Bulletin of the American Physical Society
70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
Volume 62, Number 14
Sunday–Tuesday, November 19–21, 2017; Denver, Colorado
Session F9: Swimming IIBio Fluids: External
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Chair: David Daily, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Room: 502 |
Monday, November 20, 2017 8:00AM - 8:13AM |
F9.00001: Modeling and Experiments with a High-Performance Flexible Swimming Robot Alexander Wiens, Anette Hosoi Conventionally, fish-like swimming robots consist of a chain of rigid links connected by a series of rigid actuators. Devices of this nature have demonstrated impressive speeds and maneuverability, but from a practical perspective, their mechanical complexity makes them expensive to build and prone to failure. To address this problem, we present an alternative design approach which employs a single actuator to generate undulatory waves along a passive flexible structure. Through simulations and experiments we find that our robot can match the speed and agility of its rigid counterparts, while being simple, robust, and significantly less expensive. Physically, our robot consists of a small ellipsoidal head connected to a long flexible beam. Actuation is provided by a motor-driven flywheel within the head, which oscillates to produce a periodic torque. This torque propagates along the beam to generate an undulatory wave and propel the robot forwards. We construct a numerical model of the system using Lighthill's large-amplitude elongated-body theory coupled with a nonlinear model of elastic beam deformation. We then use this simulation to optimize the velocity and efficiency of the robot. The optimized design is validated through experiments with a prototype device. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 20, 2017 8:13AM - 8:26AM |
F9.00002: A Robotic Fish to Emulate the Fast-Start Todd Currier, Ganzhong Ma, Yahya Modarres-Sadeghi An experimental study is conducted on a robotic fish designed to emulate the fast-start response. The fish body is constructed of 3D printed ribs and a light spring steel spine. The body is actuated using a series of pressured pistons. A total of four pistons are supplied with pressure through lightweight high pressure service lines. The source of pressure is carbon dioxide with a 700 psi peak operating pressure resulting in a body response that can cycle a c-start maneuver in milliseconds. The motion of the fish is precisely controlled through the use of solenoids with a control signal produced by a programmable microprocessor. The fish is constrained in all translational degrees of freedom but allowed to rotate about a vertical axis. The influence of the point of rotation is studied with different mounting points along the length of the head of the fish. The forces are measured in two perpendicular in-plane directions. A high speed camera is used to capture the response of the fish and the corresponding flow around it. Comparison is made with the kinematics observed in live fish. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 20, 2017 8:26AM - 8:39AM |
F9.00003: Hydrodynamics of an Under-actuated Plesiosaur-inspired robot. Gabriel Weymouth, Kate Devereux, Nick Copsey, Luke Muscutt, Jon Downes, Bharath Ganapathisubramani Underwater vehicles are increasingly important tools for use in science and engineering, but maneuverability and mission life seem to be mutually exclusive goals. Inspired by the unique swimming method of the plesiosaur, which used four flippers of essentially equal size and musculature, we analyzed designed and built an underwater vehicle with the potential for both gliding and active maneuvering modes. Using 2D simulations and strip theory approximation to account for the changing arc length along the flipper span, we studied the wake and forces on the foils and determined the optimum flipper geometry, spacing and kinematics. To reduce mechanical and control complexity and cost, we next studied the impact of under-actuated kinematics. Even after optimizing pivot location and range of motion, leaving the foils free to pitch was found to reduce efficiency by approximately 50{\%}. Based on these specifications, the vehicle was built and tested over a range of free swimming and maneuvering cases using motion tracking equipment. The excellent maneuverability of the under-actuated vehicle validates the concept, and the new platform should enable further detailed experimental measurements in the future. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 20, 2017 8:39AM - 8:52AM |
F9.00004: Passive appendages improve the maneuverability of fish-like robots Beau Pollard, Phanindra Tallapragada It is known that the passive mechanics of fish appendages play a role in the high efficiency of their swimming. A well known example of this is the experimental demonstration that a dead fish could swim upstream. However little is known about the role if any of passive deformations of a fish-like body that could aid in its maneuverability. Part of the difficulty investigating this lies in clearly separating the role of actuated body deformations and passive deformations in response to the fluid structure interaction. In this paper we compare the maneuverability of several fish shaped robotic models that possess varying numbers of passive appendages with a fish shaped robot that has no appendages. All the robots are propelled by the oscillations of an internal momentum wheel thereby eliminating any active deformations of the body. Our experiments clearly reveal the significant improvement in maneuverability of robots with passive appendages. In the broader context of swimming robots our experiments show that passive mechanisms could be useful to provide mechanical feedback that can help maneuverability and obstacle avoidance along with propulsive efficiency. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 20, 2017 8:52AM - 9:05AM |
F9.00005: Aerodynamic Tests on a Static California Sea Lion Flipper Aditya A. Kulkarni, Megan C. Leftwich Unlike most biological swimmers that use BCF swimming, the California sea lion relies on its foreflippers for thrust production. This unique swimming style, which lacks a characteristic oscillation frequency, allows the sea lion to leave less traceable wake while also producing high amounts of thrust. While the swimming energetics of the animal have been studied, almost nothing is known about the fluid dynamics of the system. To overcome this lack of basic understanding, a three-dimensional model of the flipper was developed using structured light-based scanners. Cross sections of the flipper model resemble the shape of the airfoils typically found in wings with thickness ratios, 11$\%$ - 37$\%$. Wind tunnel testing conducted on static flipper revealed that positive lift was being generated at negative angles of attack. This is hypothesized to help the sea lions considerably in perform tight maneuvers with a small turning radius. The wake structure downstream of the flipper was captured using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 20, 2017 9:05AM - 9:18AM |
F9.00006: To flap or not to flap: continued discussion with particle image velocimetry of the near wake Nathan Martin, Chris Roh, Suhail Idrees, Morteza Gharib We continue the discussion of which underwater propulsion mechanism is more effective: flapping used by fish or periodic contractions used by jellyfish. The two propulsion mechanisms are simplified into flapping and clapping plate motions, respectively, to allow for a direct comparison. A device is designed to operate in either mode of propulsion between Reynolds numbers 1,880 and 11,260, based on the average tip velocity and the span of the plate. The stroke angle, stroke time, flexibility, and duty cycle are varied to determine their impact on the generated thrust and the required torque. Overall, the clapping mode tends to require significantly more power to generate a similar thrust compared to that from the flapping mode. The performance of the clapping mode is increased by modifying the duty cycle such that the closing motion is faster than the opening motion causing a greater thrust and a similar efficiency to that from the flapping mode. Interestingly, when using rigid plates, the average thrust generated per cycle is similar between the two modes when the overall kinematics are equivalent. Investigation of the near wake of both modes through digital particle image velocimetry provides insight into the cause of this similar thrust. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 20, 2017 9:18AM - 9:31AM |
F9.00007: In the making: SA-PIV applied to swimming practice Josje van Houwelingen, Willem van de Water, Rudie Kunnen, GertJan van Heijst, Herman Clercx To understand and optimize the propulsion in human swimming, a deep understanding of the hydrodynamics of swimming is required. This is usually based on experiments and numerical simulations under laboratory conditions.. In this study, we bring basic fluid mechanics knowledge and experimental measurement techniques to analyze the flow towards the swimming practice itself. A flow visualization setup is build and placed in a regular swimming pool. The measurement volume contains five homogeneous air bubble curtains illuminated by ambient light. The bubbles in these curtains act as tracer particles. The bubble motion is captured by six cameras placed in the side wall of the pool. It is intended to apply SA-PIV (synthetic aperture PIV) for analyzing the flow structures on multiple planes in the measurement volume. The system has been calibrated and the calibration data are used to refocus on the planes of interest. Multiple preprocessing steps need to be executed to obtain the proper quality of images before applying PIV. With a specially programmed video card to process and analyze the images in real-time feedback about swimming performance will become possible. We report on the first experimental data obtained by this system. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 20, 2017 9:31AM - 9:44AM |
F9.00008: Volumetric PIV of multiple free-swimming maneuvers generated by the KnifeBot: a biomimetic vessel propelled by an undulating fin. Hanlin Liu, Daniel Troolin, Ruben Hortensius, Stamatios Pothos, Oscar Curet An undulating fin represents a remarkable propulsion model for underwater vehicles due to its high propulsive efficiency and considerable locomotor capabilities. In this work, we used a bio-inspired vessel, the KnifeBot to demonstrate the maneuverability of undulating fin propulsion, including forward-backward swimming, station keeping and vertical swimming. This self-contained robotic system uses an undulating ventral fin as the propulsor and features a slender 3D-printed hull with 16 motors, 2 batteries and electronic boards encapsulated inside. We tested the robot in a water-filled tank and used volumetric particle image velocimetry (V3V PIV) to investigate the three-dimensional flow features and vortex structures generated by the undulating ribbon fin in free-swimming maneuvers. Our results indicate that in the forward swimming, a series of vortex tubes are shed off the fin edge. A streamwise jet at an oblique angle to the fin is generated in association with the vortex tubes propelling the robot forward as well as pitching it up. For the hovering maneuver with inward counter-propagating waves. The streamlines develop vertically downward with the tip vortex shed from the fin edge. This downward jet provides substantial heave force for the robot to swim upward or perform station keeping. Our findings will be useful for understanding the mechanical basis of undulating fin propulsion and facilitate the development of bio-inspired vehicles using undulatory propellers. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 20, 2017 9:44AM - 9:57AM |
F9.00009: Dynamic Shape Capture of Free-Swimming Aquatic Life using Multi-view Stereo David Daily The reconstruction and tracking of swimming fish in the past has either been restricted to flumes, small volumes, or sparse point tracking in large tanks. The purpose of this research is to use an array of cameras to automatically track 50-100 points on the surface of a fish using the multi-view stereo computer vision technique. The method is non-invasive thus allowing the fish to swim freely in a large volume and to perform more advanced maneuvers such as rolling, darting, stopping, and reversing which have not been studied. The techniques for obtaining and processing the 3D kinematics and maneuvers of tuna, sharks, stingrays, and other species will be presented and compared. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 20, 2017 9:57AM - 10:10AM |
F9.00010: Non-Spherical Object Tracking Utilizing DDPIV for Ocean Measurements Valerie Troutman, John Dabiri Development work for a SCUBA-diver operated imaging system to study organisms and biological processes in the water column is presented. The objective of this system is to track suspended particulate and organisms in the ocean, which are inherently non-spherical and non-uniform. The Defocusing Digital Particle Image Velocimetry (DDPIV) imaging technique is adapted and applied to perform 3D tracking of non-spherical particles, using a single camera. With DDPIV, the out-of-plane position of a particle is determined by calculating the distance between centroids. Limited centroid accuracy of particles leads to prohibitive inaccuracy in the out-of-plane dimension. A correlation based approach for determining the out-of-plane position of non-spherical particles is developed to increase tracking accuracy. [Preview Abstract] |
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