Bulletin of the American Physical Society
65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 30–November 3 2023; Denver, Colorado
Session JP11: Poster Session IV:
BEAMS: Laser- and beam-plasma interactions
Fundamental: Measurements and analysis in fundamental plasma physics; Plasma Sheaths, Sources, and Shocks
MFE: Turbulence and transport in fusion plasmas; High Field Tokamaks
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Room: Plaza ABC
Abstract: JP11.00137 : A High-Resolution Magnetic Proton Recoil Neutron Spectrometer for Burning Plasma Diagnosis in SPARC*
Shon P Mackie
(MIT, Department of Physics)
Shon P Mackie
(MIT, Department of Physics)
John L Ball
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Roy A Tinguely
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Xinyan Wang
Christopher W Wink
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
John E Rice
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Russell Gocht
(Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
Prasoon Raj
(Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
Georg P Berg
(University of Notre Dame)
Johan A Frenje
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT)
Ian Holmes
(Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
This poster presents the design of a high-resolution neutron spectrometer to be installed on the SPARC tokamak. SPARC will employ a suite of neutron diagnostics to accurately assess the fusion performance of the reactor. Within this suite, a Magnetic Proton Recoil (MPR) spectrometer [1][2] will provide unique insight into the kinetic physics of the fusion plasma, being capable of measuring core ion temperature, fuel concentrations, and fast particle populations. In addition, the highly collimated view of the plasma and collocation with the neutron camera enables an optical calibration strategy for interpreting flux measurements of the spectrometer, potentially giving an independent absolutely calibrated measure of the fusion rate and power gain factor, Q [3]. The MPR technique relies on 3 main components: a proton conversion and selection system, a set of magnets to focus and disperse the scattered protons, and a hodoscope in the focal plane on the ion optics. Uncertainty and efficiency of the proton conversion process is assessed using SRIM [4], and the ion optics have been optimized using COSY [5]. The system is designed for a variable energy acceptance in order to measure spectral features from 1-20MeV, with energy resolution dE/E<1% and a time resolution dt<200ms during high performance discharges.
*This work is supported by Commonwealth Fusion Systems
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