Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2015 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics
Volume 60, Number 13
Wednesday–Saturday, October 28–31, 2015; Santa Fe, New Mexico
Oct 28 2015 9:00AM, Wednesday
Workshop: Theory and Computation for Neutrinos and Fundamental Symmetries
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Joe Carlson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Sonia Bacca, Jonathan Engel, Alessandro Lovato, Sanjay Reddy, Javier Menendez, André Walker-Loud
Workshop: Recent Advances in Electromagnetic Decay Properties of Excited Nuclei
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Hye Young Lee, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Milan Krticka, Sean Liddick, Ronald Schwengner, Stefan Frauendorf, Richard Firestone, Toshihiko Kawano
Workshop: Frontiers in Jets and Heavy Flavor Physics
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Christopher Lee, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: David Lopez Mateos, Grigory Ovanesyan, Megan Connors, Thomas Mehen, Dennis Perepelitsa, Alexei Bazavov
Oct 28 2015 3:00PM, Wednesday
Plenary Session: The Future of Nuclear Physics I
Room: Sweeney Ballroom E/ F
Chair: John Wilkerson, University of North Carolina
Invited Speakers: Donald Geesaman, Gordon Cates, James Nagle
Oct 28 2015 5:00PM, Wednesday
Plenary Session: The Future of Nuclear Physics II
Room: Sweeney Ballroom E/ F
Chair: Ani Aprahamian, Notre Dame University
Invited Speakers: Filomena Nunes, George Fuller, Brad Filippone
Oct 29 2015 8:30AM, Thursday
Fundamental Symmetries in the LHC Era
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Richard Van de Water, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Chen-Yu Liu, Stefano Gandolfi, Gerald Gabrielse
Mini-Symposium on Nuclear Reactions for Astrophysics
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Artemis Spyrou, Michigan State University
Invited Speakers: Gregory Christian
Mini-Symposium on Micro Pattern Gas Detectors for Nuclear Physics Experiments
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Nilanga Liyanage, University of Virginia
Invited Speakers: Kondo Gnanvo
Mini-Symposium on Toward a Predictive Model of Nuclei I
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Filomena Nunes, Michigan State University
Invited Speakers: Heiko Hergert
Few-Body Theory
Room: Lamy
Chair: Mary Alberg, Seattle University
Mini-Symposium on the Spin Structure of the Nucleon I
Room: Peralta
Chair: Xiachiao Zheng, University of Virginia
Invited Speakers: Alexandre Deur
Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ions I
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Megan Connors, Yale University
Electroweak I
Room: Coronado
Chair: Nadia Fomin, University of Tennessee
Oct 29 2015 10:30AM, Thursday
Nominated Speaker Session: Hadron Structure and Rare Isotopes
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Gordon Cates, University of Virginia
Invited Speakers: Jan C. Bernauer, James Drachenberg, Fernando Montes
Nuclear Structure 110-150
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Shea Mosby, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mini-Symposium on Nuclear Structure Relevant to Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Calem Hoffman, Argonne National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Benjamin Kay
Mini-Symposium on Toward a Predictive Model of Nuclei II
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Jason Holt, TRIUMF
Nuclear Reactions and Radioactive Beams
Room: Lamy
Chair: Tan Ahn, University of Notre Dame
Mini-Symposium on the Spin Structure of the Nucleon II
Room: Peralta
Chair: Fatiha Benmokhtar, Duquesne University
Mini-Symposium on Applications of Nuclear Physics I
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Lee Schroeder, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and TechSource-Inc
Invited Speakers: Haruo Miyadera
Mini-Symposium on Parity Violation and Fundamental Symmetries I
Room: Coronado
Chair: Vince Cianciolo, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Roger Carlini
Oct 29 2015 2:00PM, Thursday
CEU Poster Session
Room: Exhibit Hall
Oct 29 2015 4:00PM, Thursday
Invited Session: Heavy Ions from the RHIC Beam Energy Scan to the LHC Run II
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Sergei Voloshin, Wayne State University
Invited Speakers: Nu Xu, Krishna Rajagopal, Aaron Angerami
Nuclear Structure A>150
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Fernando Montes, Michigan State University
Mini-Symposium on Experimental Challenges for Double Beta Decay Experiments I
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Reyco Henning, University of North Carolina
Invited Speakers: Steven Elliott
Nuclear Structure - Light Nuclei
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Calem Hoffman, Argonne National Laboratory
Nuclear Reactions
Room: Lamy
Chair: Kris Hagel, Texas A&M University
Mini-Symposium on the Spin Structure of the Nucleon III
Room: Peralta
Chair: Alenxandre Deur, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Mini-Symposium on Applications of Nuclear Physics II
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Pieter Mumm, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Mini-Symposium on Parity Violation and Fundamental Symmetries II
Room: Coronado
Chair: Adam Holley, Tennessee Technological University
Oct 30 2015 8:30AM, Friday
Invited Session: Neutron-rich Matter, Neutrinos and Nucleosynthesis in Neutron Stars, Supernova and Mergers
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Charles Horowitz, Indiana University
Invited Speakers: Jeremy Holt, Andrew Cumming, Daniel Kasen
Nuclear Astrophysics I
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Anna Simon, University of Notre Dame
Mini-Symposium on Experimental Challenges for Double Beta Decay Experiments II
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Matthew Green, North Carolina State University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Nuclear Structure A~20-60
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Adam Fritsch, Gonzaga University
Instrumentation I
Room: Lamy
Chair: Kelly Chipps, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Electromagnetic Interactions
Room: Peralta
Chair: Harut Avagyan, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Mini-Symposium on Applications of Nuclear Physics III
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Lee Bernstein, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mini-Symposium on Parity Violation and Fundamental Symmetries III
Room: Coronado
Chair: Roger Carlini, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Invited Speakers: Vince Cianciolo
Oct 30 2015 10:30AM, Friday
Invited Session: New Results In Parity Violation
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Jeff Nico, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Invited Speakers: David Bowman, Gordon Jones, Nicholas Scielzo
Nuclear Astrophysics II
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Greg Christian, Texas A&M University
Mini-Symposium on Experimental Challenges for Double Beta Decay Experiments III
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Diana Parno, University of Washington
Nuclear Structure A~30-90
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Kei Minamisono, Michigan State University
Instrumentation II
Room: Lamy
Chair: Donal Day, University of Virginia
Mini-Symposium on Attacking the Nuclear Force at the EIC I
Room: Peralta
Chair: Pawel Nadel-Turonski, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Invited Speakers: Douglas Higinbotham
Mini-Symposium on Applications of Nuclear Physics IV
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Lee Schroeder, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and TechSource-Inc
Mini-Symposium on Digital Signal Processing in Nuclear Physics Experiments
Room: Coronado
Chair: Robert Grzywacz, University of Tennessee
Invited Speakers: Mario Cromaz
Oct 30 2015 2:00PM, Friday
Awards Session
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: John Wilkerson, University of North Carolina
Invited Speakers: John Dirk Walecka, Chun Shen, Jehanne Gillo
Nuclear Astrophysics III
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Andrew Rogers, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Mini-Symposium on the Role of Nuclear Physics in Dark Matter Detection I
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Vincenzo Cirigliano, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Wick Haxton
Nuclear Structure A~70-100
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Heather Crawford, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Instrumentation III
Room: Lamy
Chair: Mitch Allmond, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mini-Symposium on Attacking the Nuclear Force at the EIC II
Room: Peralta
Chair: Pawel Nadel-Turonski, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Mini-Symposium on Applications of Nuclear Physics V
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Michael Huber, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Mini-Symposium on Parity Violation and Fundamental Symmetries IV
Room: Coronado
Chair: Daniel Salvat, University of Washington
Oct 30 2015 4:00PM, Friday
DNP Business Meeting and Town Hall Meeting
Room: Sweeney Ballroom E/ F
Chair: John Wilkerson, University of North Carolina
Oct 30 2015 7:15PM, Friday
Room: Hotel Mesa Ballroom
Chair: Gordon Cates, University of Virginia
Invited Speakers: Terry Wallace
Oct 31 2015 8:30AM, Saturday
Invited Session: New Developments in the Study of Exotic Neutron-rich Nuclei
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Calem Hoffman, Argonne National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Jason Holt, J.M. Allmond, Scott Suchyta
Theoretical Modeling of Nuclei
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Richard Furnstahl, Ohio State University
Mini-Symposium on the Role of Nuclear Physics in Dark Matter Detection II
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Reina Maruyama, Yale University
Nuclear Reactions: Hadrons/Light Ions
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Jolie Cizewski, Rutgers University
Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ions II
Room: Peralta
Chair: Michael McCumber, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Hadron Physics I
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Patrizia Rossi, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Electroweak II
Room: Coronado
Chair: Steven Clayton, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Oct 31 2015 10:30AM, Saturday
Invited Session: The Still Puzzling World of Up and Down Quarks
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Lamiia El Fassi, Mississippi State University
Invited Speakers: Harut Avakian, Qinghua Xu, Markus Diefenthaler
Nuclear Theory Far and Wide
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Susan Seestrom, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Brent VanDevender, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Nuclear Structure A~100-120
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Steven Pain, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ions III
Room: Peralta
Chair: Julia Velkovska, Vanderbilt University
Hadron Physics II
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Tanja Horn, Catholic University of America
Electroweak III
Room: Coronado
Chair: Matthias Schindler, University of South Carolina
Oct 28 2015 9:00AM, Wednesday
Workshop: Theory and Computation for Neutrinos and Fundamental Symmetries
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Joe Carlson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Sonia Bacca, Jonathan Engel, Alessandro Lovato, Sanjay Reddy, Javier Menendez, André Walker-Loud
Workshop: Recent Advances in Electromagnetic Decay Properties of Excited Nuclei
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Hye Young Lee, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Milan Krticka, Sean Liddick, Ronald Schwengner, Stefan Frauendorf, Richard Firestone, Toshihiko Kawano
Workshop: Frontiers in Jets and Heavy Flavor Physics
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Christopher Lee, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: David Lopez Mateos, Grigory Ovanesyan, Megan Connors, Thomas Mehen, Dennis Perepelitsa, Alexei Bazavov
Oct 28 2015 3:00PM, Wednesday
Plenary Session: The Future of Nuclear Physics I
Room: Sweeney Ballroom E/ F
Chair: John Wilkerson, University of North Carolina
Invited Speakers: Donald Geesaman, Gordon Cates, James Nagle
Oct 28 2015 5:00PM, Wednesday
Plenary Session: The Future of Nuclear Physics II
Room: Sweeney Ballroom E/ F
Chair: Ani Aprahamian, Notre Dame University
Invited Speakers: Filomena Nunes, George Fuller, Brad Filippone
Oct 29 2015 8:30AM, Thursday
Fundamental Symmetries in the LHC Era
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Richard Van de Water, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Chen-Yu Liu, Stefano Gandolfi, Gerald Gabrielse
Mini-Symposium on Nuclear Reactions for Astrophysics
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Artemis Spyrou, Michigan State University
Invited Speakers: Gregory Christian
Mini-Symposium on Micro Pattern Gas Detectors for Nuclear Physics Experiments
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Nilanga Liyanage, University of Virginia
Invited Speakers: Kondo Gnanvo
Mini-Symposium on Toward a Predictive Model of Nuclei I
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Filomena Nunes, Michigan State University
Invited Speakers: Heiko Hergert
Few-Body Theory
Room: Lamy
Chair: Mary Alberg, Seattle University
Mini-Symposium on the Spin Structure of the Nucleon I
Room: Peralta
Chair: Xiachiao Zheng, University of Virginia
Invited Speakers: Alexandre Deur
Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ions I
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Megan Connors, Yale University
Electroweak I
Room: Coronado
Chair: Nadia Fomin, University of Tennessee
Oct 29 2015 10:30AM, Thursday
Nominated Speaker Session: Hadron Structure and Rare Isotopes
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Gordon Cates, University of Virginia
Invited Speakers: Jan C. Bernauer, James Drachenberg, Fernando Montes
Nuclear Structure 110-150
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Shea Mosby, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mini-Symposium on Nuclear Structure Relevant to Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Calem Hoffman, Argonne National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Benjamin Kay
Mini-Symposium on Toward a Predictive Model of Nuclei II
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Jason Holt, TRIUMF
Nuclear Reactions and Radioactive Beams
Room: Lamy
Chair: Tan Ahn, University of Notre Dame
Mini-Symposium on the Spin Structure of the Nucleon II
Room: Peralta
Chair: Fatiha Benmokhtar, Duquesne University
Mini-Symposium on Applications of Nuclear Physics I
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Lee Schroeder, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and TechSource-Inc
Invited Speakers: Haruo Miyadera
Mini-Symposium on Parity Violation and Fundamental Symmetries I
Room: Coronado
Chair: Vince Cianciolo, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Roger Carlini
Oct 29 2015 2:00PM, Thursday
CEU Poster Session
Room: Exhibit Hall
Oct 29 2015 4:00PM, Thursday
Invited Session: Heavy Ions from the RHIC Beam Energy Scan to the LHC Run II
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Sergei Voloshin, Wayne State University
Invited Speakers: Nu Xu, Krishna Rajagopal, Aaron Angerami
Nuclear Structure A>150
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Fernando Montes, Michigan State University
Mini-Symposium on Experimental Challenges for Double Beta Decay Experiments I
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Reyco Henning, University of North Carolina
Invited Speakers: Steven Elliott
Nuclear Structure - Light Nuclei
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Calem Hoffman, Argonne National Laboratory
Nuclear Reactions
Room: Lamy
Chair: Kris Hagel, Texas A&M University
Mini-Symposium on the Spin Structure of the Nucleon III
Room: Peralta
Chair: Alenxandre Deur, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Mini-Symposium on Applications of Nuclear Physics II
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Pieter Mumm, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Mini-Symposium on Parity Violation and Fundamental Symmetries II
Room: Coronado
Chair: Adam Holley, Tennessee Technological University
Oct 30 2015 8:30AM, Friday
Invited Session: Neutron-rich Matter, Neutrinos and Nucleosynthesis in Neutron Stars, Supernova and Mergers
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Charles Horowitz, Indiana University
Invited Speakers: Jeremy Holt, Andrew Cumming, Daniel Kasen
Nuclear Astrophysics I
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Anna Simon, University of Notre Dame
Mini-Symposium on Experimental Challenges for Double Beta Decay Experiments II
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Matthew Green, North Carolina State University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Nuclear Structure A~20-60
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Adam Fritsch, Gonzaga University
Instrumentation I
Room: Lamy
Chair: Kelly Chipps, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Electromagnetic Interactions
Room: Peralta
Chair: Harut Avagyan, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Mini-Symposium on Applications of Nuclear Physics III
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Lee Bernstein, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mini-Symposium on Parity Violation and Fundamental Symmetries III
Room: Coronado
Chair: Roger Carlini, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Invited Speakers: Vince Cianciolo
Oct 30 2015 10:30AM, Friday
Invited Session: New Results In Parity Violation
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Jeff Nico, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Invited Speakers: David Bowman, Gordon Jones, Nicholas Scielzo
Nuclear Astrophysics II
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Greg Christian, Texas A&M University
Mini-Symposium on Experimental Challenges for Double Beta Decay Experiments III
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Diana Parno, University of Washington
Nuclear Structure A~30-90
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Kei Minamisono, Michigan State University
Instrumentation II
Room: Lamy
Chair: Donal Day, University of Virginia
Mini-Symposium on Attacking the Nuclear Force at the EIC I
Room: Peralta
Chair: Pawel Nadel-Turonski, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Invited Speakers: Douglas Higinbotham
Mini-Symposium on Applications of Nuclear Physics IV
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Lee Schroeder, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and TechSource-Inc
Mini-Symposium on Digital Signal Processing in Nuclear Physics Experiments
Room: Coronado
Chair: Robert Grzywacz, University of Tennessee
Invited Speakers: Mario Cromaz
Oct 30 2015 2:00PM, Friday
Awards Session
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: John Wilkerson, University of North Carolina
Invited Speakers: John Dirk Walecka, Chun Shen, Jehanne Gillo
Nuclear Astrophysics III
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Andrew Rogers, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Mini-Symposium on the Role of Nuclear Physics in Dark Matter Detection I
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Vincenzo Cirigliano, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Wick Haxton
Nuclear Structure A~70-100
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Heather Crawford, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Instrumentation III
Room: Lamy
Chair: Mitch Allmond, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mini-Symposium on Attacking the Nuclear Force at the EIC II
Room: Peralta
Chair: Pawel Nadel-Turonski, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Mini-Symposium on Applications of Nuclear Physics V
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Michael Huber, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Mini-Symposium on Parity Violation and Fundamental Symmetries IV
Room: Coronado
Chair: Daniel Salvat, University of Washington
Oct 30 2015 4:00PM, Friday
DNP Business Meeting and Town Hall Meeting
Room: Sweeney Ballroom E/ F
Chair: John Wilkerson, University of North Carolina
Oct 30 2015 7:15PM, Friday
Room: Hotel Mesa Ballroom
Chair: Gordon Cates, University of Virginia
Invited Speakers: Terry Wallace
Oct 31 2015 8:30AM, Saturday
Invited Session: New Developments in the Study of Exotic Neutron-rich Nuclei
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Calem Hoffman, Argonne National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Jason Holt, J.M. Allmond, Scott Suchyta
Theoretical Modeling of Nuclei
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Richard Furnstahl, Ohio State University
Mini-Symposium on the Role of Nuclear Physics in Dark Matter Detection II
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Reina Maruyama, Yale University
Nuclear Reactions: Hadrons/Light Ions
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Jolie Cizewski, Rutgers University
Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ions II
Room: Peralta
Chair: Michael McCumber, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Hadron Physics I
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Patrizia Rossi, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Electroweak II
Room: Coronado
Chair: Steven Clayton, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Oct 31 2015 10:30AM, Saturday
Invited Session: The Still Puzzling World of Up and Down Quarks
Room: Sweeney Ballroom A
Chair: Lamiia El Fassi, Mississippi State University
Invited Speakers: Harut Avakian, Qinghua Xu, Markus Diefenthaler
Nuclear Theory Far and Wide
Room: Sweeney Ballroom B
Chair: Susan Seestrom, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Room: Sweeney Ballroom C
Chair: Brent VanDevender, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Nuclear Structure A~100-120
Room: Sweeney Ballroom D
Chair: Steven Pain, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ions III
Room: Peralta
Chair: Julia Velkovska, Vanderbilt University
Hadron Physics II
Room: General Kearny
Chair: Tanja Horn, Catholic University of America
Electroweak III
Room: Coronado
Chair: Matthias Schindler, University of South Carolina
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