Bulletin of the American Physical Society
60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 63, Number 11
Monday–Friday, November 5–9, 2018; Portland, Oregon
Session BP11: Poster Session I: HEDP; General Stellarator; Wendelstein 7-X; Heating, Current Drive, and Energetic Ions (9:30am-12:30pm)
Monday, November 5, 2018
Room: Exhibit Hall A1&A
Abstract ID: BAPS.2018.DPP.BP11.109
Abstract: BP11.00109 : Experimental measurements of Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes (TAEs) on JET with the AEAD system and simulations with the Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code (GTC).*
Nicolas Fil
(Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT)
Nicolas Fil
(Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT)
Miklos Porkolab
(Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT)
Valentin Aslanyan
(Univ of Leicester)
Paulo Puglia
(Ecole Polytech Fed de Lausanne)
Sergei Sharapov
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
Stuart Dowson
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
Haroon Sheikh
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
Sam Taimourzadeh
(Univ of California - Irvine)
Lei Shi
(Univ of California - Irvine)
Zhihong Lin
(Univ of California - Irvine)
Patrick Blanchard
(Ecole Polytech Fed de Lausanne)
Ambrogio Fasoli
(EPFL - Lausanne)
Duccio Testa
(EPFL - Lausanne)
Joelle Mailloux
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
Maximos Tsalas
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
Mikhail Maslov
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
Adrian Whitehead
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
Rory Scannell
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
Sergei Gerasimov
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
Simon Dorling
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
Trevor Blackman
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
Krassimir Kirov
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
Remi Jean Dumont
(CEA Cadarache)
Ge Dong
(Princeton Plasma Phys Lab)
JET Contributors
(EUROfusion Consortium, JET, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB, UK)
The resonant detection and measurement of the damping rates of Alfvén Eigenmodes (AEs) is of critical importance to the design of experiments and development of models of AE stability [1]. We performed experimental measurements on JET with the AE Active Diagnostic (AEAD), and theoretical modelling using state of the art MHD and gyrokinetic codes.
The AEAD has undergone a major upgrade [2]. It can provide a state of the art excitation and real-time detection system thanks to its new amplifiers, filters, digital control system and to the newly installed magnetic probes. Weakly-damped AEs have been resonantly probed with external antennas. With GTC [3] we have simulated both stable and unstable AEs by using equilibria and diagnostic data from JET pulses dedicated to TAEs studies. Good agreement was obtained between simulations and experiments which adds confidence to further predictions for next-step burning plasma experiments, including JET and ITER.
[1] W.W.Heidbrink, Phys. Plasmas 15, 055501 (2008)
[2] P.Puglia et al., Nucl. Fusion 56, 112020 (2016)
[3] Z.Wang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 145003 (2013)
*Support for MIT was provided by the US DOE / DE-FG02-99ER54563, for the Brazilian group the FAPESP Project 2011/50773-0, and for the Swiss group in part by the Swiss NSF.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2018.DPP.BP11.109
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