Bulletin of the American Physical Society
5th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan
Volume 63, Number 12
Tuesday–Saturday, October 23–27, 2018; Waikoloa, Hawaii
Session CK: Hadron Spectroscopy with Electron, Photon, and Hadron Beams I
7:00 PM–9:30 PM,
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Room: Queen's 4
Chair: Masashi Kaneta, Tohoku University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2018.HAW.CK.2
Abstract: CK.00002 : A study of Lambda-Nucleon scattering using the CLAS detector*
7:30 PM–7:45 PM
Joseph Rowley
(Ohio Univ)
Joseph Rowley
(Ohio Univ)
Kenneth H Hicks
(Ohio Univ)
John W Price
(Cal State Univ-Dominguez Hill)
comes from bubble chambers as far back as 1959. ΛN data is very limited
compared to other elastic scattering processes, such as N N , KN and πN . There
have been no measurements in modern accelerator and so the richness of Λ
production was never realized. Data was mined from existing experiments from
the g12 run of the CLAS detector in Hall B of Jefferson Lab. A high luminosity
photon beam incident on a 40 cm liquid hydrogen target allows for a Λ beam
to be created inside the target. We look at the reaction γp → K + Λ to generate
the Λ. The created Λ then proceeded to scatter elastically with a second proton
in the same target. The K + Λ cross section is well known, which allows us to
determine the flux of the beam. From this, measurements of the Λp elastic
scattering cross section will be presented and discussed along with the helicity
*Supported by NSF Grant PHY-1714008
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2018.HAW.CK.2
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