps) and feature 3D position sensitivity. Such a device has many potential uses in basic and applied nuclear science including efficient prompt spectroscopy of superheavy elements and isotope harvesting.
The detector geometry, a double-sided strip detector with fine strip pitch, was selected by performing analytic and numerical calculations to evaluate the expected efficiency, throughput, timing, energy and position resolution for various geometries and electrode configurations. The design of this prototype and initial results from fabrication efforts will be presented. |
Saturday, October 27, 2018 3:00PM - 3:15PM |
MH.00005: The next generation neutron detector for the studies of exotic nuclei Joseph Heideman, David Perez-Loureiro, Robert K. Grzywacz, Mustafa M Rajabali, Lawrence Harvey Heilbronn, Kyle Schmitt The development of radioactive ion beam facilities which can create very neutron rich nuclei necessitates detectors with improved neutron energy resolution and neutron selection. Exotic nuclei near the neutron drip line are far from beta decay stability and become more likely to undergo beta delayed neutron emission processes. The Neutron dEtector with Tracking (NEXT) will be a high resolution neutron detector designed as neutron-gamma discriminating-plastic scintillator coupled to silicon photomultipliers (SiPM's). The NEXT configuration will be based on ToF measurements with improved time resolution and interaction localization. Recent advancements in PSD plastic scintillators and SiPM's are the foundation of the compact design of the NEXT detector. Current development of the prototype includes optimizing SiPM timing capabilities and determining PSD characteristics of different plastic scintillators. Monte Carlo simulations have been developed to design a scintillator with optimal light collection and timing resolution. Results from ongoing project development will be presented in this contribution. |
Saturday, October 27, 2018 3:15PM - 3:30PM |
MH.00006: Development of an array of liquid-scintillator-based bar detectors: SABRE Rebecca Toomey, Michael T Febbraro, David G Walter, Kelly A. Chipps, Steven D. Pain, Eli S Temanson, Ariella M Atencio, Cory R Thornsberry, Karl Smith, Joseph O'Neill, Kate L Jones, Charles C. Havener Advanced neutron detectors will play a key role in future measurements involving radioactive ion beams (RIBs), where experiments require high solid angle coverage, high efficiency, good position resolution and good neutron-gamma discrimination to overcome low reaction yields and high gamma backgrounds. To address this need, an array of prototype organic liquid-scintillator-based neutron detectors has been developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for use in nuclear reaction studies. The Scintillation Array of Bars for Reaction Experiments (SABRE) consists of five 12” long, 2” diameter cylindrical bar detectors filled with custom organic liquid scintillator with individual photomultiplier tube readouts at each end. Use of custom liquid reduces the cost without sacrificing the resolution of the energy (via time of flight) or position determination. In-house purification of the scintillator mixtures resulted in improved pulse shape discrimination and increased light output. Discussion of the liquid scintillator development and the design and commissioning of SABRE will be presented. |
Saturday, October 27, 2018 3:30PM - 3:45PM |
MH.00007: Preparing for beta-delayed neutron emission studies in 78Ni region with VANDLE at RIBF Robert K. Grzywacz, Thomas T King, Jeremy J Bundgaard, Ian C Cox, Aleksndra Fijalkowska, Shintaro Go, Andrew M Keeler, Miguel Madurga Flores, Shree Neupane, Shunji Nishimura, Maninder Singh, Rin Yokoyama Β The measurement of the beta decay strength distribution in the decay of doubly magic nucleus 78NI was proposed at RIBF RIKEN. The experiment will utilize VANDLE neutron detector combined with the high-efficiency gamma-ray array to measure a complete cascade of the decay to both neutron bound and unbound states in 78Cu.Β Β Β The experiment will provide a critical test of the predictions of the decay strength, which are foundational for the lifetime calculation for the very neutron-rich nuclei in the region of the nuclear chart, where the r-process originates. The new configuration VANDLE detector setup was designed and is mounted at RIBF RIKEN and is ready to experiment. The details and improvements of the detection setups will be presented. |
Saturday, October 27, 2018 3:45PM - 4:00PM |
MH.00008: Proton Transfer Reactions Studied Using the Versatile Array of Neutron Detectors at Low Energy (VANDLE) Cory R Thornsberry, Sean P Burcher, Robert Grzywacz, Kate L Jones, Karl Smith, Marija Vostinar, Jacob Allen, Daniel W Bardayan, Drew T Blankstein, Matthew Hall, Patrick D O'Malley, Craig Reingold, Wanpeng Tan, Jolie Antonia Cizewski, Aleksandra Fijalkowska, Alexandre A Lepailleur, David G Walter, Kelly A. Chipps, Michael T Febbraro, Steven D. Pain, Scott T Marley, Miguel Madurga Flores, Steven Taylor, William A Peters, Stan V Paulauskas Single nucleon transfer reactions are powerful tools for the study of nuclear structure. In inverse kinematics, proton transfer reactions, such as (d,n), may be used to study the properties of short-lived radioactive ion beams (RIBs). By measuring the outgoing neutron, it is possible to extract spectroscopic information about the proton states of the recoil nucleus. With the development of new accelerator facilities, such as FRIB in the U.S., comes the need for new spectroscopic tools for use with RIBs. The Versatile Array of Neutron Detectors at Low Energy (VANDLE) was used to measure 12C(d,n) in inverse kinematics between equivalent deuteron energies of 3.1 MeV and 7.0 MeV and 16O(d,n) at 8.0 MeV. Angular distributions are shown for transfer to the ground state and first excited state of 13N as well as the ground state and first excited state of 17F. Excitation functions for 12C(d,n) are shown for center-of-mass angles between 3 degrees and 70 degrees. Developments of low energy proton transfer measurements in inverse kinematics are discussed and angular distributions are compared to literature. |
Saturday, October 27, 2018 4:00PM - 4:15PM |
MH.00009: A New Dedicated Setup for Beta-Delayed Neutron Studies Gemma L Wilson, Barbara S Alan, Ani Aprahamian, Jason A Clark, Kay Kolos, Alexander Laminack, Scott T Marley, Graeme Morgan, Justin M Munson, Eric B Norman, Guy Savard, Nicholas D Scielzo, Kevin Siegl Beta-delayed-neutron (βn) emitters are important to nuclear physics, including nuclear astrophysics and nuclear-reactor operations. Recent successes using recoil-ion time-of-flight spectroscopy to study βn precursors with the Beta Paul Trap (BPT) at ANL [1] have led to the development of a dedicated ion trap and detector system. This new setup is a radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) ion trap surrounded by a detector array, optimised to make highly selective measurements of βn emitters. Following β or βn emission, the recoiling daughter nucleus is detected in a microchannel plate (MCP) detector, and the β is detected in a dE-E plastic scintillator. The time difference between the detection of the β and the recoiling ion is used to distinguish β and βn events. This novel technique can be used to determine the neutron branch and neutron energy without requiring neutron detection. SIMION and GEANT4 are used to simulate previous BPT measurements using the new system, enabling optimisation of the detectors, geometry and measurement metrics. Simulation results will be presented. [1] R. M. Yee et al, PRL 110 (092501) 2013; J. M. Munson et al, NIM A898 (2018) 60-66 |
Saturday, October 27, 2018 4:15PM - 4:30PM |
MH.00010: Characterisation of light output in a deuterated stilbene crystal for use in fast neutron detection Joseph O'Neill, Michael T Febbraro, Rebecca Toomey, Steven D. Pain, David G Walter, Frederick D Becchetti, Angela Di Fulvio, Natalia P. Zaitseva Neutron spectroscopy without time-of-flight is important to numerous applications, including nuclear security and accelerator-based measurements using DC beams. Deuterated organic scintillators with PSD-based n/g discrimination address this problem, allowing spectrum unfolding on a clean fast-neutron signal down to a PSD threshold. Solid detectors have practical advantages over liquids, PSD-plastics typically exhibit poorer PSD. A promising alternative is crystalline deuterated stilbene, which can provide excellent PSD and spectroscopy through spectrum unfolding. However, deuterated stilbene crystals may exhibit anisotropy in light production due to channelling in the lattice structure, which may complicate spectrum unfolding. To quantify this, the light output a deuterated stilbene crystal was studied as a function of electron direction using Compton scattering of gamma rays incident at various angles to the crystal lattice. Preliminary results will be presented. |
Saturday, October 27, 2018 4:30PM - 4:45PM |
MH.00011: Direct Neutron Scattering Observations in BC408 Scintillator, and Comparison to Simulation W.F. Rogers, J.E. Boone, A. Wantz, N. Frank, A.N. Kuchera, S. Mosby, M. Thoennessen Monte Carlo simulation is important for interpretation of experimental data from fast neutron-scintillator interactions (involving elastic and inelastic scattering from C and H nuclei), especially in experiments requiring multiple neutron detection, such as in studies of neutron-unbound nuclear states above the 2n threshold, owing to the difficulty of distinguishing single and multiple neutron interactions in the detector volume. To test our GEANT4 modeling we transported 16 detectors from MoNA (the Modular Neutron Array at NSCL/MSU), each consisting of a 200x10x10 cm$^3$ bar of organic plastic scintillator BC408 with a PMT fixed to each end, to Los Alamos National Lab. The detectors were arranged in two different stacking geometries in the 90-m station on LANSCE/WNR flight path 4FP15L and exposed to a tightly-collimated beam of spallation neutrons ranging in energy from 0.5 to 800 MeV. GEANT4 Simulation predictions (using both the GEANT4 physics package as well as MENATE\_R) were compared with scattering observations for 20-200 MeV neutrons. Simulation was most accurate for events involving the first neutron scatter, but differences (some significant) existed for modeling a neutron scattering multiple times. Results will be presented. |
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