Bulletin of the American Physical Society
71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
Volume 63, Number 13
Sunday–Tuesday, November 18–20, 2018; Atlanta, Georgia
Session F36: Porous Media Flows: Immiscible Fluids and Multiphase Flows |
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Chair: Mojdeh Rasoulzadeh, University of Alabama Room: Georgia World Congress Center B408 |
Monday, November 19, 2018 8:00AM - 8:13AM |
F36.00001: High Resolution X-Ray Differential Phase Contrast for Fluid Imaging in Porous Media George K. Herring, Maha Yusuf, Yao-Te Cheng, Max Yuen, Ching-Wei Chang, Yunying Qi, Jiajun He, Birol Dindoruk, Lambertus Hesselink X-Ray computed tomography is a common technique for determining the three-dimensional structure of solids but has found limited application for measuring the structure of liquid-liquid interfaces within porous media because the X-Ray absorption coefficients tend to be similar for most fluids. Two primary techniques, a high brightness source or added contrast agent, have previously been utilized to enable X-Ray imaging of 3D liquid-liquid interfaces. The use of a high brightness source is expensive and logistically complicated. Adding a contrast agent effects the fluid dynamics that are being observed. |
Monday, November 19, 2018 8:13AM - 8:26AM |
F36.00002: High-speed micro-PIV measurements of multiphase flow of water and supercritical CO2 in a 2D circular porous micromodel Yaofa Li, Farzan Kazemifar, Gianluca Blois, Kenneth T. Christensen Multiphase flow in porous media is relevant to a range of applications in the energy and environmental sectors such as oil recovery. Recently, the interest has been renewed by geological storage of CO2 within saline aquifers. While it is critical to predict the fidelity of candidate sites pre-injection of CO2 and its post-injection migration, it is increasingly recognized that those macroscopic flow behaviors are largely controlled by pore-scale physics down to the micrometer scale. Moreover, recent evidence shows that transient flow events such as Haines jumps, occur on the time scale of milliseconds, and the dynamic effects, e.g. inertia, can greatly affect the accuracy of prediction if not accounted for properly in predictive models. To this end, the pore-scale flow of water and CO2 is quantified using high-speed micro-PIV in a 2D heterogeneous micromodel under reservoir-relevant conditions. The high resolutions both in time and space allow us to achieve temporally- and spatially-resolved data, which is indispensable to advance our understanding of the pore-scale flow dynamics. In addition, both drainage and imbibition cases are investigated through effective alteration of the porous media wettability. |
Monday, November 19, 2018 8:26AM - 8:39AM |
F36.00003: Programmable nano-hydrogels for flow control in porous media Liyuan Zhang, Shima Parsa Moghaddam, David a Weitz We study the effect of injection of programmable nano-hydrogels on the dynamic of the flow through the 3D micromodel porous medium. We develop a core-shell nano-hydrogel with programmable swelling behavior. Using confocal microscopy, we visualize flow in a 3D micromodel before and after injection of the nano-hydrogels. After injection of the suspension of nano-hydrogels, the shells degrade and nano-hydrogels swell up to 6 times. Hence, by injection of a small amount of the suspension, the resistance of the medium increases up to 80% resulting in significant changes in the flow paths and diversion of the flow towards unexplored regions. These nano-hydrogels show great promise for application in enhanced oil recovery. |
Monday, November 19, 2018 8:39AM - 8:52AM |
F36.00004: Abstract Withdrawn
Monday, November 19, 2018 8:52AM - 9:05AM |
F36.00005: Nonclassical Solutions for Three-Phase Flow in Porous Media Kimberly Spayd, Ellen Swanson We consider a strictly hyperbolic model for three-phase flow in porous media and solutions of its associated Riemann problem. Juanes and Patzek showed that solutions of such a system, in the absence of gravity and capillarity, include rarefaction waves and shocks which satisfy the Liu entropy criterion. By incorporating capillary pressure, as given by thermodynamically constrained averaging theory (TCAT), the model gains dissipation and dispersion terms, the latter of which is rate-dependent. This extends the framework developed by Hayes and LeFloch in which the presence of shocks which do not satisfy the Liu entropy criterion can be determined with an entropy dissipation function. These shocks are undercompressive and contribute to nonclassical solutions of the Riemann problem. In this talk, we give the regularized model and discuss the implications for the catalogue of solutions of the Riemann problem. |
Monday, November 19, 2018 9:05AM - 9:18AM |
F36.00006: An examination of pore-scale capillary pressure & impact of interfacial area under dynamic conditions using volume-of-fluid (vof) method Santosh Konangi, Nikhil Kumar Palakurthi, Nikolaos Karadimitriou, Ken Comer, Urmila Ghia Conventional two-phase flow equations for porous media require empirical closure relations that are nonlinear functions of saturation, S. The capillary pressure-saturation (Pc-S) relation is one such example that is non-unique, hysteretic and material specific. Extended theories have been proposed to include additional macroscopic state variables to remove the history dependence in the Pc-S relationship. Recent computational and experimental studies have shown that under quasi-static (equilibrium) conditions the inclusion of fluid-fluid interfacial area (awn) as a third state variable may uniquely define Pc. We investigate the role of interfacial area using microscale direct numerical simulations (DNS) with Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method under non-equilibrium (dynamic) conditions. Drainage and imbibition are simulated in a virtual porous medium for different capillary numbers. From the DNS data, the interfacial area is estimated, and the pore-scale capillary pressure is directly computed at the fluid-fluid invasion front. The quasi-static and dynamic Pc–S–awn surfaces are constructed to establish if this relationship represents a set of state variables that removes the hysteretic effect under all conditions. |
Monday, November 19, 2018 9:18AM - 9:31AM |
F36.00007: Immersed Boundary Multi-scale Level-set Method for Immiscible Pore-scale Multiphase Flows at Low Capillary Numbers Soheil Esmaeilzadeh, Amir Riaz, Hamdi Tchelepi Complex solid geometries are commonly observed in the study of multiphase flows in porous media. However, accurately capturing the interaction of the fluid-fluid interface with complex-shaped confinements at the pore-scale is challenging but critical for precise prediction of the flow evolutions inside porous media. In this work, for capturing complex solid boundaries, an immersed boundary method based on a direct forcing approach for fixed cartesian grids is coupled with a multiscale sharp-interface level-set method for immiscible two-phase flows at low capillary numbers. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equation is sequentially coupled with the level-set method and the immersed boundary approach to capture the dynamics and evolution of the fluid-fluid interface. Viscous bending of the advancing interface on the solid surface is captured by the level-set method and the Cox–Voinov theory. With this framework, multiphase flow at the pore-scale in the presence of irregular solid geometries is studied and compared with previous works. Keywords: porous media, immersed boundary method, level-set method, multiphase flow
Monday, November 19, 2018 9:31AM - 9:44AM |
F36.00008: Mixing and fingering lifecycle in heterogeneous porous media Japinder Nijjer, Duncan R Hewitt, Jerome Anthony Neufeld Miscible displacement processes, where a viscous fluid is injected into a porous medium or Hele-Shaw cell initially saturated with another miscible fluid, are relevant in a number of physical situations. These include enhanced oil recovery, carbon sequestration and subsurface contaminant transport. In many cases the goal is to control the displacement front and the amount of mixing that occurs between the two fluids. In this work, we explore the combined effects of permeability heterogeneities and viscosity variations on the mixing of the ambient and injected fluids, using high-resolution numerical simulations and reduced theoretical modelling.
Specifically, we consider an idealized porous medium consisting of alternating layers of high and low permeability into which a fluid that is equally-viscous, less-viscous or more-viscous than the ambient fluid, is injected. We find that at intermediate times the dynamics depend on the viscosity variations, but eventually the flow enters a shear-enhanced dispersion regime, such that ultimately the mixing depends only on the permeability variations. We investigate the different regimes that arise and develop simplified models that describe the evolution of the concentration field in each case. |
Monday, November 19, 2018 9:44AM - 9:57AM |
F36.00009: Universal dynamics for unsaturated flows in a confined porous layer Zhong Zheng, Jerome Anthony Neufeld We study the dynamics of unsaturated flows from fluid injection into a confined porous layer. A partial differential equation of the evolution type is derived to describe the time evolution of the interface shape, defined as the location where the saturation of the injected fluid is zero. The saturation field can then be computed once the interface evolution is obtained. We provide an example calculation and demonstrate how the flow behaviour evolves from early-time unconfined to late-time confined behaviours. In particular, at early times, the influence of capillary forces indicates the existence of a new similarity solution in the unconfined limit, which is different from the gravity current solution. At late times, we obtain two new similarity solutions, a modified shock and a compound wave, in addition to the rarefaction and shock solutions in the sharp-interface limit. A regime diagram is also provided, which summarizes all possible similarity solutions and the time transitions between them for the unsaturated flows resulting from fluid injection into a confined porous layer. The influence of the dimensionless control parameters are also discussed, including the effects of viscosity ratio, pore-scale heterogeneity and relative contribution of capillary over buoyancy forces. |
Monday, November 19, 2018 9:57AM - 10:10AM |
F36.00010: Wettability patterning for managing liquid jets striking porous substrates Constantine Megaridis, Uddalok Sen, Souvick Chatterjee, Pallab Sinha Mahapatra, Ranjan Ganguly Orthogonal liquid jet impingement on porous materials is important for applications such as heat transfer, filtration, and incontinence products. A desirable outcome of such situations is that the liquid does not penetrate the substrate at or near the point of jet impingement, but rather is spread over a wider area before it penetrates through. A wettability-patterning technique for altering the surface of a porous nonwoven matrix is presented in this work (Sen et al., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018). A water jet impinging orthogonally on such a substrate is distributed on the top surface and through the porous matrix, and is subsequently dispensed from prespecified points underneath the sample. The optimum design for uniform distribution of a liquid jet with flow rate exceeding 1 L/min with minimal or no spilling over the sample edges is identified. The effect of varying the impingement spot is also studied, and satisfactory performance even at offset impact conditions is observed. |
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