72nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference
Volume 64, Number 10
Monday–Friday, October 28–November 1 2019;
College Station, Texas
Session DT3: Modeling and Simulation I
10:00 AM–12:15 PM,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Room: Century III
Chair: Xiaopu Li
Abstract: DT3.00006 : On the influence of collisions in the properties of low-temperature plasmas*
11:30 AM–12:00 PM
Preview Abstract
LL Alves
Research studies on ``plasma chemistry'' are key when developing
plasma-driven applications, as they provide insight on the plasma-enhanced
production of reactive species, namely by describing the transfer of energy
between species and identifying the most relevant chemical-reaction
pathways. The topic is not without challenges, because it requires
describing the behavior of various types of particles (charged and neutral,
in several excited states), intrinsically in non-equilibrium with each
other, undergoing a large number of collisional, radiative and electrostatic
With regard to numerical modeling, the detailed description of the plasma
chemistry in complex gas mixtures should involve the coupled solution of a
Chemistry module, solving the rate balance equations for the most relevant
plasma species (according to a kinetic scheme defining their production /
destruction mechanisms), and a Boltzmann module, describing the electron
kinetics by solving the corresponding Boltzmann equation. Monitoring the
behavior of the electrons is usually at the core of the modelling
work-program, particularly at low pressures, since they are the prime
responsible for a collisional energy-transfer from the excitation source to
the gas/plasma system.
In this context, we have recently developed The LisbOn KInetics (LoKI)
simulation tool [1,2] using flexible and upgradable object-oriented
programming under MATLAB\textregistered . The Boltzmann component of this
platform (LoKI-B), available as open-source code [3], solves the
space-independent form of the two-term electron Boltzmann equation for any
atomic / molecular gas mixture, handling first and second-kind electron
collisions with any target state (electronic, vibrational and rotational),
characterized by any user-prescribed population.
This work focuses mostly on electron collisions, leveraging on the LoKI-B
simulation tool. We will revisit some aspects of the operators used in the
two-term electron Boltzmann equation (e.g. continuous operators for
rotational mechanisms [4] and for stochastic heating adopting a
Fokker-Planck approach [5]), and analyze the influence of these collisions
in the plasma energy transfer (namely in fast-pulsed plasmas). \newline
[1] A. Tejero-del-Caz \textit{et al}, Plasmas Sources Sci. Technol. \textbf{28} (2019)
043001 \newline
[2] P. Coche \textit{et al}, J. Phys. D \textbf{49} (2016) 235207 \newline
[3] \underline {https://github.com/IST-Lisbon/LoKI} \newline
[4] M. A. Ridenti \textit{et al}, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. \textbf{24} (2015) 035002
[5] U. Czarnetzki, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., submitted (2019)
*Work co-authored by U Czarnetzki (RUB, Germany) and A Tejero-del-Caz (IPFN/IST-UL) and funded by Portuguese FCT under project UID/FIS/50010/2019.