Bulletin of the American Physical Society
60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 63, Number 11
Monday–Friday, November 5–9, 2018; Portland, Oregon
Session PP11: Poster Session VI: Relativistic Laser Plasma Interaction and Beam Physics; Boundary; MHD and Stability, Transients; FRC; Dusty Plasmas; Basic Studies; Computational and Diagnostic Methods (2:00pm-5:00pm)
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Room: Exhibit Hall A1&A
Abstract ID: BAPS.2018.DPP.PP11.4
Abstract: PP11.00004 : Kinetic Simulations of Megajoule-Class Dense Plasma Focus Devices*
Ihor Holod
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Ihor Holod
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Anthony J. Link
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Yuri A Podpaly
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Alexander P Povilus
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Christopher M Cooper
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Steve Chapman
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Brian Shaw
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Drew P Higginson
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Andrea Elizabeth Schmidt
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Dale R Welch
(Voss Scientific)
David V Rose
(Voss Scientific)
Dustin Offermann
(Voss Scientific)
Bruce Freeman
(Verus Research)
Manuel Alan
(Verus Research)
Michael Butcher
(Verus Research)
Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) is a co-axial plasma gun that concludes its discharge in a Z-pinch phase. During the Z-pinch, electric field accelerates ions up to several MeV energies. If a deuterium or tritium fill gas is used, the ion beam creates neutrons by fusing during collisions with a dense plasma target as well as the background gas. Due to the low collisionality and significant deviation from the Maxwellian distribution, kinetic simulations are required to describe the pinch phase. We use particle-in-cell code Chicago from the developers of LSP [D. Welch, et.al, Phys. Plasmas 13, 063105 (2006)] to perform simulations of megajoule-class devices. The initial phase of a discharge is simulated using MHD model which is converted to fully kinetic before plasma starts pinching. Results will be presented on model’s agreement of plasma behavior and neutron yield for the Verus Research DPF and for the under-construction LLNL MJOLNIR DPF.
*LLNL is operated by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, for the U.S. DoE, NNSA under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2018.DPP.PP11.4
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