Tuesday, November 25, 2014
1:05PM - 1:18PM
R7.00001: Mosquitoes drink with a burst in reserve: explaining pumping behavior with a fluid mechanics model
Souvick Chatterjee, Jake Socha, Mark Stremler
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
1:18PM - 1:31PM
R7.00002: How dogs drink water
Sean Gart, Jake Socha, Pavlos Vlachos, Sunghwan Jung
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
1:31PM - 1:44PM
R7.00003: Influence of muscle activation and mucosal material property on esophageal transport: study based on a fully-resolved computational model
Wenjun Kou, John Pandolfino, Peter Kahrilas, Neelesh Patankar
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
1:44PM - 1:57PM
R7.00004: 3D separation over a wall-mounted hemisphere in steady and pulsatile flow
Ian A. Carr, Michael W. Plesniak
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
1:57PM - 2:10PM
R7.00005: Wavelet analysis of hemispheroid flow separation toward understanding human vocal fold pathologies
Daniel H. Plesniak, Ian A. Carr, Kartik V. Bulusu, Michael W. Plesniak
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
2:10PM - 2:23PM
R7.00006: Characterizing phonatory aeroacoustic sources using Lagrangian Coherent Structures
Michael McPhail, Michael Krane
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
2:23PM - 2:36PM
R7.00007: Self-oscillating Vocal Fold Model Mechanics: Healthy, Diseased, and Aging
Elizabeth P. Hiubler, Lucas F. E. Pollok, Adam G. Apostoli, Adrienne B. Hancock, Michael W. Plesniak
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
2:36PM - 2:49PM
R7.00008: Combining subject-specific and low-order modeling techniques to study fluid-structure interaction of rabbit phonation
Siyuan Chang, Haoxiang Luo, Carolyn Novaleski, Bernard Rousseau
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
2:49PM - 3:02PM
R7.00009: Study of non-linear deformation of vocal folds in simulations of human phonation
Shakti Saurabh, Daniel Bodony
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
3:02PM - 3:15PM
R7.00010: Simulations of acoustic waves in channels and phonation in glottal ducts
Jubiao Yang, Michael Krane, Lucy Zhang
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
3:15PM - 3:28PM
R7.00011: Measurements of phonatory aeroacoustic source strengths in a physical model
Michael Krane, Michael McPhail
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