53rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 56, Number 16
Monday–Friday, November 14–18, 2011;
Salt Lake City, Utah
Session TI3: HEDP and Laboratory Astrophysics
9:30 AM–12:30 PM,
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Room: Ballroom AC
Chair: Carolyn Kuranz, University of Michigan
Abstract ID: BAPS.2011.DPP.TI3.1
Abstract: TI3.00001 : Plasma Gradient Piston: a new approach to precision pulse shaping
9:30 AM–10:00 AM
Preview Abstract
Shon T. Prisbrey
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
We have successfully developed a method to create shaped pressure
from large shocks that can be applied to a wide variety of
platforms. The method consists of transforming a large shock or
blast wave
into a ramped pressured drive by utilizing a graded density
reservoir that
unloads across a gap and stagnates against the sample being
studied. The
utilization of a graded density reservoir, different materials,
and a gap
transforms the energy in the initial large shock into a
ramped compression. Control of the ramp history is via the size
of the
initial shock, the chosen reservoir materials, their densities, the
thickness of each density layer, and the gap size. There are two
keys to
utilizing this approach to create ramped drives: the ability to
produce a
large shock, and making the layered density reservoir. A number of
facilities can produce the strong initial shock (Z, Omega, NIF,
high explosives, NIKE, LMJ, pulsed power, {\ldots}). We have
ramped drives from 0.5 to 1.5 Mbar utilizing a large shock
created at the
Omega laser facility. We recently concluded a pair of NIF drive
shots where
we successfully converted a hohlraum-generated shock into a
stepped, ramped
pressure drive with a peak pressure of $\sim $4 - 5 Mbar in a Ta
sample. We
will explain the basic concepts needed for producing a ramped
drive, compare experimental data with simulations from Omega
$ 1 Mbar) and NIF (P$_{max}\sim $ 5-10 Mbar), and present designs
ramped, staged-shock designs up to P$_{max} \quad \sim $ 30 Mbar.
The approach
that we have developed enables precision pulse shaping of the
drive (applied
pressure vs. time) via target characteristics, as opposed to
tailoring laser
power vs time or Z-pinch facility current vs time. This enables
quasi-isentropic materials studies to be performed on a wide
variety of HED
This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of
Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract
DE-AC52-07NA27344. LLNL-ABS-490532.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2011.DPP.TI3.1