58th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 61, Number 18
Monday–Friday, October 31–November 4 2016;
San Jose, California
Session KI2: Rosenbluth Award and Magnetized High Energy Density Physics
3:00 PM–5:00 PM,
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Room: 210 CDGH
Chair: Arati Dasgupta, Naval Research Laboratory
Abstract ID: BAPS.2016.DPP.KI2.1
Abstract: KI2.00001 : Demonstration of Ion Kinetic Effects in Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions and Investigation of Magnetic Reconnection Using Laser-Produced Plasmas
3:00 PM–3:30 PM
Preview Abstract
M.J. Rosenberg
(Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester)
Shock-driven laser inertial confinement fusion (ICF) implosions have
demonstrated the presence of ion kinetic effects in ICF implosions and also
have been used as a proton source to probe the strongly driven reconnection
of MG magnetic fields in laser-generated plasmas. Ion kinetic effects arise
during the shock-convergence phase of ICF implosions when the mean free path
for ion--ion collisions $\left( {\lambda_{\mbox{ii}} } \right)$ approaches
the size of the hot-fuel region $\left( {R_{\mbox{fuel}} } \right)$ and may
impact hot-spot formation and the possibility of ignition. To isolate and
study ion kinetic effects, the ratio of $N_{\mbox{K}} ={\lambda_{\mbox{ii}}
} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\lambda_{\mbox{ii}} } {R_{\mbox{fuel}} }}}
\right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {R_{\mbox{fuel}} }$ was varied in
D$^{\mathrm{3}}$He-filled, shock-driven implosions at the Omega Laser
Facility and the National Ignition Facility, from hydrodynamic-like
conditions $\left( {N_{\mbox{K}} {\kern 1pt}\sim 0.01} \right)$ to strongly
kinetic conditions $\left( {N_{\mbox{K}} \sim 10} \right).$ A strong trend
of decreasing fusion yields relative to the predictions of hydrodynamic
models is observed as $N_{\mathrm{K}}$ increases from $\sim 0.1$ to 10.
Hydrodynamics simulations that include basic models of the kinetic effects
that are likely to be present in these experiments---namely, ion diffusion
and Knudsen-layer reduction of the fusion reactivity---are better able to
capture the experimental results. This type of implosion has also been used
as a source of monoenergetic 15-MeV protons to image magnetic fields driven
to reconnect in laser-produced plasmas at conditions similar to those
encountered at the Earth's magnetopause. These experiments demonstrate that
for both symmetric and asymmetric magnetic-reconnection configurations, when
plasma flows are much stronger than the nominal Alfv\'{e}n speed, the rate
of magnetic-flux annihilation is determined by the flow velocity and is
largely insensitive to initial plasma conditions. This work was supported by
the Department of Energy Grant Number DE{\-}NA0001857.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2016.DPP.KI2.1