53rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 56, Number 16
Monday–Friday, November 14–18, 2011;
Salt Lake City, Utah
Session VI3: Tokamak Disruption Physics; Stellarator Progress
3:00 PM–5:00 PM,
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Salt Place Convention Center
Room: Ballroom AC
Chair: Andrew Ware, University of Montana
Abstract ID: BAPS.2011.DPP.VI3.3
Abstract: VI3.00003 : 3-D Equilibrium Reconstruction in the HSX Stellarator*
4:00 PM–4:30 PM
Preview Abstract
J.C. Schmitt
(HSX, UW-Madison)
Axisymmetric toroidal devices reconstruct the MHD equilibrium
from measured pressure, magnetic field components, external field
currents, and other diagnostics, by solving the Grad-Shafranov
equation. For
modern toroidal systems including advanced stellarators and
tokamaks with
asymmetric fields, such as those that arise from finite toroidal
ripple or
ferromagnetic blanket materials, a 3-D equilibrium reconstruction is
required to account for non-axisymmetric effects and accurately
the plasma profiles. The 3-D equilibrium reconstruction of plasma
and pressure profiles in the quasi-helically symmetric
stellarator HSX is
presented. The equilibrium currents in the HSX stellarator are
measured with
a set of magnetic diagnostics, which includes Rogowski coils,
loops, two poloidal `belts' that are separated by 1/3 of a field
period, and
internal coils. Each belt consists of 16 3-axis magnetic pick-up
coils to
measure the local magnetic field, and 15 internal coils measure
the poloidal
field. V3FIT [1], a 3-D equilibrium reconstruction code, is used to
reconstruct the pressure and current profile from the measured
fields and
fluxes. Reconstructions based on the external diagnostics confirm
that the
Pfirsch-Schl\"{u}ter current is helical due to the lack of toroidal
curvature in HSX. The reconstruction of the pressure profile and
energy based on the internal poloidal array agrees well with that
by Thomson scattering and the flux loop. Later in time, the
measurements are
dominated by the bootstrap current which rises on a timescale
comparable to
the length of the discharge. The reconstruction of the current
profile is
consistent with the neoclassical bootstrap current when the
effects of
momentum conservation between plasma species [2] and the 3-D
response of the plasma column [3] are considered. The magnitude
of the
Pfirsch-Schl\"{u}ter and bootstrap currents are reduced by the high
effective transform ($\sim $3), which is characteristic of
symmetric systems. The level of uncertainty in the reconstructed
and current profiles is largest near the core of the plasma.
[1] J.D. Hanson, et al, Nucl. Fusion 49 (2009) 075031.
[2] D.A. Spong, Phys. Plasmas 12, (2005) 056114.
[3] P.I Strand and W.A. Houlberg, Phys. Plasmas 8 (2001) 2782.
*DOE Grant DE-FG02-93ER54222
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2011.DPP.VI3.3