Bulletin of the American Physical Society
5th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan
Volume 63, Number 12
Tuesday–Saturday, October 23–27, 2018; Waikoloa, Hawaii
Session FC: Mini-Symposium: Overview of Two and Three-nucleon Correlations in Nuclei III |
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Chair: Or Hen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Room: Hilton Kohala 2 |
Friday, October 26, 2018 9:00AM - 9:30AM |
FC.00001: New results from studies of two- and three-nucleon correlations in nuclei Invited Speaker: Erez Cohen Two- and three-nucleon short-range correlations (SRC) are clusters of nucleons, in which each of the nucleons carry a momentum greater than the Fermi momentum of the nucleus, and their total (i.e. center-of-mass) momentum is smaller than the Fermi momentum. The combination of new electron scattering data from JLab, together with the analysis of data from measurements of hadronic reactions revolutionized our understanding of two-nucleon SRCs and their impact on the nuclear wave function, and are shedding new light on studies of three-nucleon correlations. I will review selected recent experimental results and their relation to effective and ab-initio theory calculations. |
Friday, October 26, 2018 9:30AM - 9:45AM |
FC.00002: Correlations in nuclear matter and nuclei Francesca Sammarruca, Laura Elisa Marcucci, Michele Viviani For a realistic description of nuclear matter, one should start from the bare interactions between the constituent hadrons and then include modifications of the nucleon propagation due to the medium. This introduces important correlations in the nuclear wave function, as opposed to operating at the mean-field level. Short-range correlations (SRC), in particular, originate from the repulsive core of the nuclear force and depend on the nature and strength of the nuclear forces being employed [1]. We will discuss recent predictions of nuclear matter properties based on modern, high-precision chiral interactions [2]. Based on interactions of the same nature, we will also address investigations, presently in progress, of SRC and momentum distributions in few-body systems, with reference to analyses of inclusive electron scattering experiments [3]. |
Friday, October 26, 2018 9:45AM - 10:00AM |
FC.00003: Towards Inclusive EMC and SRC ratios for 10B, 11B Nadia Fomin Inclusive cross section ratio measurements at Jefferson Lab at 6 GeV yielded precision EMC and SRC results, as well as exhibiting a suggestive correlation between the two. 9Be ratios showed that simple A- or density-dependent pictures could not describe the trends in the EMC or SRC ratios. EMC effect and SRC ratios could share a common origin or the short-range nature of the SRCs could give rise to the EMC effect. Inclusive data on new light nuclei (11B and 10B) in DIS as well as SRC kinematics were taken in Hall C at Jefferson Lab in the spring of 2018. The analysis methods will be presented along with preliminary results. |
Friday, October 26, 2018 10:00AM - 10:15AM |
FC.00004: Abstract Withdrawn
Friday, October 26, 2018 10:15AM - 10:30AM |
FC.00005: Inclusive Short-range Correlation Measurement with 3H and 3He at Jefferson Lab Shujie Li In a classical view the nucleon-nucleon potential has a strong repulsive core. When a two-nucleon (sub)system falls into this range, they will interact strongly and move away from each other with large momentum. In electron Quasi-elastic(QE) scattering, these so-called short-range correlation(SRC) pairs in nuclei produce events with nucleon initial momentum above the Fermi level. |
Friday, October 26, 2018 10:30AM - 10:45AM |
FC.00006: Measurement of 3He analyzing power for p &[minus] 3He scattering at 70 MeV Atomu Watanabe, Kimiko Sekiguchi, Tomomi Akieda, Daijiro Eto, Masatoshi Itoh, Takashi Ino, Yoshinori Inoue, Kenta Kawahara, Hiroshi Kon, Kenjiro Miki, Tomoyuki Mukai, Shinnosuke Nakai, Daisuke Sakai, Shun Shibuya, Yuta Shiokawa, Takahiro Taguchi, Yasunori Wada, Takashi Wakui, Morihiro Watanabe Three-nucleon forces (3NFs) are essentially important in clarifying various nuclear phenomena. With the aim of exploring the properties of the 3NFs in four-nucleon scattering systems we are planning the measurement of p−3He scattering with the polarized 3He target at intermediate energies (E/A ≥ 65 MeV). We developed the polarized 3He target for the measurement of 3He analyzing power. Polarized 3He was produced by the spin-exchange optical pumping method. To measure 3He polarizations and control 3He spin directions, we used the adiabatic fast passage–NMR method. We obtained the absolute values of 3He polarizations by the electron spin resonance measurement. 3He polarizations were about 50 %. Using the polarized 3He target, we performed the measurement of 3He analyzing power with 70 MeV proton beams at the Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University. Measured angles were from 35◦ to 125◦ in the laboratory system (47◦ − 141◦ in the center of mass system). We extracted 3He analyzing power by measuring the asymmetry of elastically scattered protons from the polarized 3He target. In the conference we will report results of this experiment. |
Friday, October 26, 2018 10:45AM - 11:00AM |
FC.00007: Complete set of deuteron Analyzing Powers for $dp$ Elastic Scattering at 70--300 MeV/nucleon and Three-Nucleon Forces Kimiko Sekiguchi, Yasunori Wada, Atomu Watanabe, Daijiro Eto, Tomomi Akieda, Hiroshi Kon, Kenjiro Miki, Naruhiko Sakamoto, Hideyuki Sakai, Masaki Sasano, Yohei Shimizu, Hiroshi Suzuki, Tomohiro Uesaka, Yoshiyuki Yanagisawa, Masanori Dozono, Shoichiro Kawase, Yuki Kubota, Kentaro Yako, Yukie Maeda, Satoshi Sakaguchi, Tomotsugu Wakasa, Evgeny Milman, Sergey Chebotaryov Few-nucleon scattering at intermediate energies ($E/A \gtrsim 100 \rm MeV$) |
Friday, October 26, 2018 11:00AM - 11:15AM |
FC.00008: Chiral nuclear forces: Current status and outstanding challenges Ruprecht Machleidt During the past two decades, chiral effective field theory has evolved into the authoritative approach to derive nuclear two- and many-body forces in a systematic and model-independent way. Nowadays, most ab initio calculations of nuclear structure and reactions are conducted with chiral forces. I will summarize the state of the art in the construction of high-quality chiral nuclear forces. Moreover, I will discuss the application of these forces in ab initio calculations of few-nucleon reactions and the structure of light and intermediate-mass nuclei. Problems and open issues will be outlined and an attempt will be made to relate them to specific deficiencies of the two- and many-nucleon forces currently in use.
Friday, October 26, 2018 11:15AM - 11:30AM |
FC.00009: New variational method of tensor-optimized antisymmetrized molecular dynamics with bare nuclear force Takayuki Myo, Mengjiao Lyu, Masahiro Isaka, Hiroshi Toki, Hisashi Horiuchi, Kiyomi Ikeda, Tadahiro Suhara, Taiichi Yamada We developed a new variational method of "tensor-optimized antisymmetrized molecular dynamics" (TOAMD) for nuclear many-body systems. In TOAMD, the correlation functions for the tensor force and the short-range repulsion are successively multiplied to the AMD wave function. These correlation functions are optimized independently and induce many-body correlations in nuclei. It is shown that TOAMD reproduces the results of the few-body calculations for light nuclei with bare Argonne potential. It is also confirmed that variational accuracy of TOAMD is better than that of the Jastrow correlation method. We further extend TOAMD by taking superposition of the AMD basis states as TOAMD+GCM. We include high-momentum components in the Gaussian wave packets of nucleons in AMD. We show that the TOAMD+GCM nicely reproduces the ab-initio results of light nuclei. |
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