49th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 52, Number 11
Monday–Friday, November 12–16, 2007;
Orlando, Florida
Session NI2: MHD, Strongly Coupled and Low Temperature Plasmas
9:30 AM–12:30 PM,
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Rosen Centre Hotel
Room: Salon 3/4
Chair: Phil Efthimion, PPPL, Princeton University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2007.DPP.NI2.6
Abstract: NI2.00006 : Neutral depletion and transport in low temperature plasmas
12:00 PM–12:30 PM
Preview Abstract
Amnon Fruchtman
(Holon Institute of Technology)
Space and laboratory plasmas can be dramatically affected by neutral
depletion. We describe the effect of neutral depletion on low temperature
laboratory plasmas in which the plasma is either collisional or
collisionless and neutrals are either thermalized or move ballistically. In
all these cases the total number of neutrals is shown to be the similarity
variable that determines the electron temperature. For collisional plasma
that is in pressure balance with the neutral gas it has been shown that
because of the inherent coupling of ionization and transport, an increase of
the energy invested in ionization can nonlinearly enhance the transport
process. Such an enhancement of the plasma transport due to neutral
depletion was shown to result in an unexpected \textit{decrease }of the plasma density when
power is \textit{increased; }despite the \textit{increase }of the flux of generated plasma.$^{1}$ Unexpected
steady-state has also been found for collisionless plasma due to neutral
depletion. For ballistically-moving neutral-gas the strong ionization
results in an expected neutral-gas minimum at the center of the
chamber.$^{2}$ However, Raimbault \textit{et al}. have shown that in the case of
thermalized neutral-gas (in which the pressure increases with density) a
strong ionization results in a maximum of the neutral-gas density
surprisingly located at the center of the chamber.$^{3}$ The effects of
neutral depletion due to a noticeable neutral gas heating will also be
discussed. When collisions with electrons are the dominant source of neutral
heating, that heating is larger at the center of the discharge,$^{ 4}$ while
when collisions with ions are the dominant source, the heating is larger
near the wall. It will be shown that, interestingly, the partitioning of
power between plasma and neutral-gas is a function of the electron
temperature only and not of the power level.
\item A. Fruchtman, G. Makrinich, P. Chabert, and J.-M. Rax, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{95, }115002 (2005).
\item A. Fruchtman, ``Neutral depletion and pressure balance in plasma'', 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Rome, 19 - 23 June 2006, ECA Vol. \textbf{30I}, D-5.013 (2006).
\item J.-L. Raimbault, L. Liard, J.-M. Rax, P. Chabert, A. Fruchtman, and G. Makrinich, Phys. Plasmas \textbf{14}, 013503 (2007).
\item L. Liard, J.-L. Raimbault, J.-M. Rax, and P. Chabert, ``Plasma transport under neutral gas depletion conditions'', submitted to J. Phys. D.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.DPP.NI2.6