Bulletin of the American Physical Society
71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
Volume 63, Number 13
Sunday–Tuesday, November 18–20, 2018; Atlanta, Georgia
Session Q02: Turbulent Combustion IV |
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Chair: Adam Steinberg, Georgia Institute of Technology Room: Georgia World Congress Center B203 |
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 12:50PM - 1:03PM |
Q02.00001: Extension of POD for Feature Extraction from Time Resolved Reacting Flow Data Sets Hanna Ek, Benjamin Emerson, Timothy C Lieuwen Recent improvements in computational and experimental combustion have led to an increased availability of high fidelity data sets. Hence, the reduction and analysis of this data become a key aspect in improving our understanding of highly dynamic, reacting flow fields. This work utilizes simultaneous high speed measurements of fuel distribution, flame location and flow velocity in a high pressure, liquid fueled swirl combustor. The objective is to extract information from these experimental data sets, which can be directly compared with large scale computations. Due to the highly dynamic environment encountered in gas turbine combustors, an instantaneous snap-shot of the flow field rarely resembles the time-average. It is therefore essential to develop methods which allow us to analyze and compare unsteady flow features. While a number of both data driven and physics-based approaches have been previously presented in the literature, the purpose of this work is to extend one of the commonly used modal analysis techniques, POD, utilizing existing flow physics to condition the algorithmic detection of dominant flow structures. |
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 1:03PM - 1:16PM |
Q02.00002: Large-eddy simulation and Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes modeling of a reacting Rayleigh-Taylor mixing layer in a convergent geometry Brandon E Morgan, Britton J Olson, Wolfgang J Black, Jacob A McFarland Tenth-order compact difference code Miranda is used to perform large-eddy simulation (LES) of a hydrogen gas/plastic ablator mixing layer in a convergent geometry. Once the mixing layer has achieved self-similar growth, it is heated to 1 keV, and the second-order arbitrary Lagrangian/Eulerian (ALE) code Ares is used to simulate mixing layer evolution as it undergoes thermonuclear (TN) burn. Both premixed and non-premixed variants are considered at Atwood numbers 0.05 and 0.50. The impact of turbulent mixing on mean TN reaction rate is examined, and a four-equation k-L-a-V Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) model is presented. The k-L-a-V model, which represents an extension of the k-L-a model [Morgan and Wickett, Phys. Rev. E 91, 043002 (2015)] by the addition of a transport equation for the scalar mass fraction variance, is then applied in one-dimensional simulations of the reacting mixing layer under consideration. Excellent agreement is obtained between LES and RANS in total TN neutron production when fluctuations in reaction cross-section can be neglected. |
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 1:16PM - 1:29PM |
Q02.00003: How Fast is the Flame: Displacement vs. Burning Speeds of Fast, Highly Compressible Turbulent Premixed Flames Laura O'Neill, Kareem Ahmed, Jessica Chambers, Vadim Gamezo, Alexei Poludnenko A comparative analysis of numerically and experimentally determined speeds of fast, highly compressible premixed turbulent flames is presented. Analysis focuses on direct numerical simulations of the Turbulent Shock Tube (TST) facility developed at the University of Central Florida. The TST generates flames, which exhibit highly time-dependent evolution with significant flame acceleration, overpressures, and turbulence generated within the flame brush. Flame speed, a defining characteristic, is generally determined in experiments through measurement of the flame displacement speed, SD, relative to the upstream flow. It is not currently clear how accurately SD represents the burning speed, ST, of a turbulent flame, which is the proper measure of fuel consumption and heat release rate. Here we investigate the differences between numerically calculated SD and ST, as well as SD experimentally determined in the TST. Results show considerable differences between SD and ST, which become particularly pronounced as the flame evolution grows increasingly unsteady. This study aims to develop the understanding of various flame-speed measures in fast, highly unsteady turbulent combustion regimes directly relevant to novel combustion systems such as scramjets and detonation-based engines. |
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 1:29PM - 1:42PM |
Q02.00004: Analysis of Highly-Turbulent Premixed Flames Using a Retrospective Lagrangian Approach Peter Hamlington, Colin AZ Towery, Alexei Poludnenko A retrospective (i.e., backwards in time) Lagrangian analysis is used to examine premixed flame structure and dynamics for highly turbulent reactant mixtures. The computational cost of such a retrospective analysis can be enormous due to the associated data storage requirements, but this approach enables the relatively straightforward study of the dynamical origins of transient flame phenomena such as ignition, extinction, and pocket formation. In this talk, we present results from a retrospective Lagrangian analysis performed on data from a direct numerical simulation (DNS) of premixed n-dodecane combustion in an unconfined domain. The turbulence intensity in the DNS is quite high, with Karlovitz numbers of O(102-103), resulting in substantial thermochemical complexity. In particular, we show that fuel consumption and temperature rise within fluid parcels are frequently non-monotonic, resulting in frequent cooling events even after the temperature within a parcel has risen to 1400K or more, and we identify the dynamical origins of this non-monotonicity. Complex transient phenomena such as auto- and forced-ignition, extinction, and pocket formation are also identified, and the retrospective Lagrangian analysis is used to examine the dynamics leading to such events. |
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 1:42PM - 1:55PM |
Q02.00005: Lagrangian Analysis of the Thermochemical Trajectories in High-Speed, Turbulent, Premixed Methane-Air and Jet-Fuel-Air Flames Sai Sandeep Dammati, Yoram Kozak, Laura O'Neill, Peter E Hamlington, Alexei Poludnenko In a recent study of the dynamics of high-speed turbulent premixed methane-air and jet-fuel-air flames, we found that methane and heavy hydrocarbons exhibit opposite trends in terms of the turbulent burning velocity at low and high turbulent intensities. In particular, direct numerical simulations of statistically planar turbulent flames in a canonical “flame-in-the-box” configuration were performed spanning Karlovitz numbers from 10 to 104. These calculations showed that while the normalized burning speed of methane ST/SL is significantly higher than that of jet fuels (n-dodecane, Cat A2, and Cat C1) at Ka ~ 10, at high intensities corresponding to Ka ≥ 103, jet fuels exhibit significantly larger values of ST/SL compared to methane. Here we extend this study by performing a Lagrangian analysis of the thermochemical trajectories of fluid parcels traversing the flame for Ka = 10 – 104. In particular, we discuss the variation in the characteristic residence times in different flame regions, as well as the non-monotonicity of the thermochemical trajectories previously observed in fast H2/air flames. Finally, we discuss the implications of these results for the reduced chemical kinetics used to represent hydrocarbon fuels, as well as for the Large Eddy Simulation combustion models. |
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 1:55PM - 2:08PM |
Q02.00006: Experimental investigation of the turbulence-flame interaction by using Lagrangian Coherent Structures Sina Rafati, Noel Clemens Chaos and its relation to turbulence play an important role in an investigation of the interaction of turbulence and flame. Lyapunov exponents (LEs) as a vital parameter for estimation of chaos can quantify the exponential divergence of initially close state-space trajectories. In this study, a highspeed (20-kHz) planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) imaging of formaldehyde (CH2O) in a turbulent non-premixed CH4/H2 based turbulent flame together with velocity measurement using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) has been done. The Reynolds number of the jet based on the diameter of jet exit was varied within 12000-26000. A pulse-burst laser system was used to generate 355 nm laser pulses. The particles for PIV were illuminated with two diode-pumped Nd:YLF lasers frequency-doubled to 527 nm. Lagrangian coherent structures were used for obtaining flame topologies and tracking features through space and time and it is compared with the formaldehyde PLIF measurement. It is shown that the LEs map provides consistent evidence of the heat-release region and in turn represents the interaction of topological structures approaching to heat release region. Identification of LEs will also help for the understanding of the perturbation development and its interaction with flame. |
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 2:08PM - 2:21PM |
Q02.00007: Turbulent Premixed Flame Acceleration in Duct Flows Steven Roth, Bradley Ochs, Devesh Ranjan, Suresh Menon Unlike traditional flame acceleration studies in closed or half-open pipes, a flowing system can provide new insights into the mechanisms responsible for rapid flame acceleration in early stages of burning. The current flowing facility has advantages over the classical static facility: turbulence generation without the need for blockages in front of the flame, large number flame of ensembles, and a modular test section for studying specific stages of flame acceleration. A blow-down facility is used to study flame acceleration in a 50 x 50 mm2 subsonic tunnel in which methane-air kernels are ignited with a 532 nm Nd:YAG laser. As the kernel convects downstream, it becomes confined and accelerates, with the leading flame tip propagating downstream and reaching peak velocities of ~100 m/s and accelerations of ~5000 m/s2 before exiting the test section. The background turbulence intensity is controlled by changing upstream turbulence-enhancing grids, with higher turbulence intensities causing greater acceleration. High-speed simultaneous Schlieren and PIV are used to evaluate flame evolution at multiple downstream locations. The results are compared to classical static system experiments, showing similar qualitative trends and enhanced flame tip acceleration. |
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 2:21PM - 2:34PM |
Q02.00008: Experimental-Numerical Comparison of Premixed Turbulent Flame Kernels in Expanding Supersonic Channel Flow Bradley Ochs, Reetesh Ranjan, Devesh Ranjan, Suresh Menon It was recently shown using experiments that premixed supersonic flame kernels exposed to a mean acceleration develop a vortex ring motion due to baroclinic torque (Ochs et al., FTC 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10494-018-9947-x). One major conclusion is that, when compared to well established low-speed spherical flame studies, the growth of supersonic kernels is enhanced due to the vortex ring motion. However, the previous work utilized a line of sight Schlieren measurement to assess flame growth and it is unclear to what extent the observations would change if the full three-dimensional flame topology was available. In order to answer this question, extensive Large Eddy Simulations of supersonic premixed flame kernels are performed. Numerical validation is demonstrated by comparing the experimental flame speed to a numerical flame speed calculated using numerical Schlieren and processed in a similar fashion to the previous experimental data. Reasonable agreement is found across all cases. It is shown that the vortex ring motion has a non-negligible effect on the late time flame topology, which has important implications on turbulent flame speed scaling in supersonic expanding flows. |
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 2:34PM - 2:47PM |
Q02.00009: Transient laser-induced ignition kernels in supersonic flow David Buchta, Pavel Popov, Pooya Movahed, Jonathan Freund Simulation predictions with quantified uncertainty are made for ignition of an axisymmetric slot jet on a centerbody injecting hydrogen into a M=2.7 crossflow that is seeded by the optical breakdown of a focused laser (LIB). The LIB dissociates the local mixture into elemental species, generates vorticity, and heats the gas above 104 K, activating reactions within ≈10-9 s and producing the ignition kernel. The flow near the kernel is complex: turbulent, compressible, separating boundary layers, non-premixed fuel and oxidizers, and velocities induced by the LIB exceeding 103 m/s. As a prediction testbed, blind comparisons are made with corresponding experiments, and they focus particularly on the kernel's position, size, and orientation based on the light intensity emitted by excited hydroxyl radical. In the simulations, this comparison entails using a detailed kinetics model and simulating the same data-acquisition characteristics (e.g. frame rate and exposure time). Depending on the breakdown site, the kernel orients and convects in a primary direction with the flow. The initially sub-millimeter-scale kernels are three-dimensional, elongate along their principal axis, and grow by over a factor of ten as ignition ensues. |
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 2:47PM - 3:00PM |
Q02.00010: On burning rate enhancement in spherically expanding turbulent flame Tejas Kulkarni, Mohamed Houssem Kasbaoui, Romain Buttay, Antonio Attili, Fabrizio Bisetti The mechanism responsible for the enhancement of the burning rate in turbulent premixed flames is an active topic of research. The dependence of the burning rate on the turbulence intensity is well documented through a large number of experiments, although the scatter is high even at low turbulence levels. In the present study, we aim to explain this dependence with data from three Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of spherically expanding turbulent flames at different Reynolds numbers. First, the ratio of turbulent surface area to that corresponding to the mean radius is decomposed into factors involving the flame brush thickness and the surface density function. Then a detailed governing equation for the flame brush thickness is derived systematically starting from the surface density transport equation. It is observed that the flame brush evolves due to four different mechanisms, one of which is the turbulent transport. However, the gradients in the mean velocity field, dependence of propagation velocity on mean curvature, and the flame stretch term also contribute to the evolution of the brush. Our analysis proves that the burning rate enhancement in turbulent flames depends to a large extent on the configuration, which may explain the large scatter in experimental data. |
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 3:00PM - 3:13PM |
Q02.00011: Direct Numerical Simulation of Multi-Injection Mixing and Combustion in Diesel Environments Martin Rieth, Marc Day, Jacqueline Chen Multi-injection mixture formation strategies are known to improve diesel engine operation in terms of pollutant emissions, noise and controllability. A pilot injection, where a small amount of fuel is injected prior to the main injection, shows high levels of premixing and leaner mixtures at time of ignition. The main injection has a longer duration, and its ignition is promoted by the presence of the pilot, leading to less premixing at the time of ignition compared to the pilot injection. The dwell time between the two injections controls the amount of time the pilot injection has to ignite and the degree of mixing before interaction with the main injection. While diesel multi-injection has been investigated experimentally, a fundamental understanding of the mixture preparation, ignition and and flame stabilization is still elusive. We will present two- and preliminary three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of multi-injection of a vaporized fuel-rich n-dodecane/air mixture under reacting and non-reacting conditions relevant for engine operation. We investigate how mixture formation, ignition, flame structure and flame stabilization of the second injection are influenced by the first injection, and how this is affected by a variation in dwell time. |
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 3:13PM - 3:26PM |
Q02.00012: Computational and Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Cool Flames Alex G. Novoselov, Christopher B. Reuter, Omar R. Yehia, Yiguang Ju, Michael E. Mueller Nonpremixed cool flames have received increasing attention recently due to their importance in real combustion devices, such as diesel engines, where cool flames are often present alongside hot flames in turbulent flows. One way to learn about the fundamental physics behind turbulent nonpremixed cool flames in real systems is to first study them in isolation, free from the effects of any neighboring hot flames. To date, such studies have been strictly computational, due to the difficulty of isolating a turbulent cool flame experimentally. Recently, a new Co-flow Axisymmetric Reactor-Assisted Turbulent (CARAT) burner has been developed that is capable of experimentally studying isolated turbulent cool flames in a statistically stationary jet configuration. In this work, an isolated nonpremixed turbulent cool flame of dimethyl ether is computed in the same configuration using Direct Numerical Simulation and compared to experimental measurements of temperature and formaldehyde. The comparisons provide further insights into the fundamental structure of turbulent nonpremixed cool flames. |
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