Bulletin of the American Physical Society
5th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan
Volume 63, Number 12
Tuesday–Saturday, October 23–27, 2018; Waikoloa, Hawaii
Session FF: Proton Puzzles II |
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Chair: Toshimi Suda, Tohoku University Room: Hilton King's 2 |
Friday, October 26, 2018 9:00AM - 9:15AM |
FF.00001: Design and Installation Status of the Liquid Hydrogen Cryotarget Assembly for the MUSE Experiment Priyashree Roy, Noah Wuerfel, Noah Steinberg, Luc Le Pottier, Sabrina Corsetti, Richard Stephen Raymond, Wolfgang B Lorenzon A fundamental challenge faced by the scientific community is to resolve the proton radius puzzle: the unexplained discrepancy observed between muon spectroscopic measurements and atomic measurements of the proton charge radius. The MUon Scattering Experiment (MUSE) at the Paul Scherrer Institute is likely to play an instrumental role towards resolving this puzzle. It will be the first elastic scattering experiment that will use a simultaneous beam of muons and electrons at very low Q^{2}, thus allowing a direct comparison of the proton radius from the two leptonic probes at a sub-percent level. An essential and arguably the most complex part of MUSE is the liquid hydrogen cryotarget assembly. Its design is guided by several experimental and safety constraints. The experiment primarily requires a liquid hydrogen target of very stable density, a vertically movable ladder consisting of three targets in addition to the liquid hydrogen target for alignment and background studies, and large vacuum windows to provide high acceptance. In this talk, I will present the design of the cryotarget assembly, the fabrication technique for the target cells and safety tests. I will also discuss the installation status of the cryotarget assembly. |
Friday, October 26, 2018 9:15AM - 9:30AM |
FF.00002: The MUSE FPGA Trigger* Shraddha Dogra Rutgers Shraddha Dogra The MUSE experiment measures the elastic scattering of electrons and muons from a liquid hydrogen target at the PiM1 beam line of the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen, Switzerland. PiM1 provides a mixed beam of electrons, muons, and pions, so the particle rate in the scattered particle detectors is dominated by pion decays and pion scattering from the target. To efficiently obtain data on the much lower rate elastic electromagnetic scattering, we employ a variety of strategies based on segmented fast scintillators that send signals to FPGAs so that the species of all beam particles can be determined and scattering events from the target can be identified. I will discuss the MUSE triggering strategy and performance. |
Friday, October 26, 2018 9:30AM - 9:45AM |
FF.00003: Beam Characterization for MUSE at PSI Tanvi Patel, Anusha Liyanage, Michael Kohl The Muon Scattering Experiment (MUSE) at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) is being prepared to resolve the proton radius puzzle – the six-standard deviation discrepancy between proton charge radius measurements with electronic and muonic probes, respectively. MUSE is designed to measure the proton charge radius with elastic electrons and muons scattering simultaneously and with both charge polarities. For an accurate determination of the lepton scattering angle, event-by-event beam particle tracking is required to reconstruct the incoming particle track. A telescope of Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM), exposed to a high flux of beam particles is used to reconstruct the incoming tracks with high spatial resolution while representing minimal material for the beam to pass through. Additional GEM elements are placed at the intermediate focus between the two dipoles of the PiM1 beamline to study the beam properties. The status of the GEM performance will be reported. |
Friday, October 26, 2018 9:45AM - 10:00AM |
FF.00004: Beam Particle Identification and Momentum Determination in MUSE Wan Lin, Ronald Gilman, Ethan W Cline The Proton Radius Puzzle has been an important physics question and generated rich discussion since the muonic hydrogen experiment found a smaller than expected proton radius. The MUSE collaboration will measure the elastic scattering of electrons and muons from a liquid hydrogen target at the PiM1 beam line of the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen, Switzerland. We will determine whether the radius of the proton is the same when determined from the two different particle types in a scattering experiment. I will discuss how we identify beam particles and determine the beam momentum in the experiment, along with relevant beam line simulations. |
Friday, October 26, 2018 10:00AM - 10:15AM |
FF.00005: Target Simulation for the Muon Scattering Experiment (M$\mu$SE) at the Paul Scherrer Institut Noah Wuerfel In 2010, a novel method of spectroscopic measurements on muonic hydrogen resulted in a 4\% smaller proton radius than previously observed, and at an order of magnitude improvement in precision. This measurement, and a second in 2013, established the so-called "Proton Radius Puzzle". Now, the MUSE collaboration will simultaneously measure, for the first time, electron and muon scattering of both polarities from a liquid hydrogen target to measure the proton radius. To produce a competitive measurement, much work has been done to understand how systematic uncertainties and backgrounds affect the measured lepton-proton elastic scattering cross sections, nuclear form factors, and ultimately the extracted proton radius. To this end, simulation is an invaluable tool for understanding sources of error and guiding experimental design. In this talk, I will review the status of the target simulation for the MUSE experiment and discuss how simulation results have informed the design of the target chamber, liquid hydrogen cells, and background subtraction techniques. |
Friday, October 26, 2018 10:15AM - 10:30AM |
FF.00006: The polarised Drell-Yan measurement in COMPASS at CERN Genki NUKAZUKA, Takahiro IWATA, Shigeru ISHIMOTO, Kaori KONDO HORIKAWA, Takahiro SAWADA, Hajime SUZUKI, Norihiro DOSHITA, Naoaki HORIKAWA, Hiroki Matsuda, Tatsuro Matsuda, Yoshiyuki MIYACHI In 2015, COMPASS at CERN measured so-called “polarized Drell-Yan (DY)” process: π- + p -> μ++μ-+X, where spin of p is polarized. Azimuthal asymmetries of μ+μ- pairs (dimuons) as results of collisions of a π- beam with momentum of 190 GeV/c and transversely polarized proton target enable us to access transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions (TMD-PDFs) of a pion and a proton. Sivers function, which is one of TMD-PDFs, describes a correlation between a transverse spin of the nucleon and an intrinsic transverse momentum of a parton. If a value of the function is not zero, it suggests the existence of the orbital angular momentum of a parton. To extract TMD-PDFs, the asymmetries need to be treated as convolutions of the PDFs of a pion and a proton. COMPASS published the first results of the asymmetries in 2017. If the asymmetries are weighted with a transverse momentum of the dimuon (qT), they can be understood as simple products of PDFs. Therefore the qT-weighted method is fascinating tool to obtain TMD-PDFs more straightforwardly. In 2018, we measure the polarized DY process again to have more event statistics. In this talk, the recent status of the data taking in 2018 and results of asymmetry analysis will be presented. |
Friday, October 26, 2018 10:30AM - 10:45AM |
FF.00007: Searching for Diffractive Contributions to the Forward $\pi^0$ Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetry in $\sqrt{s}=200$ GeV Polarized $pp$ Collisions Christopher Dilks The observation of large transverse single-spin asymmetries, $A_N$, has been around since 1976, but their |
Friday, October 26, 2018 10:45AM - 11:00AM |
FF.00008: Very Forward Neutral Particle Measurement in the RHICf experiment Yuji Goto In June of 2017, we installed an electro-magnetic calorimeter in the most forward area of the STAR experiment and took 510 GeV polarized proton collision data for neutral particle production (neutron, photon, neutral pion) at pseudorapidity > 6. The cross section measurement will give us new inputs to develop high-energy collision models which is essential to understand air-shower from ultra-high energy cosmic rays. The asymmetry measurement will enable us to understand the hadron collision mechanism based on QCD. The data were taken with three detector positions in order to cover wide kinematic regions. STAR detector data were also recorded for combined data analysis. We will present evaluation of the experimental data and status of the data analysis. |
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