Bulletin of the American Physical Society
71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
Volume 63, Number 13
Sunday–Tuesday, November 18–20, 2018; Atlanta, Georgia
Session G27: Flow Instability: Interfacial and Thin Film III
10:35 AM–12:45 PM,
Monday, November 19, 2018
Georgia World Congress Center
Room: B315
Chair: Fredrik Lundell, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Abstract ID: BAPS.2018.DFD.G27.4
Abstract: G27.00004 : Scaling transitions during rupture of thin liquid sheets of power-law fluids
11:14 AM–11:27 AM
Sumeet Suresh Thete
(Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.)
Sumeet Suresh Thete
(Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.)
Vishrut Garg
(Purdue University)
Osman A Basaran
(Purdue Univ)
Rupture of thin liquid sheets is critical in applications as diverse as crop spraying, foam stability, coating flows, and polymer processing. Here, the van der Waals-driven thinning and rupture of sheets of power-law fluids are analyzed for fluids with a range of Ohnesorge numbers Oh ≡ µ0/√(ρh0σ), where µ0, ρ, h0 and σ represent the zero-deformation-rate viscosity, density, initial sheet thickness and surface tension, and power-law exponent n. The variation with time remaining until rupture of the film thickness, lateral length scale, and lateral velocity is determined analytically through asymptotic analysis of the governing spatially one-dimensional partial differential equations obtained by taking advantage of the long wavelength approximation. This analysis is confirmed and extended by numerical solution of the multi-dimensional continuity and Cauchy momentum equations. A plethora of scaling regimes that arise for different dominant balances between inertial, viscous, van der Waals, and capillary forces are identified, and transitions between these regimes are determined and delineated in the parameter space of (Oh, n).
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2018.DFD.G27.4
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