52nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 55, Number 15
Monday–Friday, November 8–12, 2010;
Chicago, Illinois
Session NI2: Gyrokinetic Modeling
9:30 AM–12:30 PM,
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Room: Grand Ballroom CD
Chair: Jeff Candy, General Atomics
Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.DPP.NI2.4
Abstract: NI2.00004 : Natural Fueling of the Core and Edge in a Tokamak Fusion Reactor*
11:00 AM–11:30 AM
Preview Abstract
Weigang Wan
(University of Colorado)
A natural fueling mechanism\footnote{W. Wan, S. E. Parker, Y.
Chen and F. W. Perkins, Phys. Plasmas {\bf 17}, 040701 (2010).}
that helps to maintain the main core deuterium and tritium (DT)
density profiles in a tokamak fusion reactor is presented. In
H-mode plasmas dominated by ion-temperature gradient (ITG) driven
turbulence, cold DT ions near the edge will naturally pinch
radially inward towards the core. This mechanism is due to the
quasi-neutral heat flux dominated nature of ITG turbulence and
still applies when trapped and passing kinetic electron effects
are included. Fueling using shallow pellet injection or
supersonic gas jets is augmented by an inward pinch of could DT
fuel. The natural fueling mechanism is investigated using the
gyrokinetic turbulence code GEM and is analyzed using quasilinear
theory. Profiles similar to those used for conservative ITER
transport modeling that have a completely flat density profile
are examined and it is found that natural fueling actually
reduces the linear growth rates and energy transport.
Additionally, it is shown that the Helium ash diffuses radially
outward as the cold fuel moves radially inward. The natural
fueling effect may also apply to the edge pedestal density
buildup. Recent DEGAS 2 calculations indicate the neutrals in the
pedestal are colder than the background ions.\footnote{D.
Stotler, International Transport Task Force Meeting, Annapolis,
MD (2010).} We intend to do further work to determine what cold
fuel profiles are needed to fuel the pedestal and if they are
consistent with edge neutral source models. Natural fueling
(either in the core or edge) requires a two component (hot bulk
and cold fuel) plasma and charge exchange collisions tend to
equilibrate the ion and neutral source temperature reducing the
effect. We will further investigate the relevant collisional time
scales and further demonstrate the viability of the natural
fueling mechanism for ITER parameters.
*Work supported by DOE SciDAC CPES project.
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