Bulletin of the American Physical Society
65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 30–November 3 2023; Denver, Colorado
Session JP11: Poster Session IV:
BEAMS: Laser- and beam-plasma interactions
Fundamental: Measurements and analysis in fundamental plasma physics; Plasma Sheaths, Sources, and Shocks
MFE: Turbulence and transport in fusion plasmas; High Field Tokamaks
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Room: Plaza ABC
Abstract: JP11.00103 : Advances in Transport Studies in the Spherical Tokamak (ST) PI3 at General Fusion Inc
Celso Ribeiro
(General Fusion Inc)
Celso Ribeiro
(General Fusion Inc)
Aaron Froese
(General Fusion)
Neeraj Kumar
(General Fusion Inc., Richmond, Canada)
Carl Dunlea
(Private consultor)
Rouslan Ivanov
(Private Consultor)
Filiberto G Braglia
(General Fusion Inc)
Ivan Khalzov
(General Fusion Inc.)
William Young
(Zap Energy Inc)
Joshua N Hawke
(Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
Patrick Carle
(General Fusion)
Akbar Rohollahi
(General Fusion Inc)
Xiande Feng
(General Fusion Inc)
Reid Tingley
(General Fusion Inc)
Simon Coop
(General Fusion Inc)
Kelly Epp
(General Fusion Inc)
Adrian Wong
(General Fusion Inc)
Kathryn Leci
(General Fusion Inc)
Ryan Zindler
(General Fusion Inc)
Daymon Krotez
(General Fusion Inc)
Calum MacDonald
(General Fusion Inc)
Matt Herunter
(General Fusion Inc)
Leopoldo Carbajal
(General Fusion)
Meritt Reynolds
(General Fusion Inc)
Chin Hung
(General Fusion Inc)
Andrea Tancetti
(General Fusion Inc)
Stephen J Howard
(General Fusion)
Alex Mossman
(Private Consultor)
Michel Laberge
(General Fusion)
Colin P McNally
(General Fusion)
The PI3 plasmas are formed exclusively via coaxial-helicity injection (CHI) and last ~30ms. They can be close-fitted or slightly detached from the aluminum spherical vacuum vessel of 1.00m inner radius and 50mm thickness, acting as a flux-conserver. This wall is regularly coated with Li using 4 heated evaporators.
Typical values of Pi3 plasmas in early phases of discharge (~3ms) are: Ro=0.67m, a=0.37m, A=1.8, k=1.7, δ~0.4, BT(Ro)=0.23T, Ip =250-500kA, ne(bar)=2-3x1019m-3, Te(0)=300eV and Ti(bar)=400eV.
Equilibrium reconstruction is performed by Flagship code using constraints from poloidal pickup coils inside of the vacuum vessel wall and polarimeter signals.
Experimental results of the thermal energy confinement time tauE and the thermal diffusivity Chi will be presented. The former is calculated from kinetics diagnostic and magnetic power balance methods. Preliminary results from kinetics method in medium plasma densities (NG=0.5) show tauE=13ms, thus much higher than ~8ms expected from the ITER97-L-mode scaling. Analysis of tauE in new regimes at higher BT(Ro), Ip, and Te(0), comparison with H-modes scenario (scaling and L-H power transition), and the impact of pressure constrained equilibria, as well as few simulations with standard transport codes will also be presented.
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