2005 47th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 24–28, 2005;
Denver, Colorado
Session FI1: The Road to Burning Plasmas
9:30 AM–12:30 PM,
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Adam's Mark Hotel
Room: Plaza Ballroom ABC
Chair: Stephen Wolfe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Abstract ID: BAPS.2005.DPP.FI1.5
Abstract: FI1.00005 : Advanced Tokamak Research in Long Time Scales on JT-60U
11:30 AM–12:00 PM
Preview Abstract
Takaaki Fujita
(Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute)
In order to realize a steady-state tokamak fusion reactor,
sustainment of advanced tokamak plasmas with a large fraction of
bootstrap current ($f_{BS}$) and high normalized beta ($
\beta_N$) is required. Important characteristic time scales to
be considered are the current diffusion time ($\tau_R$) and the
wall saturation time ($\tau_{wall}$). Recent JT-60U experiments
extended the duration of advanced tokamak plasmas longer than $
\tau_R$ and approaching $\tau_{wall}$, which enabled us to study
control issues in long time scales. In a reversed shear plasma,
a very high $f_{BS}$ of 75\% was maintained for 7.4 s ($2.7
\tau_R$) together with very high confinement $HH_{y2} \sim 1.7$
at $\beta_N \sim 1.7$ and $q_{95} \sim 8.6$. Stationary
conditions in the current and pressure profiles have been
obtained for the first time in a bootstrap-current-dominant
plasma relevant to the steady-state tokamak reactor. In a high
$\beta_p$ H-mode plasma with N-NB injection, a weak shear $q$
profile with $q_{min} \sim 1.5$, $q_{95} \sim 4.5$, $f_{BS} \sim
43$-50\% and $\beta_N$ of 2.4 was successfully maintained for
5.8 s ($2.8 \tau_R$) under nearly full non-inductive current
drive condition, approaching to requirements for the ITER
steady-state operation scenario. In a high $\beta_p$ H-mode
plasma with $q(0)$ close to 1, $\beta_N$ of 2.5 and $f_{BS}$ of
$\sim 30$-35\% have been successfully maintained for 15.5 s ($
\sim 9.5 \tau_R$) at $q_{95} \sim 3.4$ with extended pulse
length of NB. The figure of merit of fusion performance $
\beta_{N} H_{89}/q_{95}^2$ was kept 0.4-0.5. The current profile
reached a stationary state with $q(0) \sim 1$ without appearance
of sawteeth or neoclassical tearing modes. A slight decrease in
energy confinement was observed in a later phase, which can be
attributed to the increase in the particle recycling and the
plasma density, suggesting importance of particle control in
long pulse plasmas. The divertor pumping was effective for
density control under the saturation of wall inventory in
repeated long pulse ($\sim 30$ s) ELMy H-mode discharges.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2005.DPP.FI1.5