52nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 55, Number 15
Monday–Friday, November 8–12, 2010;
Chicago, Illinois
Session DI3: Alternate Configurations and Startup
3:00 PM–5:00 PM,
Monday, November 8, 2010
Room: Grand Ballroom EF
Chair: Brian Nelson, University of Washington
Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.DPP.DI3.1
Abstract: DI3.00001 : Formation of a Long-Lived Hot Field Reversed Configuration by Merging Two Colliding High-$\beta$ Compact Toroids
3:00 PM–3:30 PM
Preview Abstract
Houyang Guo
(Tri Alpha Energy)
A new compact toroid (CT) device, C-2, has been built to form and
fusion-relevant field reversed configurations (FRC), one of the
magnetic confinement entities with average $\beta $ (ratio of
average plasma
to magnetic pressure inside the separatrix) $\sim $10. High
temperature FRCs
are produced in C-2 by dynamically merging two oppositely
directed, highly
supersonic high-$\beta $ deuterium plasmoids preformed by the
$\theta $-pinch technology, achieving record lifetimes of over 2
ms based on
external diamagnetic measurements, with plasma diameter $\sim $ 1 m,
poloidal flux \textit{$\phi $}$_{p} \quad \sim $ 15 mWb, electron
density $n_{e} \quad \sim $
10$^{20}$ m$^{-3}$, and $T_{i}+T_{e} \quad >$ 0.5 keV. Most of
the kinetic
energy is converted into thermal energy upon collision,
predominantly going
into the ion channel: $T_{i} \quad \sim \quad T_{e} \quad \sim $
30 eV before merging,
while $T_{i} \quad \sim $ 4.5$T_{e}$ with $T_{e} \quad \sim $ 100
eV after merging, as
derived from radial pressure balance and multi-chord, muli-pulse
scattering measurements. Such high ion temperatures are also
consistent with
Doppler spectroscopy and neutron measurements. Strong poloidal flux
amplification occurs during the merging process with a flux
factor exceeding 10, the highest ever obtained in a magnetic
system. Both temperatures and poloidal fluxes of the merged FRCs
strongly on the speed of the initial individual plasmoids,
favoring fast
translation. The dynamics of the merging/reconnection process of the
translated CTs are reproduced, for the first time, by a newly
developed 2-D
resistive magnetohydrodynamic code, LamyRidge. What is even more
is that the final merged FRC state exhibits a dramatic
improvement in
transport with flux confinement times approaching classical
values. The
formation of such a well-confined, long-lived, high-$\beta $
plasma state
via collisional merging and magnetic reconnection should be of
wide interest
to fusion energy sciences and basic plasma physics research.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.DPP.DI3.1