Bulletin of the American Physical Society
71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
Volume 63, Number 13
Sunday–Tuesday, November 18–20, 2018; Atlanta, Georgia
Session D11: Drops and Jets of Complex Fluids |
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Chair: Hyoungsoo Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Room: Georgia World Congress Center B216 |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 2:30PM - 2:43PM |
D11.00001: Encapsulation of Droplets Using Cusp Formation Behind a Drop Rising in a Non-Newtonian Fluid Raphael Poryles, Roberto Zenit The rising of an oil drop in a non-Newtonian viscous solution is studied experimentally. The oil that we used was an alimentary corn oil, and the surrounding fluid is a water/glycerol polyacrylamide solution. In this case, the shape of the ascending drop is strongly affected by the non-Newtonian properties of the surrounding liquid. We found that the so-called velocity discontinuity phenomena is observed for drops larger than a certain critical size. Beyond the critical velocity, the formation of a long tail is observed, from which small droplets are continuously emitted. We determined that the fragmentation of the tail results mainly from the effect of capillary effects. We explore the idea of using this configuration as a new encapsulation technique, where the size and frequency of droplets are directly linked to the volume of the main rising drop, for the particular pair of fluids used. Those experimental results could lead to other experiments, which could help to predict the droplets deposition dynamics by tuning the two fluids properties, and adjusting only the volume of the main drop. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 2:43PM - 2:56PM |
D11.00002: Understanding deposition dynamics of inkjet-printed bi-solvent biopolymer droplets Dong-Ook Kim, Paul Kaneelil, Jihyun Ryu, Ying Sun Inkjet printing of biopolymer droplets is gaining popularity due to its potential applications in creating cellular scaffolds for regenerative medicine. Due to the instantaneous change in viscosity and surface tension of an evaporating biopolymer ink, solvent evaporation and polymer deposition dynamics of biopolymer drops are complex and not well understood. Using high-speed interferometry, we directly observe in real time the instantaneous drop shape of inkjet-printed pico-liter gelatin carboxyl drops containing glycerol and water. It is observed that, for gelatin drops with surfactants, gelatin moves to the pinned contact line at an early stage driven by a strong outward flow causing the drop shape to change from a spherical cap to a volcano shape during evaporation, while a spherical cap is maintained for the case without surfactants. The final deposition of bi-solvent biopolymers is found to highly depend on the composition of the bi-solvent. The decrease in the high-volatility solvent results in the transition of the final deposition from a ring-like to a dome-like profile. Experimental results are also compared against numerical simulations from the literature. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 2:56PM - 3:09PM |
D11.00003: The role of extensional rheology on droplets bouncing on air Angela Yang, Min Young Pack, Antonio Perazzo, Howard A Stone While it is conventionally understood that droplet rebound is suppressed on hydrophobic surfaces upon the addition of polymers, the exact cause has been open for debate. In particular, the role of the extensional viscosity on droplet rebound has been neglected due to the fact that the spreading dynamics are uninfluenced by the polymer additives as well as the fact that droplet rebound is actually increased under Leidenfrost conditions. Here, utilizing a high-speed total internal reflection microscopy (TIRM) setup, we measure in-situ the air film formation and collapse for Weber numbers (We) between 2 < We < 40 when drops impact onto smooth, viscous thin films, micrometers in thickness, for various concentrations and molecular weights of dilute polymers in the droplet. Under ambient conditions, the maximum We for rebound increases with increasing polymer molecular weight and concentration. We report that not only does the addition of polymer additives help in the rebound process when there is a non-wetting viscous air film, but the extensional rheology significantly influences the critical condition under which the air film fails and promotes contact with the surface below. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 3:09PM - 3:22PM |
D11.00004: Gel surface tension measurement via forced drop oscillation in an ultrasonic standing wave field Steven Fredericks, Xingchen Shao, John R Saylor, Joshua Bostwick Many applications, particularly those in biology and medicine, require knowledge of the physical properties of soft matter such as gels. Surface tension is one of those properties and is particularly difficult to measure. Herein a non-contact ultrasonic levitation method is presented where the frequency response of a gel drop was used to measure surface tension. Gel drops were formed by injecting a drop of liquid agarose solution into an ultrasonic standing wave field. The drop was allowed to cool and set into a gel. The gel drop thus formed was subjected to forced shape mode oscillations achieved by amplitude modulating the ultrasonic standing wave. A frequency sweep was performed and the drop response, defined as the extent of drop deformation, was determined via laser intensity measurements. The fundamental frequency of the gel drop under forced oscillation was then determined. Using a dispersion relationship for elastic gels the surface tension was then calculated, using as inputs the gel shear modulus, the drop diameter, and the measured drop resonant frequency. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 3:22PM - 3:35PM |
D11.00005: The elastic Rayleigh drop Saiful Tamim, Joshua Bostwick More than a century ago, Lord Rayleigh showed a spherical drop of inviscid liquid held by surface tension will oscillate with characteristic frequency and mode shape. This dispersion relationship has seen widespread use in multiple industries and applications. Bioprinting technologies rely on the formation of soft gel drops for printing tissue scaffolds and the dynamics of these drops can affect the process. Here we develop a model to compute the natural frequencies of a spherical drop with finite shear modulus and solid surface tension. We solve the time-dependent Navier equations of linear elasticity incorporating the solid surface tension. The motions are decomposed into i) shape oscillations and ii) rotational modes. Rotational modes are uncoupled and not affected by capillarity, whereas the frequency of shape oscillations depend upon the elastocapillary number and compressibility. For a compressible gel, there exists an infinity of radial modes for a fixed polar wavenumber and we show how these are affected by surface tension. For an incompressible gel, our results recover the Rayleigh frequency when the shear modulus is zero. Our predictions compare favorably to experiments on levitated gel drops. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 3:35PM - 3:48PM |
D11.00006: Evaporation of an axisymmetric-polymer liquid bridge Tejaswi Soori, Thomas Ward Experiments were performed to understand which conditions lead to a stable polymer gel structure after complete solvent evaporation, a structure resembling a micro-pillar. An axisymmetric-unbounded aqueous polymer liquid bridge was formed between two horizontal substrates at various Bond numbers ($0.2 \leq Bo = \Delta \rho g a^2/\gamma \leq 0.8$). Images of the liquid bridge were captured as it evaporated using a CCD camera. Polymer concentration (pre-evaporation) were initially low $0.5 \% <c_0<0.75 \%$ with initial drop volumes $1 \mu$l $<V_0<$250 $\mu$l. Due to evaporation of the solvent phase (water), the polymer concentration increased, and the liquid bridge became a gel. We measured the liquid bridge profile to estimate transient quantities such as volume, top and bottom contact angles, and minimum bridge diameter. For a given $Bo$ and $c_0$, we found a critical initial volume above which we observe stable gel structures. We discuss on how substrate properties, gap spacing and initial polymer concentration contributed to these observations. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 3:48PM - 4:01PM |
D11.00007: Rotary Fragmentation and Atomization of Viscous and Viscoelastic Liquids Bavand Keshavarz, Gareth H McKinley In rotary atomization liquid ligaments are formed around a spinning cup, with a repeatable geometrical spacing, due to the destabilizing action of the centripetal acceleration (also known as Rayleigh-Taylor instability). The resulting filaments then follow a geometrical path-line that is described by the involute of a circle. We provide a simple theoretical prediction for the average droplet sizes in this fragmentation process. We also investigate the resulting droplet size distributions and show that the appearance of satellite droplets in the pinch-off events leads to the emergence of bimodal size distributions. These double-peaked distributions are precisely described by the superposition of two separate Gamma distributions. For weakly viscoelastic test fluids, we show that the liquid viscoelasticity has a negligible effect on the average droplet size. However, as viscoelastic effects become increasingly important, the thinning dynamics in the ligaments are delayed by nonlinear elastic effects and this leads to broader droplet size distributions. The ratio of the main to the satellite droplet size increases monotonically with viscosity and viscoelasticity, and this variation can be captured by a simple physical model for both Newtonian and viscoelastic liquids. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 4:01PM - 4:14PM |
D11.00008: Influence of flexibility, extensibility and charge on pinch-off dynamics, extensional rheology and printability of polymer solutions Vivek Sharma, Jelena Dinic, Leidy Nallely Jimenez, Carina Martinez Liquid transfer and drop formation in jetting, printing, coating, spraying and atomization applications involve complex free-surface flows, including the formation of columnar necks that undergo spontaneous capillary-driven thinning and pinch-off. The progressive self-thinning of neck is often characterized by self-similar profiles and scaling laws that depend on the relative magnitude of capillary, inertial and viscous stresses for simple, Newtonian fluids. Stream-wise velocity gradients that arise within the thinning columnar neck create an extensional flow field that can orient and stretch macromolecules, contributing extra elastic stresses and extensional viscosity that change the pinch-off dynamics for polymeric complex fluids. Here, we employ the dripping-onto-substrate (DoS) rheometry protocols for visualizing and analyzing the pinch-off dynamics of a columnar neck formed between a nozzle and a sessile drop. We show that the magnitude and concentration-dependence displayed by extensional rheology response are quite distinct from the values obtained in response to shear flow, and examine the macroscopic response in terms of the influence of charge, flexibility and extensibility on stretched polymer hydrodynamics. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 4:14PM - 4:27PM |
D11.00009: Effects of finite surface shear viscosity in ring-sheared drops. Shreyash Gulati, Frank Riley, Amir Hirsa, Juan Lopez Bulk flow and mixing within ring-sheared drops was reported recently. In the ring-sheared drop, the drop is constrained by two contact rings, where typically one of the rings rotates steadily while the other is stationary. Rotation of the ring generates a strong flow in the bulk through surface shear viscosity. The previous work assumed that the size of the drop is small and the surface shear viscosity is large, so that interfacial stress dominates over the viscous stress in the bulk. Here, this restriction is relaxed so that we can model flow in large drops, such as those that can be grown in microgravity, and drops with arbitrarily small surface shear viscosity. The computations reveal that even small surface shear viscosity can produce a significant secondary flow at moderate Reynolds numbers Re = 100. At very low Re, surface viscosity makes very little difference. At very high Re, secondary flow becomes very weak if surface viscosity is small and the flow tends toward solid-body rotation. Finally, for finite surface shear viscosity, the flow field in the ring-sheared drop was found to be stronger than the flow field in its cylindrical analog, namely a knife-edge surface viscometer. |
Sunday, November 18, 2018 4:27PM - 4:40PM |
D11.00010: Flow dynamics of surfactant-laden droplets with complex interface rheology Zhengyuan Luo, Xinglong Shang, Bofeng Bai The dynamics of individual droplets in viscous flows has received considerable attention owing to its significance in understanding the rheology of emulsions. Notably, the use of surfactants is often involved in real applications, but the influence of surfactants on drop dynamics and the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood, especially considering that many complex interface rheology have been revealed. We have developed a numerical methodology for the simulation of an insoluble surfactant-laden droplet in flows, in which the rheology of the drop surface is modeled via a Boussinesq–Scriven constitutive law with both the surface tension and surface viscosity depending strongly on local surfactant concentration. Our results show that the surface viscosity exhibits non-trivial effects on the surfactant transport, i.e., both dilatational and shear surface viscosity tend to eliminate the non-uniformity of surfactant concentration over the drop surface. As a consequent, the coupling between the surface viscosity and surfactant transport induces non-negligible effects in the dynamics of the whole droplet. |
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