Monday, November 23, 2015
4:05PM - 4:18PM
L3.00001: A potential mechanism for a singular solution of the Euler Equations
Michael Brenner, Sahand Hormoz, Alain Pumir
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(Author Not Attending)
L3.00002: Existence and Smoothness of solution of Navier-Stokes equation on R3
Ognjen Vukovic
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Monday, November 23, 2015
4:31PM - 4:44PM
L3.00003: Kaluza's kinetic theory description of the classical Hall effect in a single component dilute gas within the Chapman-Enskog approximation
A. Sandoval-Villalbazo, A.L. Garcia-Perciante, A.R. Sagaceta-Mejia
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Monday, November 23, 2015
4:44PM - 4:57PM
L3.00004: Establishment of the thermoelectric effect in Kaluza's MHD through the kinetic theory
A.R. Sagaceta-Mejia, A.L. Garcia-Perciante, A. Sandoval-Villalbazo
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Monday, November 23, 2015
4:57PM - 5:10PM
L3.00005: Does relativistic kinetic theory predict a viscous analog of the non-equilibrium generalization of Tolman's law?
J.H. Mondragon-Suarez, D. Brun-Battistini, A. Sandoval-Villalbazo, A.L. Garcia-Perciante
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Monday, November 23, 2015
5:10PM - 5:23PM
L3.00006: Heat~dissipation~in relativistic single charged fluids
A. L. Garcia-Perciante, A. Sandoval-Villalbazo, D. Brun-Battistini
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Monday, November 23, 2015
5:23PM - 5:36PM
L3.00007: Dynamical density functional theory for arbitrary-shape colloidal fluids including inertia and hydrodynamic interactions
Miguel A. Duran-Olivencia, Ben Goddard, Serafim Kalliadasis
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Monday, November 23, 2015
5:36PM - 5:49PM
L3.00008: Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equation in the complex plane
Jonathan Mestel, Florencia Boshier
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Monday, November 23, 2015
5:49PM - 6:02PM
L3.00009: Experimental Confirmation of a Causal, Covariant, Relativistic Theory of Dissipative Fluid Flow
Dillon Scofield, Pablo Huq
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Monday, November 23, 2015
6:02PM - 6:15PM
L3.00010: On a difficulty in eigenfunction expansion solutions for the start-up of fluid flow
Ivan C. Christov
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Monday, November 23, 2015
6:15PM - 6:28PM
L3.00011: Description of the non-equilibrium extension of Tolman's law in terms of kinetic theory: suppression of the acceleration term and the use of the geodesic in the treatment of Boltzmann's equation
Dominique Brun-Battistini, Jose Humberto Mondragon-Suarez, Alfredo Sandoval-Villalbazo, Ana Laura García-Perciante
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Monday, November 23, 2015
6:28PM - 6:41PM
L3.00012: The influence of inertia on the efflux velocity: From Daniel Bernoulli to a contemporary theory
Andreas Malcherek
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