Bulletin of the American Physical Society
64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 67, Number 15
Monday–Friday, October 17–21, 2022; Spokane, Washington
Session UP11: Poster Session VIII: In-Person, Hall A (2:00-3:30pm) and Virtual Poster Presentations (3:45-5:00pm)
MFE: Whole Device Modeling, High Field Tokamaks, Tokamak Physics, DIII-D
FUND:Reconnection, Turbulence
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Abstract: UP11.00080 : Changes in pedestal ballooning stability with 3D magnetic perturbation on DIII-D*
Tyler B Cote
(General Atomics)
Tyler B Cote
(General Atomics)
Matthias Willensdorfer
(Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
Nils Leuthold
(Columbia University)
Carlos A Paz-Soldan
(Columbia University)
Alessandro Bortolon
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
Matthias Knolker
(General Atomics)
In this work, we extend the analysis of [1] to DIII-D discharges intended to mimic conditions in AUG by identifying cases with similar 3D ballooning structures using magnetic diagnostics. The pyBalloon code is used to study the 3D ballooning stability of these plasmas with respect to various 3D MP configurations. Localization of the 3D ballooning growth rates is observed in the DIII-D discharges when the kink response to the MPs is sufficiently strong, matching the observed behavior in AUG. Finally, initial analysis of the ELM birth localization is presented as well as a proposed mechanism connecting the ELM mitigation to the local 3D destabilization.
[1] T.B. Cote et al., Nucl. Fusion. 59 (2019) 016015.
[2] M. Willensdorfer et al., Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 61 (2019) 014019.
*Work supported in part by the US DOE under contracts DE-FC02-04ER54698, DE-SC0021968, DE-SC0022270, and DE-SC0020298.
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