Bulletin of the American Physical Society
64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 67, Number 15
Monday–Friday, October 17–21, 2022; Spokane, Washington
Oct 16 2022 2:00PM, Sunday
Student Day
Room: 402 ABC
Oct 17 2022 8:00AM, Monday
Live Streamed
Review: MFE: Benefits of Non-Axisymmetry in Tokamaks
Room: Ballroom 100 AB
Chair: Edward Thomas, Auburn University
Invited Speakers: Jong-Kyu Park
Oct 17 2022 9:00AM, Monday
Job Fair I
Coffee Break I
Oct 17 2022 9:30AM, Monday
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion I
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Andrea Garofalo, General Atomics
Invited Speakers: Elena De La Luna, Athina Kappatou, Mikhail Maslov, Yevgen Kazakov, Kathreen E Thome, William W Heidbrink
Live Streamed
High Energy Density Plasma
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Charles Starrett, LANL
Invited Speakers: J. Ryan Rygg, Richard G Kraus, Guillaume P Loisel, Alison Saunders, Sophia Malko, Tobias Dornheim
Live Streamed
Stellarators and Helical Systems: W7-X, LHD, HSX, CTH, and Others
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Andrew Ware, University of Montana
Live Streamed
ICF Diagnostics
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Kevin Meaney, LANL
Live Streamed
Laser Plasma Instabilities
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: John Palastro, University of Rochester
Live Streamed
High-Z, Multiply Ionized Atomic Physics
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Mark Zammit, LANL
Live Streamed
Dusty Plasmas and Multiphase Media
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Saikat Chakraborty Thakur, Auburn University
Live Streamed
Beam-Plasma Wakefield, High Field Physics, and Diagnostics
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Yong Ma, University of Michigan
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Heating and Non-Thermal Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in Laboratory, Heliophysical and Astrophysical Plasmas I
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Li-jen Chen, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Fan Guo, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Public-Private Partnerships for Fusion Energy I
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Diane Demers, Xantho Technology; Walter Guttenfelder, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Poster Session I: In-Person, Hall A (9:30-11:00am) and Virtual Poster Presentations (11:15am-12:30pm)
MFE: Analytical,computational; Energetic Particles; Disruptions; Power Handling
ICF: Z-Pinch; MagnetoInertial Fusion; Hydrodynamics; Indirect drive
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 17 2022 12:30PM, Monday
Lunch Break I
Women in Plasma Physics Lunch
Room: Ballroom 300 CD
Oct 17 2022 2:00PM, Monday
Live Streamed
Particles, Beams, and Coherent Radiation
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Thomas Schenkel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Dillon W Ramsey, Severin Diederichs, Hiroshi Sawada, Raspberry A Simpson, Blagoje Z Djordjevic, Ricky L. K Ang
Live Streamed
Tutorial: Magnetic Confinement Fusion I
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Rachel Myers, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison
Invited Speakers: Cristina Rea
Live Streamed
DIII-D Tokamak
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Theodore Biewer, ORNL
Live Streamed
ICF: Compression and Burn I
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Ryan Sacks, LANL
Live Streamed
ICF: Analytical and Computational Techniques
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Joshua Sauppe, LANL
Live Streamed
HEDP Laboratory Astrophysics
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Hye-Sook Park, LLNL
Live Streamed
Fundamental Plasmas: Analytical and Computational Techniques
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Paulo Alves, UCLA
Live Streamed
Plasma Propulsion and Plasma Sources
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Benjamin Jorns, Univ. Michigan
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Heating and Non-Thermal Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in Laboratory, Heliophysical and Astrophysical Plasmas II
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Jongsoo Yoo, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory; Fan Guo, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Workforce Development Through Research-Based, Plasma-Focused Science Education and Public Engagement I
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Evdokiya (Eva) Kostadinova, Auburn University; Shannon Greco, PPPL
Poster Session II: In-Person, Hall A (2:00-3:30pm) and Virtual Poster Presentations (3:45-5:00pm)
MFE: Low Aspect Ratio; Superconducting
FUND: Nonneutral, Antimatter, Strong coupled Plasmas; Waves
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 17 2022 3:00PM, Monday
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion II
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Donald Spong, Oak Ridge National Lab
Invited Speakers: Philipp Ulbl, Baptiste J Frei, Diego Del-Castillo-Negrete, Toby Adkins
Oct 17 2022 5:15PM, Monday
Women in Plasma Physics Reception
Room: 201
Oct 17 2022 7:30PM, Monday
University Fusion Association General Meeting
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Oct 18 2022 8:00AM, Tuesday
Live Streamed
Review: Inertial Confinement Fusion
Room: Ballroom 100 AB
Chair: Dustin Froula, University of Rochester
Invited Speakers: Laurent Divol
Oct 18 2022 9:00AM, Tuesday
Job Fair II
Coffee Break II
Oct 18 2022 9:30AM, Tuesday
Live Streamed
Inertial Confinement Fusion I
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Brian Spears, LLNL
Invited Speakers: Benjamin Bachmann, Yongho Kim, Alexandre Do, Alexander Seaton, Nobuhiko Izumi, Alison R Christopherson
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion III
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Carlos Paz-Soldan, Columbia University
Invited Speakers: Stefano Munaretto, Nils Leuthold, Nikolas C Logan, Arash Ashourvan, Matthias Willensdorfer, Guanying Yu
Live Streamed
Low-aspect Ratio Tokamaks: PEGASUS, NSTX-U, MAST-U, ST-40, and Others
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: James Yang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Live Streamed
ICF: Advanced Drivers
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Raoul Trines, Central Laser Facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom
Live Streamed
MFE: Analytical and Computational Techniques
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Mark Cianciosa, Oak Ridge National Lab
Live Streamed
ICF: Measurement and Diagnostic Techniques
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Roberto Mancini, University of Nevada, Reno
Live Streamed
Laboratory Plasma Astrophysics
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Sergey Lebedev, Imperial College London
Live Streamed
Laser-Plasma Wakefield and Direct Laser Accelerators
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Frank Tsung, University of California, Los Angeles
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Heating and Non-Thermal Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in Laboratory, Heliophysical and Astrophysical Plasmas III
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Fan Guo, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Lorenzo Sironi, Columbia University
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Charged Particle Transport in High-Energy-Density Plasma I
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Heather Whitley, LLNL; Suxing Hu, LLE
Poster Session III: In-Person, Hall A (9:30-11:00am) and Virtual Poster Presentations (11:15am-12:30pm)
Low Temperature Plasma
FUND: Dusty Plasmas; Plasma Sources
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 18 2022 12:30PM, Tuesday
Lunch Break II
Oct 18 2022 12:45PM, Tuesday
Committee for Concerns of Students and Early Career Scientists Town Hall
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Oct 18 2022 2:00PM, Tuesday
Live Streamed
Astrophysical/Space Plasmas I
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Maxim Lyutikov, Purdue Univ.
Invited Speakers: Yin Wang, Romain Meyrand, Hui Li, Bindesh Tripathi, Alexis Marret, Jonathan Squire
Live Streamed
Tutorial: Low Temperature Plasmas
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Andrei Smolyakov, Univ Saskatchewan
Invited Speakers: Jean-Pierre Boeuf
Live Streamed
KSTAR Tokamak
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Rajesh Maingi, PPPL
Live Streamed
ICF: Compression and Burn II
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Duc Cao, U. Rochester/LLE
Live Streamed
Edge and Pedestal Physics
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Roberto Maurizio, Oak Ridge Associated Universities / General Atomics
Live Streamed
HEDP Laboratory Astrophysics on Z
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Brent Jones, Sandia National Laboratories
Live Streamed
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Ari Le, LANL
Live Streamed
Laser-Plasma Ion Accelerators
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Robbie Scott, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Public-Private Partnerships for Fusion Energy II
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Ahmed Diallo, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Charged Particle Transport in High-Energy-Density Plasma II
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Patrick Knapp, SNL; Lucas Stanek, MSU
Poster Session IV: In-Person, Hall A (2:00-3:30pm) and Virtual Poster Presentations (3:45-5:00pm)
BEAMS: Laser Accelerators
Education, Public Engagement, and DEI
High School and Undergraduate Research
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 18 2022 3:00PM, Tuesday
Live Streamed
Low Temperature Plasmas
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Yevgeny Raitses, PPPL
Invited Speakers: Benjamin A Jorns, Justin Little, June Young Kim, Shurik Yatom
Oct 18 2022 5:30PM, Tuesday
Student Appreciation Reception
Room: 201
Oct 19 2022 8:00AM, Wednesday
Live Streamed
Review: Magnetic Confinement Fusion
Room: Ballroom 100 AB
Chair: Jonathan Menard, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Tunde M Fulop
Oct 19 2022 9:00AM, Wednesday
Job Fair III
Coffee Break III
Oct 19 2022 9:30AM, Wednesday
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion IV
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Stefano Munaretto, PPPL
Invited Speakers: Chris McDevitt, Luis F Delgado-Aparicio, Alex R Saperstein, Deyong Liu, Rongjie Hong, Nathan T Howard
Live Streamed
Inertial Confinement Fusion II
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Richard Olson, LANL
Invited Speakers: Andrew J Schmitt, James P Knauer, Jason W Bates, Connor A Williams, Andrey Solodov, Hong W Sio
Live Streamed
High Field Tokamaks: SPARC, C-Mod, and Others
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Ian Hutchinson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI
Live Streamed
Magneto-Inertial Fusion
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Jonathan Davies, LLE
Live Streamed
Particle and Power Handling, Divertor Physics, and Plasma-Material Interactions
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Michele Romanelli, Tokamak Energy Ltd
Live Streamed
Plasma Astrophysics I
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Dmitri Uzdensky, Univ. Colorado
Live Streamed
Turbulence and Transport in Toroidal Devices
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Alessandro Marinoni, MIT
Live Streamed
High Energy Density and Beam Physics
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Valentin Karasiev, LLE
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Public-Private Partnerships for Fusion Energy III
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Walter Guttenfelder, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Workforce Development Through Research-Based, Plasma-Focused Science Education and Public Engagement II
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Shannon Greco, PPPL; Evdokiya (Eva) Kostadinova, Auburn University
Poster Session V: In-Person, Hall A (9:30-11:00am) and Virtual Poster Presentations (11:15am-12:30pm)
MFE: Stellerators
HED: High Energy Density
BEAMS: Short Pulse Laser Plasmas
HED: Short Pulse Laser Plasma
SPACE: Space Plasmas
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 19 2022 12:30PM, Wednesday
Lunch Break III
Oct 19 2022 12:45PM, Wednesday
Pride Luncheon
Room: 201
Oct 19 2022 2:00PM, Wednesday
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion V
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Kathreen Thome, GA
Invited Speakers: Walter Guttenfelder, Stephen C Jardin, Andreas Kleiner, Jack Lovell, Kevin Verhaegh, Gurleen Bal
Live Streamed
Tutorial: Particles, Beams and Coherent Radiation
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Karl Krushelnick, University of Michigan
Invited Speakers: Felicie Albert
Live Streamed
Whole Device Modeling and Reactors
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Christopher Holland, University of California, San Diego
Live Streamed
Hohlraum and X-ray Cavity Physics
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Dave Strozzi, LLNL; Steve MacLaren, LLNL
Live Streamed
MFE: Diagnostics and Disruptions
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Jeffrey Herfindal, ORNL
Live Streamed
Plasma Astrophysics II
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Frederick Skiff, Univ. Iowa
Live Streamed
Fundamental Plasmas: Waves, Oscillations, Instabilities
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Stephen Vincena, UCLA
Live Streamed
Intense Radiation and Secondary Particle Sources
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Peng Zhang, Michigan State University
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Public-Private Partnerships for Fusion Energy IV
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Arnold Lumsdaine, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: The Integrated Tokamak Exhaust and Performance Gap I
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Nathan Howard, MIT; Brian Grierson, General Atomics; Livia Casali, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Poster Session VI: In-Person, Hall A (2:00-3:30pm) and Virtual Poster Presentations (3:45-5:00pm)
MFE: Diagnostics; Edge and Pedestal; Stability; Heating; Transport, Turbulence
ASTRO: Astrophysical Plasma
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 19 2022 3:00PM, Wednesday
Live Streamed
Pulsed Power Driven Fusion and HED Diagnostics
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Eric Harding, Sandia National Lab
Invited Speakers: William E Lewis, Thomas J Awe, Jergus Strucka, John Porter
Oct 19 2022 5:15PM, Wednesday
DPP Business Meeting
Room: 402 ABC
Oct 19 2022 6:30PM, Wednesday
DPP Reception and Banquet
Room: Ballroom 300
Oct 20 2022 8:00AM, Thursday
James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics Address: Current Sheets and the Plasmoid Instability: Mediators of Fast Magnetic Reconnection and Turbulence
Room: Ballroom 100 AB
Chair: Miklos Porkolab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Invited Speakers: Amitava Bhattacharjee
Oct 20 2022 9:00AM, Thursday
Job Fair IV
Coffee Break IV
Oct 20 2022 9:30AM, Thursday
Live Streamed
Reconnection and Space Plasmas
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Luca Comisso, Columbia Univ.
Invited Speakers: Jonathan Ng, David N Hosking, Yi-Hsin Liu, Qile Zhang, Jason Shuster, Gregory G Howes
Live Streamed
Fundamental/Low Temperature Plasmas
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Zhehui Wang, LANL
Invited Speakers: Eva G Kostadinova, Dietmar Block, Alexey Shashurin, Lucas P Beving, Yuzhi Li, Carlos A Cartagena-Sanchez
Live Streamed
Fundamental Plasmas: Turbulence, Transport, and Shocks
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Forest Doss, LANL
Live Streamed
ICF: Compression and Burn III
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Alison Christopherson, LLNL
Live Streamed
High-energy-density Hydrodynamics
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Pawel Kozlowski, LANL
Live Streamed
Magnetized High-energy-density Plasma
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Alla Safronova, UNR
Live Streamed
Fundamental Plasmas: Elementary Plasma Processes and Diagnostics
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Earl Scime, WVU
Live Streamed
Beams: X-Ray Sources and X-Ray Diagnostics
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Matthew Edwards, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Relativistic Plasma Physics in Supercritical Fields I
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Stepan Bulanov, LBL
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: The Integrated Tokamak Exhaust and Performance Gap II
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Robert Wilcox, ORNL
Poster Session VII: In-Person, Hall A (9:30-11:00am) and Virtual Poster Presentations (11:15am-12:30pm)
MFE: FRC, RFPs etc
ICF: Fast Ignition; Diagnostics; Computational; Laser Plasma Interactions
FUND: Computation
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 20 2022 12:30PM, Thursday
Lunch Break IV
Oct 20 2022 2:00PM, Thursday
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion VI
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Sebastian De Pascuale, Oak Ridge National Lab
Invited Speakers: Nami Li, Ou Pan, Anurag Maan, John Canik, Jie Chen, Aaron M Rosenthal
Live Streamed
Tutorial: Magnetic Confinement Fusion II
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Gary Staebler, General Atomics - San Diego
Invited Speakers: Ammar Hakim
Live Streamed
Magnetohydrodynamics and Stability, Heating and Current Drive, Energetic Particles
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Ksenia Aleynikova, IPP Max Planck, Greifswald
Live Streamed
ICF: Compression and Burn IV
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Maria Gatu-Johnson, MIT
Live Streamed
ICF Hydro Instabilities & Numerical Methods
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Eric Vold, LANL
Live Streamed
Warm Dense Matter
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Suxing Hu, LLE
Live Streamed
Plasma Astrophysics III
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Hui Li, LANL
Live Streamed
Plasma-Surface Interactions, Interfacial Plasmas, Emerging Applications
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Elijah Thimsen, Washington Univ. St Louis
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Relativistic Plasma Physics in Supercritical Fields II
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Daniel Seipt, The Helmholtz Institute Jena
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: The Integrated Tokamak Exhaust and Performance Gap III
Room: 206 CD
Chair: David Hatch, UT-Austin
Poster Session VIII: In-Person, Hall A (2:00-3:30pm) and Virtual Poster Presentations (3:45-5:00pm)
MFE: Whole Device Modeling, High Field Tokamaks, Tokamak Physics, DIII-D
FUND:Reconnection, Turbulence
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 20 2022 3:00PM, Thursday
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion/Fundamental Plasmas
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Valerie Izzo, Fiat Lux
Invited Speakers: Alan Kaptanoglu, E. Paulo Alves, Denis A St-Onge, Kaixuan kaixuan
Oct 21 2022 8:00AM, Friday
Live Streamed
Review: High Energy Density Plasma
Room: Ballroom 100 AB
Chair: Denise Hinkel, LLNL
Invited Speakers: Forrest W Doss
Oct 21 2022 9:00AM, Friday
Coffee Break V
Oct 21 2022 9:30AM, Friday
Live Streamed
High Energy Density/Laser Plasmas
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Mark Schmitt, LANL
Invited Speakers: Elizabeth C Merritt, Kevin D Meaney, Joshua P Sauppe, Tim M Johnson, Derek B Schaeffer, Matthew R Edwards
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion/Postdeadline
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Ksenia Aleynikova, IPP Max Planck, Greifswald
Invited Speakers: Benjamin Faber, Eduardo Rodriguez, Daniel W Dudt, Paul A Bernhardt, Paul R Thomas, Juan Huang
Live Streamed
Research in Support of ITER Burning Plasma Physics
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Florian M. Laggner, North Carolina State University
Live Streamed
Z-Pinch, X-Pinch, and Dense Plasma Focus
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Matthias Geissel, SNL
Live Streamed
ICF: Equations of State
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Marius Millot, LLNL; Arijit Bose, University of Delaware
Live Streamed
Short-pulse Laser-plasma Interactions/Nonlinear Optics of Plasma
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: David Stark, LANL
Live Streamed
Space/Heliospheric Plasmas
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Arya Afshari, University of Iowa
Live Streamed
Measurement and Diagnostic Techniques for Low Temperature Plasmas
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Sophia Gershman, PPPL
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Relativistic Plasma Physics in Supercritical Fields III
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Alec Thomas, UM
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: The Integrated Tokamak Exhaust and Performance Gap IV
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Brian Grierson, General Atomics
Poster Session IX: In-Person, Hall A (9:30-11:00am) and Virtual Poster Presentations (11:15am-12:30pm)
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 21 2022 12:35PM, Friday
Door Prize Drawing
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Oct 16 2022 2:00PM, Sunday
Student Day
Room: 402 ABC
Oct 17 2022 8:00AM, Monday
Live Streamed
Review: MFE: Benefits of Non-Axisymmetry in Tokamaks
Room: Ballroom 100 AB
Chair: Edward Thomas, Auburn University
Invited Speakers: Jong-Kyu Park
Oct 17 2022 9:00AM, Monday
Job Fair I
Coffee Break I
Oct 17 2022 9:30AM, Monday
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion I
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Andrea Garofalo, General Atomics
Invited Speakers: Elena De La Luna, Athina Kappatou, Mikhail Maslov, Yevgen Kazakov, Kathreen E Thome, William W Heidbrink
Live Streamed
High Energy Density Plasma
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Charles Starrett, LANL
Invited Speakers: J. Ryan Rygg, Richard G Kraus, Guillaume P Loisel, Alison Saunders, Sophia Malko, Tobias Dornheim
Live Streamed
Stellarators and Helical Systems: W7-X, LHD, HSX, CTH, and Others
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Andrew Ware, University of Montana
Live Streamed
ICF Diagnostics
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Kevin Meaney, LANL
Live Streamed
Laser Plasma Instabilities
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: John Palastro, University of Rochester
Live Streamed
High-Z, Multiply Ionized Atomic Physics
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Mark Zammit, LANL
Live Streamed
Dusty Plasmas and Multiphase Media
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Saikat Chakraborty Thakur, Auburn University
Live Streamed
Beam-Plasma Wakefield, High Field Physics, and Diagnostics
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Yong Ma, University of Michigan
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Heating and Non-Thermal Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in Laboratory, Heliophysical and Astrophysical Plasmas I
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Li-jen Chen, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Fan Guo, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Public-Private Partnerships for Fusion Energy I
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Diane Demers, Xantho Technology; Walter Guttenfelder, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Poster Session I: In-Person, Hall A (9:30-11:00am) and Virtual Poster Presentations (11:15am-12:30pm)
MFE: Analytical,computational; Energetic Particles; Disruptions; Power Handling
ICF: Z-Pinch; MagnetoInertial Fusion; Hydrodynamics; Indirect drive
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 17 2022 12:30PM, Monday
Lunch Break I
Women in Plasma Physics Lunch
Room: Ballroom 300 CD
Oct 17 2022 2:00PM, Monday
Live Streamed
Particles, Beams, and Coherent Radiation
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Thomas Schenkel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Dillon W Ramsey, Severin Diederichs, Hiroshi Sawada, Raspberry A Simpson, Blagoje Z Djordjevic, Ricky L. K Ang
Live Streamed
Tutorial: Magnetic Confinement Fusion I
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Rachel Myers, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison
Invited Speakers: Cristina Rea
Live Streamed
DIII-D Tokamak
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Theodore Biewer, ORNL
Live Streamed
ICF: Compression and Burn I
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Ryan Sacks, LANL
Live Streamed
ICF: Analytical and Computational Techniques
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Joshua Sauppe, LANL
Live Streamed
HEDP Laboratory Astrophysics
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Hye-Sook Park, LLNL
Live Streamed
Fundamental Plasmas: Analytical and Computational Techniques
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Paulo Alves, UCLA
Live Streamed
Plasma Propulsion and Plasma Sources
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Benjamin Jorns, Univ. Michigan
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Heating and Non-Thermal Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in Laboratory, Heliophysical and Astrophysical Plasmas II
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Jongsoo Yoo, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory; Fan Guo, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Workforce Development Through Research-Based, Plasma-Focused Science Education and Public Engagement I
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Evdokiya (Eva) Kostadinova, Auburn University; Shannon Greco, PPPL
Poster Session II: In-Person, Hall A (2:00-3:30pm) and Virtual Poster Presentations (3:45-5:00pm)
MFE: Low Aspect Ratio; Superconducting
FUND: Nonneutral, Antimatter, Strong coupled Plasmas; Waves
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 17 2022 3:00PM, Monday
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion II
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Donald Spong, Oak Ridge National Lab
Invited Speakers: Philipp Ulbl, Baptiste J Frei, Diego Del-Castillo-Negrete, Toby Adkins
Oct 17 2022 5:15PM, Monday
Women in Plasma Physics Reception
Room: 201
Oct 17 2022 7:30PM, Monday
University Fusion Association General Meeting
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Oct 18 2022 8:00AM, Tuesday
Live Streamed
Review: Inertial Confinement Fusion
Room: Ballroom 100 AB
Chair: Dustin Froula, University of Rochester
Invited Speakers: Laurent Divol
Oct 18 2022 9:00AM, Tuesday
Job Fair II
Coffee Break II
Oct 18 2022 9:30AM, Tuesday
Live Streamed
Inertial Confinement Fusion I
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Brian Spears, LLNL
Invited Speakers: Benjamin Bachmann, Yongho Kim, Alexandre Do, Alexander Seaton, Nobuhiko Izumi, Alison R Christopherson
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion III
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Carlos Paz-Soldan, Columbia University
Invited Speakers: Stefano Munaretto, Nils Leuthold, Nikolas C Logan, Arash Ashourvan, Matthias Willensdorfer, Guanying Yu
Live Streamed
Low-aspect Ratio Tokamaks: PEGASUS, NSTX-U, MAST-U, ST-40, and Others
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: James Yang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Live Streamed
ICF: Advanced Drivers
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Raoul Trines, Central Laser Facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom
Live Streamed
MFE: Analytical and Computational Techniques
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Mark Cianciosa, Oak Ridge National Lab
Live Streamed
ICF: Measurement and Diagnostic Techniques
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Roberto Mancini, University of Nevada, Reno
Live Streamed
Laboratory Plasma Astrophysics
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Sergey Lebedev, Imperial College London
Live Streamed
Laser-Plasma Wakefield and Direct Laser Accelerators
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Frank Tsung, University of California, Los Angeles
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Heating and Non-Thermal Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in Laboratory, Heliophysical and Astrophysical Plasmas III
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Fan Guo, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Lorenzo Sironi, Columbia University
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Charged Particle Transport in High-Energy-Density Plasma I
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Heather Whitley, LLNL; Suxing Hu, LLE
Poster Session III: In-Person, Hall A (9:30-11:00am) and Virtual Poster Presentations (11:15am-12:30pm)
Low Temperature Plasma
FUND: Dusty Plasmas; Plasma Sources
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 18 2022 12:30PM, Tuesday
Lunch Break II
Oct 18 2022 12:45PM, Tuesday
Committee for Concerns of Students and Early Career Scientists Town Hall
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Oct 18 2022 2:00PM, Tuesday
Live Streamed
Astrophysical/Space Plasmas I
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Maxim Lyutikov, Purdue Univ.
Invited Speakers: Yin Wang, Romain Meyrand, Hui Li, Bindesh Tripathi, Alexis Marret, Jonathan Squire
Live Streamed
Tutorial: Low Temperature Plasmas
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Andrei Smolyakov, Univ Saskatchewan
Invited Speakers: Jean-Pierre Boeuf
Live Streamed
KSTAR Tokamak
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Rajesh Maingi, PPPL
Live Streamed
ICF: Compression and Burn II
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Duc Cao, U. Rochester/LLE
Live Streamed
Edge and Pedestal Physics
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Roberto Maurizio, Oak Ridge Associated Universities / General Atomics
Live Streamed
HEDP Laboratory Astrophysics on Z
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Brent Jones, Sandia National Laboratories
Live Streamed
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Ari Le, LANL
Live Streamed
Laser-Plasma Ion Accelerators
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Robbie Scott, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Public-Private Partnerships for Fusion Energy II
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Ahmed Diallo, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Charged Particle Transport in High-Energy-Density Plasma II
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Patrick Knapp, SNL; Lucas Stanek, MSU
Poster Session IV: In-Person, Hall A (2:00-3:30pm) and Virtual Poster Presentations (3:45-5:00pm)
BEAMS: Laser Accelerators
Education, Public Engagement, and DEI
High School and Undergraduate Research
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 18 2022 3:00PM, Tuesday
Live Streamed
Low Temperature Plasmas
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Yevgeny Raitses, PPPL
Invited Speakers: Benjamin A Jorns, Justin Little, June Young Kim, Shurik Yatom
Oct 18 2022 5:30PM, Tuesday
Student Appreciation Reception
Room: 201
Oct 19 2022 8:00AM, Wednesday
Live Streamed
Review: Magnetic Confinement Fusion
Room: Ballroom 100 AB
Chair: Jonathan Menard, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Tunde M Fulop
Oct 19 2022 9:00AM, Wednesday
Job Fair III
Coffee Break III
Oct 19 2022 9:30AM, Wednesday
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion IV
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Stefano Munaretto, PPPL
Invited Speakers: Chris McDevitt, Luis F Delgado-Aparicio, Alex R Saperstein, Deyong Liu, Rongjie Hong, Nathan T Howard
Live Streamed
Inertial Confinement Fusion II
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Richard Olson, LANL
Invited Speakers: Andrew J Schmitt, James P Knauer, Jason W Bates, Connor A Williams, Andrey Solodov, Hong W Sio
Live Streamed
High Field Tokamaks: SPARC, C-Mod, and Others
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Ian Hutchinson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI
Live Streamed
Magneto-Inertial Fusion
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Jonathan Davies, LLE
Live Streamed
Particle and Power Handling, Divertor Physics, and Plasma-Material Interactions
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Michele Romanelli, Tokamak Energy Ltd
Live Streamed
Plasma Astrophysics I
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Dmitri Uzdensky, Univ. Colorado
Live Streamed
Turbulence and Transport in Toroidal Devices
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Alessandro Marinoni, MIT
Live Streamed
High Energy Density and Beam Physics
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Valentin Karasiev, LLE
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Public-Private Partnerships for Fusion Energy III
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Walter Guttenfelder, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Workforce Development Through Research-Based, Plasma-Focused Science Education and Public Engagement II
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Shannon Greco, PPPL; Evdokiya (Eva) Kostadinova, Auburn University
Poster Session V: In-Person, Hall A (9:30-11:00am) and Virtual Poster Presentations (11:15am-12:30pm)
MFE: Stellerators
HED: High Energy Density
BEAMS: Short Pulse Laser Plasmas
HED: Short Pulse Laser Plasma
SPACE: Space Plasmas
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 19 2022 12:30PM, Wednesday
Lunch Break III
Oct 19 2022 12:45PM, Wednesday
Pride Luncheon
Room: 201
Oct 19 2022 2:00PM, Wednesday
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion V
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Kathreen Thome, GA
Invited Speakers: Walter Guttenfelder, Stephen C Jardin, Andreas Kleiner, Jack Lovell, Kevin Verhaegh, Gurleen Bal
Live Streamed
Tutorial: Particles, Beams and Coherent Radiation
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Karl Krushelnick, University of Michigan
Invited Speakers: Felicie Albert
Live Streamed
Whole Device Modeling and Reactors
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Christopher Holland, University of California, San Diego
Live Streamed
Hohlraum and X-ray Cavity Physics
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Dave Strozzi, LLNL; Steve MacLaren, LLNL
Live Streamed
MFE: Diagnostics and Disruptions
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Jeffrey Herfindal, ORNL
Live Streamed
Plasma Astrophysics II
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Frederick Skiff, Univ. Iowa
Live Streamed
Fundamental Plasmas: Waves, Oscillations, Instabilities
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Stephen Vincena, UCLA
Live Streamed
Intense Radiation and Secondary Particle Sources
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Peng Zhang, Michigan State University
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Public-Private Partnerships for Fusion Energy IV
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Arnold Lumsdaine, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: The Integrated Tokamak Exhaust and Performance Gap I
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Nathan Howard, MIT; Brian Grierson, General Atomics; Livia Casali, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Poster Session VI: In-Person, Hall A (2:00-3:30pm) and Virtual Poster Presentations (3:45-5:00pm)
MFE: Diagnostics; Edge and Pedestal; Stability; Heating; Transport, Turbulence
ASTRO: Astrophysical Plasma
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 19 2022 3:00PM, Wednesday
Live Streamed
Pulsed Power Driven Fusion and HED Diagnostics
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Eric Harding, Sandia National Lab
Invited Speakers: William E Lewis, Thomas J Awe, Jergus Strucka, John Porter
Oct 19 2022 5:15PM, Wednesday
DPP Business Meeting
Room: 402 ABC
Oct 19 2022 6:30PM, Wednesday
DPP Reception and Banquet
Room: Ballroom 300
Oct 20 2022 8:00AM, Thursday
James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics Address: Current Sheets and the Plasmoid Instability: Mediators of Fast Magnetic Reconnection and Turbulence
Room: Ballroom 100 AB
Chair: Miklos Porkolab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Invited Speakers: Amitava Bhattacharjee
Oct 20 2022 9:00AM, Thursday
Job Fair IV
Coffee Break IV
Oct 20 2022 9:30AM, Thursday
Live Streamed
Reconnection and Space Plasmas
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Luca Comisso, Columbia Univ.
Invited Speakers: Jonathan Ng, David N Hosking, Yi-Hsin Liu, Qile Zhang, Jason Shuster, Gregory G Howes
Live Streamed
Fundamental/Low Temperature Plasmas
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Zhehui Wang, LANL
Invited Speakers: Eva G Kostadinova, Dietmar Block, Alexey Shashurin, Lucas P Beving, Yuzhi Li, Carlos A Cartagena-Sanchez
Live Streamed
Fundamental Plasmas: Turbulence, Transport, and Shocks
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Forest Doss, LANL
Live Streamed
ICF: Compression and Burn III
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Alison Christopherson, LLNL
Live Streamed
High-energy-density Hydrodynamics
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Pawel Kozlowski, LANL
Live Streamed
Magnetized High-energy-density Plasma
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Alla Safronova, UNR
Live Streamed
Fundamental Plasmas: Elementary Plasma Processes and Diagnostics
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Earl Scime, WVU
Live Streamed
Beams: X-Ray Sources and X-Ray Diagnostics
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Matthew Edwards, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Relativistic Plasma Physics in Supercritical Fields I
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Stepan Bulanov, LBL
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: The Integrated Tokamak Exhaust and Performance Gap II
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Robert Wilcox, ORNL
Poster Session VII: In-Person, Hall A (9:30-11:00am) and Virtual Poster Presentations (11:15am-12:30pm)
MFE: FRC, RFPs etc
ICF: Fast Ignition; Diagnostics; Computational; Laser Plasma Interactions
FUND: Computation
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 20 2022 12:30PM, Thursday
Lunch Break IV
Oct 20 2022 2:00PM, Thursday
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion VI
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Sebastian De Pascuale, Oak Ridge National Lab
Invited Speakers: Nami Li, Ou Pan, Anurag Maan, John Canik, Jie Chen, Aaron M Rosenthal
Live Streamed
Tutorial: Magnetic Confinement Fusion II
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Gary Staebler, General Atomics - San Diego
Invited Speakers: Ammar Hakim
Live Streamed
Magnetohydrodynamics and Stability, Heating and Current Drive, Energetic Particles
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Ksenia Aleynikova, IPP Max Planck, Greifswald
Live Streamed
ICF: Compression and Burn IV
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Maria Gatu-Johnson, MIT
Live Streamed
ICF Hydro Instabilities & Numerical Methods
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Eric Vold, LANL
Live Streamed
Warm Dense Matter
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: Suxing Hu, LLE
Live Streamed
Plasma Astrophysics III
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Hui Li, LANL
Live Streamed
Plasma-Surface Interactions, Interfacial Plasmas, Emerging Applications
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Elijah Thimsen, Washington Univ. St Louis
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Relativistic Plasma Physics in Supercritical Fields II
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Daniel Seipt, The Helmholtz Institute Jena
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: The Integrated Tokamak Exhaust and Performance Gap III
Room: 206 CD
Chair: David Hatch, UT-Austin
Poster Session VIII: In-Person, Hall A (2:00-3:30pm) and Virtual Poster Presentations (3:45-5:00pm)
MFE: Whole Device Modeling, High Field Tokamaks, Tokamak Physics, DIII-D
FUND:Reconnection, Turbulence
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 20 2022 3:00PM, Thursday
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion/Fundamental Plasmas
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Valerie Izzo, Fiat Lux
Invited Speakers: Alan Kaptanoglu, E. Paulo Alves, Denis A St-Onge, Kaixuan kaixuan
Oct 21 2022 8:00AM, Friday
Live Streamed
Review: High Energy Density Plasma
Room: Ballroom 100 AB
Chair: Denise Hinkel, LLNL
Invited Speakers: Forrest W Doss
Oct 21 2022 9:00AM, Friday
Coffee Break V
Oct 21 2022 9:30AM, Friday
Live Streamed
High Energy Density/Laser Plasmas
Room: Ballroom 100 A
Chair: Mark Schmitt, LANL
Invited Speakers: Elizabeth C Merritt, Kevin D Meaney, Joshua P Sauppe, Tim M Johnson, Derek B Schaeffer, Matthew R Edwards
Live Streamed
Magnetic Confinement Fusion/Postdeadline
Room: Ballroom 100 B
Chair: Ksenia Aleynikova, IPP Max Planck, Greifswald
Invited Speakers: Benjamin Faber, Eduardo Rodriguez, Daniel W Dudt, Paul A Bernhardt, Paul R Thomas, Juan Huang
Live Streamed
Research in Support of ITER Burning Plasma Physics
Room: Ballroom 100 C
Chair: Florian M. Laggner, North Carolina State University
Live Streamed
Z-Pinch, X-Pinch, and Dense Plasma Focus
Room: Ballroom 111 A
Chair: Matthias Geissel, SNL
Live Streamed
ICF: Equations of State
Room: Ballroom 111 B
Chair: Marius Millot, LLNL; Arijit Bose, University of Delaware
Live Streamed
Short-pulse Laser-plasma Interactions/Nonlinear Optics of Plasma
Room: Ballroom 111 C
Chair: David Stark, LANL
Live Streamed
Space/Heliospheric Plasmas
Room: 401 ABC
Chair: Arya Afshari, University of Iowa
Live Streamed
Measurement and Diagnostic Techniques for Low Temperature Plasmas
Room: 402 ABC
Chair: Sophia Gershman, PPPL
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: Relativistic Plasma Physics in Supercritical Fields III
Room: 206 AB
Chair: Alec Thomas, UM
Live Streamed
Mini-Conference: The Integrated Tokamak Exhaust and Performance Gap IV
Room: 206 CD
Chair: Brian Grierson, General Atomics
Poster Session IX: In-Person, Hall A (9:30-11:00am) and Virtual Poster Presentations (11:15am-12:30pm)
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall A and Online
Oct 21 2022 12:35PM, Friday
Door Prize Drawing
Room: Ballroom 100 A
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