Bulletin of the American Physical Society
60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 63, Number 11
Monday–Friday, November 5–9, 2018; Portland, Oregon
Session GO4: Opacity, X-ray Spectroscopy and Radiation Shocks and Flow |
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Chair: Marilyn Schneider, Lawrence Livermore National Lab Room: OCC B110-112 |
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 9:30AM - 9:42AM |
GO4.00001: Iron Opacity Measurements on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) Theodore Perry, Robert F Heeter, Yekaterina P Opachich, James King, Heather M Johns, Evan Dodd, Bernard Wilde, Manolo Sherrill, Kirk Flippo, Tana Cardenas, Lynn Barbara Kot, Todd J Urbatsch, Melissa Douglas, Madison E Martin, Richard A London, Brian G Wilson, Carlos Alberto Iglesias, James A Emig, James Edward Bailey, Gregory A. Rochau The opacity of iron helps regulate the transfer of energy out from the center of the sun, particularly at the radiative-convective zone boundary at temperatures between 150 and 200 eV. Recent experiments at Sandia National Laboratory's Z machine have shown as much as a factor of two discrepancy between calculated and measured iron opacities. To reconcile this discrepancy a platform for measuring iron opacities at solar conditions has been developed on the NIF. Initial measurements on iron opacities have been obtained at temperatures of about 150 eV. The temperature and density of the iron plasma have also been measured. The accuracy of the measurements and a comparison to results from Z will be presented. Plans for extending the measurements to higher temperatures will also be discussed. |
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 9:42AM - 9:54AM |
GO4.00002: Stark broadening analysis of Mg lines to obtain sample density for Opacity-on-NIF Heather Johns, Robert F Heeter, Theodore S Perry, Roberto Claudio Mancini, Yekaterina P Opachich, James King, Evan Dodd, Natalia S Krasheninnikova, Bernard Wilde, Madison E Martin, Rich A London, Manolo Sherrill, Brian G Wilson, Carlos Alberto Iglesias, Tana Cardenas, James A Emig, Thomas N Archuleta, Todd J Urbatsch, Melissa Douglas, James Edward Bailey, Gregory A. Rochau The Opacity-on-NIF campaign works to provide opacity data for Fe and other elements for comparison to theory.1 This complements the Opacity-on-Z effort, to address the discrepancy that exists between theory and the Z experiments for temperatures between 170-200eV.2 On NIF, the plasma density is currently obtained by measuring the expansion of the sample with time through an aperture in the side wall of the hohlraum3,4,5. However, on Z the plasma density was obtained from a Stark broadening analysis of Mg lines, most reliant on the Mg He-g.5 The Stark method can also be used on Mg lines measured on the NIF, and will be valuable when higher density plasmas are studied. This work presents the initial Stark broadening analysis of NIF sample densities, with comparison to densities obtained through sample expansion measurements.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 9:54AM - 10:06AM |
GO4.00003: Self-Consistency of Stark Broadening Predictions in a Multi-Element HED Plasma Theodore Lane, Pawel M Kozlowski, Guillaume Loisel, Thomas Steinberger, Matthew Flaugh, James Edward Bailey, Gregory A. Rochau, Mark E Koepke The interpretation of spectral line shapes for plasma characterization is well established as a diagnostic technique for determining plasma density.Specifically,Stark broadening is often used to diagnose a plasma’s electron density via a tracer element.We are interested in improving Stark broadening models and their ability to predict the plasma density from multiple elements within the same plasma self-consistently.To do so,we diagnose transmission spectra through ~0.4-um-thick Mg-NaF foil on Sandia’s Z facility.This foil is tamped with varying amounts of CH, allowing for electron densities of 1x1021-1x1022 cm-3.The foil is heated such that He-like charge states were reached for all three elements,allowing for investigation of Multi-element Stark broadening.The amount of broadening found from different elements will be discussed further. |
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 10:06AM - 10:18AM |
GO4.00004: The Study of Ge L-shell Emission form Non-LTE Plasmas Using a Buried Layer Platform at the OMEGA Laser Edward Marley, Duane A Liedahl, Marilyn Beth Schneider, Robert F Heeter, Gregory E Kemp, Yechiel R. Frank, Leonard C Jarrott, Mark E Foord, Klaus Widmann, Christopher W Mauche, James A Emig A buried layer platform has been used at the OMEGA laser to study the open L-shell spectra of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium plasmas (ne ~ few 1021 cm-3, Te ~ 1- 2 keV) of mid Z materials. Studies have been done using a 250 µm diameter dot composed of a layer of 600 Å thick Sc between two 300 Å thick layers of Ge, in the center of a 1000 µm diameter, 10 µm thick beryllium tamper. Lasers heat the target from both sides for up to 3 ns. The size of the emitting volume was measured time-resolved with x-ray imaging (face-on and side-on). The radiant x-ray power was measured with a low-resolution absolutely calibrated x-ray spectrometer (DANTE). The time-resolved temperature was inferred from the Sc K-shell emission. The comparison of the Ge L-shell emission to synthetic spectra calculated using an atomic kinetics code at the measured temperature and density is discussed. |
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 10:18AM - 10:30AM |
GO4.00005: High-Resolving-Power, Streaked X-Ray Spectroscopy on the OMEGA EP Laser System Philip Michael Nilson, Frank Ehrne, Cody Taylor, Chad Mileham, Dino Mastrosimone, Robert Jungquist, Robert Boni, Jeremy Hassett, Collin R Stillman, Steven Ivancic, David Lonobile, Richard Kidder, Milt Shoup, Andrey Solodov, Adam Bennett Sefkow, Christian Stoeckl, Wolfgang R. Theobald, Dustin H Froula, Lan Gao, Kenneth Wayne Hill, Manfred Ludwig Bitter, Philip Charles Efthimion, David D Meyerhofer A high-resolving-power, streaked x-ray spectrometer is being developed and tested on the OMEGA EP Laser System to study temperature-equilibration dynamics in rapidly heated metal. The instrument is based on two diagnostic channels, each with a spherical Bragg crystal. Channel 1 couples a spherical Si220 crystal to an x-ray streak camera. Channel 2 couples a second, identical crystal to an x-ray charge-coupled device, allowing for photometric calibration of the time-resolved spectrum. The instrument covers the spectral range of 7.97 to 8.11 keV, centered on the Cu Kα1 line at 8.05 keV. The time-resolved spectrometer is designed to achieve a resolving power of 2000 and a temporal resolution of 2 ps. The instrument capabilities are demonstrated by resolving the Cu Kα1,2 doublet on high-power shots. Time-resolved Cu Kα spectra will be presented for a wide range of high-power laser and target interactions, where heating and Kα emission is generated by hot-electron-energy deposition. |
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 10:30AM - 10:42AM |
GO4.00006: About radiative temperature measurement with a Streaked Optical Pyrometer Olivier pascal Poujade The simple-flux platform at OMEGA [1] was designed to observe ablation-fronts and shock-fronts simultaneously because their interplay is instrumental to ICF design. It is an indirect-drive experiment with one halfraum pluged to a shock tube. The X-ray framing camera (XRFC) was set to visualize both shocked and ablated regions in the tube. The streaked optical pyrometer (SOP), used in an unconventional manner (side-on with respect to the shock propagation), was turned on to probe the location of the shock [1]. [1] O. Poujade, M. Ferry and I. Geoffray, Phys. Plasmas 24, 102105 (2017) |
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 10:42AM - 10:54AM |
GO4.00007: The key to understanding Supersonic Radiative Marshak waves using Simple Models and Advanced Simulations Avner Cohen, Shay Heizler Radiative heat (Marshak) waves play important roles in many high energy density physics phenomena, for example in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and in astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. In recent decades, several experiments of supersonic Marshak waves propagating through low-density foams were reported, for example in [1-4]. The theoretical understanding of these complicated systems is still incomplete. We analyzed different experiments, carried out in different experimental set ups. In this work we integrate several methods that analyze the experiments. First, we show a simple analytic model that grasps the main physical effects [5]. Nevertheless, we use heavy exact 2D IMC and SN hydro-dynamic simulations, for more accurate results in every experiment. Although the experiments were carried out in extremely different circumstances, we show they share a lot in common. Finally, we show a new approximation [6], yields very similar results to the exact. [1]J. Massen, et al., PRE 50, 4130 (1994). [2]C.A. Back, et al., Phys. Plas. 7, 2126 (2000). [3]C.A. Back, et al., PRL. 847, 274 (2000). [4]A.S. Moore, et al., JQSRT, 159, 19 (2015). [5]A. P. Cohen, et al., JCTT, accepted (2018). [6]A. P. Cohen et al., arXiv:1802.01128 (2018).
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 10:54AM - 11:06AM |
GO4.00008: Supersonic-subsonic transition region in radiation heat flow via self-similar solutions Elad Malka, Shay Heizler We examine the supersonic-subsonic transition region in radiation heat flow. The extreme supersonic and subsonic regions were both examined in previous works, mainly through analytic self-similar solutions. Such solutions may use to evaluate the energy absorption in a layer of a given material (gold, for example) for various initial densities [Rosen & Hammer, PRE 2005], and show that there is an optimal foam density, for which the energy absorption is minimal. This result may be useful for choosing specific hohlraums materials and densities [Young et al., PRL 2008]. However, there is no exact self-similar solution for the full radiative heat flow equations for the transition region, that is for Mach numbers around 1. In [Garnier et al., PoP 2006] a unique self-similar solution was introduced for a specific boundary condition, which is valid for any Mach number. Using this exact solution, we analyze the transition region for different materials and parameters (temperature, density, time), and examine its sensitivity to the time dependence of the boundary condition. In addition, we extend the validity of the approximate solutions for a general boundary condition, comparing it to the exact one, when available. The results are also compared against 1D full numerical simulations. |
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 11:06AM - 11:18AM |
GO4.00009: Inverse Problem Instabilities in Large-Scale Plasma Modelling Muhammad Kasim, Thomas Galligan, Jacob Topp-Mugglestone, Gianluca Gregori, Sam M Vinko Our understanding of physical systems generally depends on our ability to match complex computational modelling with measured experimental outcomes. However, simulations with large parameter spaces suffer from inverse problem instabilities, where similar simulated outputs can map back to very different sets of input parameters. While of fundamental importance, such instabilities are seldom resolved due to the intractably large number of simulations required to comprehensively explore parameter space. Here we show how Bayesian machine learning can be used to address inverse problem instabilities, and apply it to two popular experimental diagnostics in plasma physics: x-ray Thomson scattering and x-ray emission spectroscopy. We find that the extraction of information from measurements simply on the basis of agreement with simulations is unreliable, and leads to a significant underestimation of uncertainties. We describe how to statistically quantify the effect of unstable inverse models, and describe an approach to experimental design that mitigates its impact. |
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 11:18AM - 11:30AM |
GO4.00010: In search of line coincidence photopumping Lauren Hobbs, Daniel Burridge, Steve Rose, Joseph Nilsen, Peter Beiersdorfer, Wayne Babbage, David Hoarty, Colin RD Brown, Matthew Hill, Lucy Wilson Following preliminary measurements in 2013, the a series of dedicated attempts were made on the Orion Laser to observe line coincidence photopumping – the enhancement in population of an atomic level brought on by absorption of x-rays from a different emitting ion. The two lines are said to be resonant, or close enough in energy, such that line emission from one can be absorbed by the other, promoting an electron to a higher state. This then decays via intermediary states to the ground. It is the characteristic signal of this decay that we look for. Detection relies upon use of the XUVGS (X-ray Ultra-Violet Grating Spectrometer), covering the 120 to 1200 eV energy range coupled to a gated x-ray detector. High temperature and low density are required to give a significant population of ions at the correct optical depth to see pumping. To this end, up to eight of Orion’s long pulse beams were used to heat the tamped microdot targets, made up of layers containing the two ions. Data analysis is well underway, underpinned by modelling and evidence will now being collated to assess enhancement compared to a scenario where no pumping occurs. |
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 11:30AM - 11:42AM |
GO4.00011: Observation of Stagnation in Counter-Streaming Laser-Created Plasmas with Optical Thomson Scattering Rachel Young, Carolyn C Kuranz, Dustin H Froula, James Ross, Sallee Klein We present optical Thomson scattering data from counter-streaming plasma jet experiments and argue that the observed slowing is due to stagnation. The jets were created on the OMEGA laser (Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Rochester, NY) by rear-irradiating thin acrylic cones. The resulting jets were probed with a 526.5 nm Thomson beam in both single jet and head-on configurations. From the single jet Thomson measurements, we determined that over the timeframe of 12 to 18 ns, mass density increased from 10^-7 to 10^-4 gm/cc while velocity fell from 300 to 100 km/s. Using these plasma parameters, we find that the interpenetration-to-stagnation transition occurred when the ion-ion mean free path was roughly 1 mm. |
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 11:42AM - 11:54AM |
GO4.00012: Measurement of Plasma Conditions at Shock Collapse on OMEGA John Ruby, James R Rygg, Gilbert W Collins, Chad Forrest, Benjamin Bachmann, Yuan Ping, Hong W Sio, Neel Kabadi A platform on the OMEGA laser at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics is used to measure the plasma conditions at shock collapse in a solid deuterated plastic (CD) ball. A single spherically symmetric shock is driven using the OMEGA laser while observing the self-emission from the collapse. The observations are used to deduce temperatures and densities that are predicted to be of the order of 10^7 K and several ten’s of g/cc, respectively, by simulations. The primary observations include temporally, spatially, and spectrally resolved x-ray self-emission measurements and measurements of the D–D fusion neutrons. These measurements are used in conjunction to understand the conditions in the dense fusing plasma created around the time of shock collapse. |
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 11:54AM - 12:06PM |
GO4.00013: Inverse liner Z-pinch: An experimental pulsed power platform for studying radiative shocks Thomas Clayson, Sergey V Lebedev, Francisco Suzuki-Vidal, Guy Burdiak, Jack Halliday, Jack D Hare, Lee Suttle, Ellie Tubman We present results from experiments to study radiative shocks using the “inverse liner Z-pinch” experimental platform on the MAGPIE pulsed power facility (1.4 MA in 240 ns) at Imperial College London in the UK. In this experimental configuration, current is discharged through a thin-walled metal tube (a liner) embedded in a gas-fill. Current then returns through a central post, generating a strong (~40 Tesla) toroidal magnetic field within the liner. This drives a cylindrically symmetric, radially expanding radiative shock in to the gas surrounding the liner. This experimental setup offers excellent diagnostic access and allows shocks to propagate freely for several centimeters. Multi-frame optical self-emission imaging, laser interferometry, optical emission spectrometry and magnetic probes were used to probe the plasma conditions and shock dynamics. Experiments were performed in Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe at pressures of 1-50 mbar, while maintaining a constant mass density to produce similar shock hydrodynamics. This new configuration for producing radiative shocks provides a unique platform for numerical validation and laboratory astrophysics applications. |
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 12:06PM - 12:18PM |
GO4.00014: X-ray radiation from tungsten pulsed-power plasmas Alla Safronova, Victor L Kantsyrev, Veronica Shlyaptseva, Ishor Shrestha, Christopher Butcher, Austin Stafford, Paul C Campbell, Stephanie M Miller, Nicholas M Jordan, Ryan D McBride, Ronald M Gilgenbach Two sets of the new tungsten (W) experiments performed in 2017 on two university-scale Z-pinch generators with different architecture are considered: W Double Planar Wire Arrays at the University of Michigan’s low-impedance Linear Transformer Driver (LTD) MAIZE generator and W X-pinches at the University of Nevada, Reno’s high-impedance Marx bank Zebra generator. Though a comprehensive set of diagnostics was utilized in both types of experiments, here we focus mostly on x-ray spectroscopy and imaging results and their interpretation, as well as applications to electron beam studies and spectropolarimetry of W pulsed-power plasmas. Specifically, x-ray signals and yields, x-ray pinhole images and spectra, and electron beam current from both sets of experiments are analyzed and compared. Atomic physics of highly ionized W ions and modeling of complex M-shell W spectra are considered and ionization balance of W plasmas is inferred. Application of x-ray line polarization of M-shell W lines in future work is discussed. |
(Author Not Attending)
GO4.00015: Spectroscopic measurements of electric and magnetic field distributions in a relativistic self-magnetic-pinch diode Subir Biswas, Ramy Doron, Evgeny Stambulchik, Dimitry Mikitchuk, Yitzhak Maron, Mark D. Johnston, Sonal Patel, M L Kiefer, E Waisman, Michael Edward Cuneo The collective motion of charged particles in the gaps of high-current diodes are rather complex, and have been the subject of numerous computations. The only direct approach known for experimental investigation is the measurements of electric (E) and magnetic (B) fields. The spatial distribution of B yields the current-flow distribution, the integral and the derivative of E give, respectively, the potential and the charge distributions. The measurements here were performed on the self-magnetic-field diode [1], powered by the RITS-6 accelerator at Sandia. Visible emission due to plasma formed over the anode surface was used to obtain the Stark shift and Zeeman splitting, giving the axial distribution of E and B at various radii. The axial B distribution demonstrated quantitatively the shielding of B by the anode plasma, and the axial E distribution revealed significant reduction in the effective anode-cathode gap. Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. [1] K D Kahn et al., IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 38, 2652 (2010) |
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