Bulletin of the American Physical Society
76th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference
Volume 68, Number 9
Monday–Friday, October 9–13, 2023; Michigan League, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Session IW5: Poster Session II; Exhibition & Coffee (4:00pm-6:00pm)
4:00 PM,
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Room: Michigan League, Ballroom
Abstract: IW5.00006 : Calculating Transport Coefficients in Warm Dense Matter*
Lucas J Babati
(University of Michigan)
Lucas J Babati
(University of Michigan)
Scott D Baalrud
(University of Michigan)
Nathaniel R Shaffer
(Lab for Laser Energetics)
warm dense matter (WDM), where the average thermal, potential, and Fermi energies are all roughly
equal. In this process, energy from a laser is deposited to the tin atoms by first exciting electrons
and then through electron ion collisions, thus transport in WDM is important to understand. Here,
the traditional Boltzmann description of a plasma begins to break down, so the Mean Force Kinetic
Theory (MFKT) [S. D. Baalrud and J. Daligault, Phys. Plasmas 26, 082106 (2019)] can be used to
calculate transport properites instead. A code is presented to calculate transport coefficients using
the MFKT, and results show transport properties calculated for plasmas in the WDM regime. These
plasmas contain degenerate electrons, whose screening effect is modeled by the potential of mean
force which is obtained using the Quantum Hyper Netted Chain Model (QHNC) [C. E. Starrett
and D. Saumon, High Energy Density Phys. 10, 35 (2014)] developed by Starrett and Saumon.
Future work intends to develop an independent version of the QHNC code, a module to expand
transport coefficients to an arbitrary order in the Chapman-Enskog expansion, and a model for
electron transport properties.
*This material is based upon work supported by the US Department of Energy, National NuclearSecurity Administration, under award No. DE-NA0003868.
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