Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2021 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics
Volume 66, Number 8
Monday–Thursday, October 11–14, 2021; Virtual; Eastern Daylight Time
Session FL: BSM Searches in Fundamental Symmetries IV: Muons and Light Mesons
2:00 PM–4:00 PM,
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Room: Georgian
Chair: Emilie Passemar, Indiana University
Abstract: FL.00002 : Status of the Jefferson Lab Eta Factory (JEF) experiment*
2:12 PM–2:24 PM
Simon Taylor
(Jefferson Lab/Jefferson Science Associat)
Simon Taylor
(Jefferson Lab/Jefferson Science Associat)
GlueX Collaboration
detector in Hall D at Jefferson Lab to use the production and subsequent decays
of η mesons to determine the u/d quark mass ratio, to set constraints on
new C-violating/P-conserving reactions, and to search for signatures of Beyond
Standard Model physics. In particular, the η→π0γγ channel
can be used to provide a window into chiral perturbation theory at
O(p6) and to search for lepto-phobic dark vector (B) bosons in
the reaction η→Bγ (B→π0γ) or dark scalar (S) bosons
in the reaction η→π0S (S→γγ). This channel requires
replacing the inner region of the Forward Calorimeter (FCAL) of the GlueX
detector with an array of 40×40 lead tungstate modules that will
provide a factor of two improvement in position and energy resolution
relative to the existing blocks.
This talk will summarize the experimental program and present the status of the
FCAL upgrade.
*This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under contract DE-AC05-06OR23177.
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