Bulletin of the American Physical Society
60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 63, Number 11
Monday–Friday, November 5–9, 2018; Portland, Oregon
Session YO6: Magneto-Inertial Fusion |
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Chair: Kyle Peterson, Sandia National Laboratories Room: OCC B115-116 |
Friday, November 9, 2018 9:30AM - 9:42AM |
YO6.00001: Effect of an axial magnetic field on stabilization of magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in gas-puff Z-pinches Farhat N Beg, Fabio Conti, Julio Valenzuela, Nick Aybar, Jeff Narkis, Emil Ruskov, Aaron Covington, Hafiz Rahman In imploding Z-pinches, the magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor (MRT) instability is potentially disruptive to the pinch stability. It has been demonstrated that multi-shell Z-pinch loads or an externally-applied axial magnetic field can mitigate MRT instability1. We present an analysis on the stability of Staged Z-pinch (SZP) 2 implosions, where high Z liner (Argon or Krypton gas) is used on a target (deuterium gas).Experiments were carried out on the Zebra generator (1 MA, 100 ns) at the University of Nevada, Reno.The data shows that an external axial magnetic field Bz of the order of 0.15 T does not noticeably affect the implosion trajectories, however it significantly reduces the average instability amplitude. Spectral analysis of the XUV images indicate that MRT modes with wavelength λ = 0.7–1.2 mm, dominant in the case Bz = 0, are stabilized if Bz = 0.15 T is applied. A detailed analysis of pinch dynamics will be presented. J. Giuliani, and R. Commisso. “A Review of the Gas-Puff Z-Pinch as an X-Ray and Neutron Source”. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 43, 2385 (2015).
Friday, November 9, 2018 9:42AM - 9:54AM |
YO6.00002: Numerical investigation of triple gas-puff implosions on the 0.8 MA LTD-III driver Jeff Narkis, Julio Valenzuela, Fabio Conti, Nicholas Aybar, Hafiz Rahman, Paul Ney, Emil Ruskov, Farhat N Beg The work presented here is a continuation of a previous study (http://meetings.aps.org/link/ BAPS.2017.DPP.UP11.128), in which we investigated the effect of tailoring a Staged Z-pinch implosion on the newly constructed LTD-III driver (~0.8 MA, 170 ns) from a single-liner on target to a double-liner on target implosion using the radiation-MHD code MACH2. Constraining the total mass-per-unit-length (M/L) of the load, we found there was negligible effect of the liner material or mass distribution on final target conditions, suggesting the driving parameter for shock heating in the Staged Z-pinch (on LTD-III) is liner M/L. The study also considered the effect of axial premagnetization on both shock formation and magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor instability (MRTI) mitigation: we found that a 0.05-0.2 T seed field had little effect on target dynamics, but a 0.1 T field was shown to substantially mitigate MRT growth. Here we present results from the expanded study, which includes 1- and 2-D results from the rad-MHD code HYDRA, 1-D results from a semi-analytic model of Staged Z-pinch implosions, additional liner configurations for LTD-III, as well as a scaling study of the double-liner concept to multi-MA machines. |
Friday, November 9, 2018 9:54AM - 10:06AM |
YO6.00003: Experimental Investigations of the Electrothermal Instability using the Mykonos Linear Transformer Driver Trevor Hutchinson, Thomas Awe, Bruno Bauer, Brian Hutsel, Jamin Pillars, Kevin Yates, Sonal Patel, Daniel Dolan, Sheri Payne, Bonnie McKenzie, Gabe Shipley, Derek Lamppa The electrothermal instability (ETI) has been theorized to amplify density and temperature perturbations on ohmically heated surfaces that compromise magneto-inertial fusion and flyer plate applications. Only recently, facilitated by thin dielectric coatings which suppress plasma formation, has the ETI been demonstrated to exist on thick metal [1]. We present the results of new experimental investigations into the ETI performed in June on the Mykonos LTD, which delivers 850 kA to dielectric-coated 800-um-diameter aluminum rods in approximately 70 ns. Rods were carefully machined with different machining spectra, and several dielectric thicknesses were tested. 12-Frame ICCD imaging, Streaked Visible Spectroscopy and Photon Doppler Velocimetry diagnostics were fielded. These diagnostics permit calculation of surface temperature and early-time radial expansion of the rod surface, as well as ETI growth rates. The experimental setup, collected data, and analysis will be shown. [1] T.M. Hutchinson, T.J. Awe, B.S. Bauer, K.C. Yates, E.P. Yu, W.G. Yelton, and S. Fuelling. Phys. Rev. E 97 053208 (2018). |
Friday, November 9, 2018 10:06AM - 10:18AM |
YO6.00004: Quantification of MagLIF implosion morphology using the Mallat Scattering Transformation Thomas H. Moore, Michael E. Glinsky, Matthew R. Weis, Christopher A. Jennings, David J. Ampleford, Eric C. Harding, Patrick F. Knapp, Matt R. Gomez, Sophia E. Lussiez The morphology of the stagnated plasma resulting from Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) is measured by imaging the self-emission x-rays coming from the multi-keV plasma, and the morphology of the imploding liner is measured by radiographs. Equivalent diagnostic response can be derived from integrated rad-hydro simulations from programs such as Hydra and Gorgon. There have been only limited quantitative ways to compare the image morphology, that is the texture, of simulations and experiments. We have developed a metric of image morphology based on the Mallat Scattering Transformation, a transformation that has proved to be effective at distinguishing textures, sounds, and written characters. This metric has demonstrated excellent performance in classifying ensembles of synthetic stagnations images and radiographs. A good regression of the scattering coefficients to the parameters used to generate the synthetic images was found. Finally, the metric has been used to quantitatively compare simulations to experimental images, and to estimate the parameters of the images with uncertainty. |
Friday, November 9, 2018 10:18AM - 10:30AM |
YO6.00005: Stagnation Morphology and Confinement Time in a Magnetized Liner Implosion Patrick Knapp, Matthew R Martin, David A Yager-Elorriaga, Christopher Jennings, Matthew Weis, Daniel H Dolan We report on experiments where a liquid deuterium filled magnetized liner implosion was radiographed during the stagnation process at a convergence ratio >10. The images allow determination of the hydrodynamic confinement time as well as assessment of the impact of instability growth on confinement. It is shown that the overall confinement time agrees well with 1D predictions despite the observation of significant 3D structure. The previously observed helical MRT mode[1] is present in conjunction with a large scale kink mode which forms just prior to minimum radius. The impact and interplay of these modes is discussed. [1] T.J. Awe et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 235005 (2013) |
Friday, November 9, 2018 10:30AM - 10:42AM |
YO6.00006: Long lived Taylor states in SSX for magneto-inertial fusion Michael R Brown, Manjit Kaur, Katie Gelber, David A Schaffner Our recent focus has been on increasing the magnetic lifetime of compressed Taylor state plasmas at SSX $[1]$ primarily by focussing attention on the electron temperature. We have installed a new tungsten coated copper flux conserver to reduce sputtering and provide a clean plasma facing surface. We estimate $T_e$ with a vacuum ultraviolet spectrometer measurement of the ratio of the $C_{III}~97.7~nm$ to $C_{IV}~155~nm$ line intensities $[2]$. A preliminary measurement has $T_e \sim 10~eV$. We bake and glow discharge clean the vacuum surface to remove adsorbed contaminants. Our current measured parameters include velocity ($40~km/s$), density ($0.5 \times 10^{16}~cm^{-3}$), proton temperature ($20~eV$), and magnetic field ($0.4~T$) of relaxed helical Taylor states in the new flux conserver. \newline \noindent \newline |
Friday, November 9, 2018 10:42AM - 10:54AM |
YO6.00007: MHD Effects in Laser Heated Gases Matthew Robert Weis, Matthias Geissel, Michael E Glinsky, Matthew R Gomez, Adam Harvey-Thompson, Christopher Jennings, Kyle J Peterson, Mark W. Kimmel, John L Porter, Jens Schwarz, Jonathon E. Shores, Stephen A Slutz, Daniel B Sinars, Ian C. Smith, Shane Speas, Joseph M Koning, Michael M Marinak New laser preheating techniques have substantially reduced laser plasma instabilities for MagLIF at SNL. These efforts have led to better agreement with the 3D HYDRA simulation code for stand-alone laser experiments, however they lack the applied magnetic field that is a key feature of MagLIF. In the interim, HYDRA is used, which features a full 3D MHD package including anisotropic thermal conduction, as well as the Nernst/Ettingshausen and Righi-Leduc terms. Results of 2D and 3D calculations are presented at the Z-Beamlet (2-4 kJ) and the NIF (single quad) scale (> 20 kJ). A key signature of magnetization during preheat, is higher electron temperature due to restriction of thermal conduction. With Bz the fuel is magnetized as it is heated, then quickly cools as a blast wave develops, limiting thermal conduction effects. Both 2D and 3D simulations show the potential for whole beam self-focusing and steering from thermal effects, that could lead to laser induced mix. |
Friday, November 9, 2018 10:54AM - 11:06AM |
YO6.00008: Monitoring preheat performance in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion experiments with stimulated Raman and Brillouin backscatter measurements Jeffrey Fein, David Bliss, Matthias Geissel, Adam Harvey-Thompson, David J. Ampleford, Michael E Glinsky, Matthew R Gomez, Eric Harding, Keven MacRunnels, Daniel E Ruiz, Daniel Scoglietti, Matthew Weis, Kyle J Peterson The Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) platform requires efficient coupling of laser energy to the underdense D2 fuel to produce significant fusion yield. Although laser-plasma instabilities typically constitute undesirable loss mechanisms of laser energy, their signatures help monitor the performance of laser preheat in MagLIF experiments. We present time-resolved spectral measurements of stimulated Raman and Brillouin backscatter from preheat experiments conducted on both the Z Machine and the PECOS target chamber at SNL. The measurements exhibit time-dependent signatures of the density and temperature of the laser entrance window and heated plasma channel produced in the gas by the Z Beamlet laser. The measurements demonstrate significant differences in the laser-plasma interactions when changing the laser pulse shape and beam profile. |
Friday, November 9, 2018 11:06AM - 11:18AM |
YO6.00009: Temperature spatial distribution and thermal heat flow in laser heated plasma experiments relevant to MagLIF Kyle Richard Carpenter, Roberto Claudio Mancini, Eric Harding, Adam Harvey-Thompson, Matthias Geissel, Kyle J Peterson, Stephanie Hansen A series of laser heated plasma experiments relevant to Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion have been performed at Z. The deuterium gas fill was doped with a trace amount of argon for spectroscopy diagnosis. Time-integrated spectra with spatial resolution along the axis of the liner and time-integrated x-ray narrowband images were produced. In the spectra, Argon K-shell line emission from the He-α resonance and intercombination lines and their associated Li-like satellites were observed. A multi-objective analysis based on forward reconstruction and a Pareto genetic algorithm driven search in parameter space has been implemented. The method finds temperature distributions that simultaneously and self-consistently approximate spatially resolved spectra and narrowband intensity profiles. With this analysis, radially and axially resolved temperature distributions Te(r,z) have been extracted. Comparisons of Te(r,z) from multiple experiments help assess how the heating is affected by changes to the laser intensity and window thickness. Furthermore, differences in the results from experiments with and without an external axial magnetic field show the effect of the magnetic field on thermal heat flow. |
Friday, November 9, 2018 11:18AM - 11:30AM |
YO6.00010: Abstract Withdrawn
Friday, November 9, 2018 11:30AM - 11:42AM |
YO6.00011: Mitigating fuel mix for high performance MagLIF Stephen A Slutz, Thomas J Awe, Matthew R Gomez, Michael E Glinsky, Kyle J Peterson Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) [S.A. Slutz et al. Phys. Plasmas 17, 056303 (2010)] experiments driven by the Z machine produce > 1012DD fusion reactions [M.R. Gomez et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 155003 (2014)]. Simulations indicate much higher yields should be possible with increased drive current, fuel density, preheat energy, and applied magnetic field [S.A. Slutz et al. Phys. Plasmas 23, 022702 (2016)]. However, mixing of material from the liner or the foil covering laser entrance hole will enhance radiation losses and reduce the yield. The mix from the liner can be avoided by freezing a layer of deuterium tritium (DT) onto the inner surface of the liner. However, the vapor density at the triple point is only 0.3 mg/cc, which is not high enough for MagLIF operation. We discuss the merits of three solutions to this problem. In all of these approaches no foil is required at the laser entrance hole. |
Friday, November 9, 2018 11:42AM - 11:54AM |
YO6.00012: Laser gate experiment for magnetized liner inertial fusion (maglif) utilizing a mini-pulser Stephanie M Miller, Stephen A Slutz, Sallee Klein, Simon N Bland, Paul C Campbell, Jeff M Woolstrum, Matt Gomez, Carolyn C Kuranz, Nicholas M Jordan, Ryan D McBride In Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF), a laser preheats pressurized fuel inside of a cylindrical metal tube (or “liner”). A preheating laser pulse must ablate a thin laser entrance window (LEW) to deposit energy into the fuel. Energy losses are thought to occur at the LEW from laser plasma interactions (LPI). To reduce energy losses, the LEW could be removed before the laser pulse reaches the LEW. This removal concept is referred to as “Laser Gate.”1 One proposed implementation of Laser Gate, is to break the LEW by driving an electrical current through a thin wire wrapped around the perimeter of the LEW.1 The current heats the wire and the LEW perimeter melts. As the LEW breaks, the fuel pressure pushes the LEW away from the contained fuel and out of the laser path. This should reduce fuel-window mixing and LPI in MagLIF. For our initial experiments, we imaged the LEW opening up and away from the laser path. We will report on LEW opening times and our experimental tests of Laser Gate. [1] S.A. Slutz, et al., Phys. Plasmas 24, 012704 (2017). |
Friday, November 9, 2018 11:54AM - 12:06PM |
YO6.00013: Numerical studies on the radiation uniformity of quasi-spherical Z-pinch dynamic hohlraum using code MULTI-2D Fuyuan Wu, Rafael Ramis Z-pinch driven fusion is a promising approach for the realization of fusion energy due to its high energy conversion efficiency and robust ignition scheme. Typical Z-pinch dynamic hohlraum driven fusion involves a spherical pellet imploded by the x-ray radiation field inside the hohlraum. When the hohlraum is created by the collision of a cylindrical wire-array and plastic foam, the fronts of the shock and thermal wave propagating towards the pellet are cylindrical as well, making the pellet tend to be ablated and compressed asymmetrically. With the help of quasi-spherical implosion, both the shock front and thermal wave front can be modulated, so that the radiation uniformity around the pellet can be improved significantly. Besides, a higher radiation temperature can be achieved because of the three-dimensional compression in quasi-spherical Z-pinch dynamic hohlraum. In this report, we present simulation results about the hohlraum radiation uniformity with/without a pellet inside on Julong-I facility (~8MA). Simulations are conducted using the one-group, two-temperature radiation magneto-hydrodynamic code MULTI-2D. |
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