65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 30–November 3 2023;
Denver, Colorado
Session VI02: MFE: Negative Triangularity
3:00 PM–5:00 PM,
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Carlos Paz-Soldan, Columbia University
Abstract: VI02.00004 : Scenario Development and MHD Stability of Negative Triangularity Plasmas in DIII-D*
4:30 PM–5:00 PM
William Boyes
(Columbia University)
William Boyes
(Columbia University)
Novel negative triangularity (NT) L-mode scenarios have been developed to study stability and performance as functions of q95, at q95=3 and 4. Furthermore, novel access to a state with very small or no sawteeth and no fishbones was developed in NT L-mode, similar to hybrid scenarios in positive triangularity (PT). This state was previously observed transiently during high performance NT shots (H98=1.15). Cases at both q95s described here encounter m/n=2/1 tearing modes (TMs) at ~90% normalized pressure (bN) of previously predicted ideal wall limits ~3.1. Establishing a stationary hybrid-similar scenario at q95=4 to study stability required attempting early 3/2 TM onset, observed late in flattop at first. Experiments described here achieve good performance in NT L mode on flattops of up to 5 current relaxation times, τR≈0.6 s. This duration is sufficient to study MHD stability and scenario performance in stationary conditions, limited only by hardware availability at 7-10MW NBI, 2.2MW ECH. Confinement at both q95 values reaches standard H-mode levels (H98~0.95) without n=2 tearing modes. At q95=4, n=2 TMs saturate at low amplitude and decrease confinement by ~13%, consistent with PT plasmas at comparable q95. At q95=3, n=2 TMs grow to large amplitude, causing bN collapses. This behavior is comparable to the impact of n=2 TMs in the q95=4 PT hybrid vs the q95=3 ITER baseline scenario. Projections based on 0.5D rho* scaling shows both cases perform well with high-field reactor parameters akin to the ARC design (Bt=9 T, IP=7.5-10 MA), yielding 400MW of fusion power, with fusion gain Q~10, bN~1.5, and low input power Paux~40 MW. These results mark significant progress toward development of NT fusion reactor scenarios and identify avenues for improvement. The latter include larger, optimized plasma shapes to improve performance, better n=1 error field correction, increased density to reduce fast ion losses, and tradeoffs between TMs and sawtoothing regimes.
*This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number(s) DE-FC02-04ER54698, DE-FG02-97ER54415, DE-SC0016154, and DE-FG02-04ER54761