Bulletin of the American Physical Society
67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
Volume 59, Number 20
Sunday–Tuesday, November 23–25, 2014; San Francisco, California
Session L6: Biofluids: From Birds and Bats to Insects |
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Chair: David Lentink, Stanford University Room: 3010 |
Monday, November 24, 2014 3:35PM - 3:48PM |
L6.00001: Near and far wake structures behind freely flying bats Cosima Schunk, Sharon M. Swartz, Kenneth S. Breuer While pseudo-volumetric reconstructions of the wakes of flying animals, based on transverse (Trefftz) wake measurements, have become a well-established tool in the study of animal aerodynamics in recent years, there are a number of concerns that persist regarding their use in estimating drag and flight efficiency. Here we report on stereo particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements behind freely flying bats (\textit{Eptesicus fuscus}) in both the transverse and streamwise planes. The streamwise plane measurements are taken on the wing as well as in the near and far wake region up to eight chord lengths behind the bat. By organizing the data according to the flight speed, wingbeat phase and the spanwise position of the laser sheet on the wing we are able to connect specific features of the wing and body geometry with observed wake structures and thereby construct a detailed time-space map of the wake. Furthermore, we can quantitatively assess wake distortion and assess the validity of lift and drag estimates based on transverse wake measurements. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 24, 2014 3:48PM - 4:01PM |
L6.00002: Aerodynamic role of dynamic wing morphing in hummingbird maneuvering flight Yan Ren, Gregory Shallcross, Haibo Dong, Xinyan Deng, Bret Tobalske The flexibility and deformation of hummingbird wing gives hummingbird a great degree of control over fluid forces in flapping flight.~Unlike insect wing's passive deformation, hummingbird wing employs a more complicated wing morphing mechanism through both active muscle control and passive feather-air interaction, which results in highly complex 3D wing topology variations during the unsteady flight. Three camera high speed (1000 fps) high resolution digital video was taken and digitized to measure 3D wing conformation in all its complexity during steady flying and maneuvering.~Results have shown that the dynamic wing morphing is more prominent in maneuvering flight. Complicated cambering and twisting patterns are observed along the wing pitching axis. A newly developed immersed boundary method which realistically models wing-joint-body of the hummingbird is then employed to simulate the flow associated with dynamic morphing. The simulations provide a first of its kind glimpse of the fluid and vortex dynamics associated with dynamic wing morphing and aerodynamic force computations allow us to gain a better understanding of force producing mechanisms in hummingbird maneuvering flight. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 24, 2014 4:01PM - 4:14PM |
L6.00003: Short revolving wings enable hovering animals to avoid stall and reduce drag David Lentink, Jan W. Kruyt, GertJan F. Heijst, Douglas L. Altshuler Long and slender wings reduce the drag of airplanes, helicopters, and gliding animals, which operate at low angle of attack (incidence). Remarkably, there is no evidence for such influence of wing aspect ratio on the energetics of hovering animals that operate their wings at much higher incidence. High incidence causes aircraft wings to stall, hovering animals avoid stall by generating an attached vortex along the leading edge of their wings that elevates lift. Hypotheses that explain this capability include the necessity for a short radial distance between the shoulder joint and wing tip, measured in chord lengths, instead of the long tip-to-tip distance that elevates aircraft performance. This stems from how hovering animals revolve their wings around a joint, a condition for which the precise effect of aspect ratio on stall performance is unknown. Here we show that the attachment of the leading edge vortex is determined by wing aspect ratio with respect to the center of rotation--for a suite of aspect ratios that represent both animal and aircraft wings. The vortex remains attached when the local radius is shorter than 4 chord lengths, and separates outboard on more slender wings. Like most other hovering animals, hummingbirds have wing aspect ratios between 3 and 4, much stubbier than helicopters. Our results show this makes their wings robust against flow separation, which reduces drag below values obtained with more slender wings. This revises our understanding of how aspect ratio improves performance at low Reynolds numbers. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 24, 2014 4:14PM - 4:27PM |
L6.00004: Do hummingbirds use a different mechanism than insects to flip and twist their wings? Jialei Song, Haoxiang Luo, Tyson Hedrick Hovering hummingbirds flap their wings in an almost horizontal stroke plane and flip the wings to invert the angle of attack after stroke reversal, a strategy also utilized by many hovering insects such as fruit flies. However, unlike insects whose wing actuation mechanism is only located at the base, hummingbirds have a vertebrate musculoskeletal system and their wings contain bones and muscles and thus, they may be capable of both actively flipping and twisting their wings. To investigate this issue, we constructed a hummingbird wing model and study its pitching dynamics. The wing kinematics are reconstructed from high-speed imaging data, and the inertial torques are calculated in a rotating frame of reference using mass distribution data measured from dissections of hummingbird wings. Pressure data from a previous CFD study of the same wing kinematics are used to calculate the aerodynamic torque. The results show that like insect wings, the hummingbird wing pitching is driven by its own inertia during reversal, and the aerodynamic torque is responsible for wing twist during mid-stroke. In conclusion, our study suggests that their wing dynamics are very similar even though their actuation systems are entirely different. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 24, 2014 4:27PM - 4:40PM |
L6.00005: Flight testing of live Monarch butterflies to determine the aerodynamic benefit of butterfly scales Amy Lang, Jacob Cranford, Jasmine Conway, Nathan Slegers, Nicole DeChello, Jacob Wilroy Evolutionary adaptations in the morphological structure of butterfly scales (0.1 mm in size) to develop a unique micro-patterning resulting in a surface drag alteration, stem from a probable aerodynamic benefit of minimizing the energy requirement to fly a very lightweight body with comparably large surface area in a low Re flow regime. Live Monarch butterflies were tested at UAHuntsville's Autonomous Tracking and Optical Measurement (ATOM) Laboratory, which uses 22 Vicon T40 cameras that allow for millimeter level tracking of reflective markers at 515 fps over a 4 m x 6 m x 7 m volume. Data recorded included the flight path as well as the wing flapping angle and wing-beat frequency. Insects were first tested with their scales intact, and then again with the scales carefully removed. Differences in flapping frequency and/or energy obtained during flight due to the removal of the scales will be discussed. Initial data analysis indicates that scale removal in some specimens leads to increased flapping frequencies for similar energetic flight or reduced flight speed for similar flapping frequencies. Both results point to the scales providing an aerodynamic benefit, which is hypothesized to be linked to leading-edge vortex formation and induced drag. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 24, 2014 4:40PM - 4:53PM |
L6.00006: The Effects of Scales on Autorotation of Monarch Butterfly Forewings Nicole DeChello, Amy Lang The wings of Monarch butterflies (\textit{Danus plexippus}) have scales of approximately 100 micrometers that cover their wings in a roof-shingle pattern, and these scales are hypothesized to help improve flight efficiency for their long migration. The aerodynamic effects of the scales, particularly involving the leading edge vortex formation and resulting lift, were investigated by observing the natural autorotation of forewing specimen when dropped in quiescent air. A high-speed camera recorded drop tests of 32 forewings both with scales and after removal of the scales. It was found that the scales, on average, comprised 17{\%} of the forewing mass. Tracking software was used to analyze the videos for several parameters, including descent speed and radius of rotation. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 24, 2014 4:53PM - 5:06PM |
L6.00007: Effect of shape on wing kinematics control in dragonfly maneuvering flight Ayodeji Bode-Oke, Samane Zeyghami, Haibo Dong Flying insects execute aerial maneuvers through fine modulations in their wing kinematics. It's yet not known that to what extend the wing kinematics can be controlled and altered by the insect. To investigate the question, we recorded a yaw turn maneuver of a dragonfly in free flight. Our measurements show that this flight consists of two kinematically and dynamically distinct phases; acceleration and deceleration. In a systematic study, we first clipped the left forewing and then the right forewing of the same dragonfly and recorded its yaw turn maneuver. The signatures (in kinematics and dynamics) of the two identified phases stay unchanged by wing damage but the duration of both phases extends. The rotational velocity of the body drops dramatically by wing damage which implies the dragonfly is incapable of controlling the wing kinematics to achieve similar performance as in the intact wing. Our results suggest that the wing kinematics control is tightly influenced by the wing shapes and the aerodynamics of flapping flight. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 24, 2014 5:06PM - 5:19PM |
L6.00008: How do dragonflies recover from falling upside down? Z. Jane Wang, James Melfi Jr, Anthony Leonardo We release dragonflies from a magnetic tether so that they fall from an initially upside down orientation. To recover, the dragonflies roll their body 180 degrees every time. This set up offers an effective method for eliciting a stereotypical turn so that we can collect a large amount of data on the same turn. From the wing and body kinematics, we can tease out the strategy dragonflies use to roll their body. We record these flights with three zoomed in high-speed video cameras. By filming at 4000 to 8000fps, we measure the wing twist along each of the four wings as a part of the 3D wing kinematics. The shape of the wing twist depends on the interaction between the aerodynamic torque and the torque exerted by muscles, therefore providing clues on which of their four wings actively participate in creating the turn. By applying dynamic calculations to the measured kinematics, we further deduce the amount of torques dragonflies exert in order to turn. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 24, 2014 5:19PM - 5:32PM |
L6.00009: Pitch-Perfect: How Do Flies Control Their Pitch Angle During Aerial Stumbles? Samuel Whitehead, Luca Canale, Tsevi Beatus, Itai Cohen The successful flight of flapping-wing insects is contingent upon a complex and beautiful relationship between sensory input, neural response, and muscular actuation. In particular, the inherent instabilities of flapping-wing flight require insects like \emph{D. melanogaster} to constantly sense, process, and adjust for in-flight stumbles. Here we present an analysis of the mechanisms for pitch control in \emph{D. melanogaster}. By gluing small ferromagnetic pins to the backs of the flies and applying an external magnetic field, we induce torques along the flies' pitch axis during free flight. Using an automated hull reconstruction technique developed in the lab, we analyze these torque events and the flies' subsequent recoveries in order to characterize the flies' response to external perturbations. Ultimately, we aim to develop a reduced-order controller model that will capture the salient aspects of the flies' recovery mechanism. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 24, 2014 5:32PM - 5:45PM |
L6.00010: Free flight simulations of a dragonfly-like flapping wing-body model by the immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method Takaji Inamuro, Keisuke Minami, Kosuke Suzuki Free flights of the dragonfly-like flapping wing-body model are numerically investigated by using the immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method (IB-LBM). First, we simulate free flights of the model without the pitching rotation for various values of the phase lag angle $\phi$ between the forewing and the hindwing motions. We find that the wing-body model goes forward in spite of $\phi$, and the model with $\phi=$0$^{\circ}$ and 90$^{\circ}$ goes upward against gravity. The model with $\phi=180^{\circ}$ goes almost horizontally, and the model with $\phi=270^{\circ}$ goes downward. Secondly, we simulate free flights with the pitching rotation for various values of the phase lag angle $\phi$. It is found that in spite of $\phi$ the wing-body model turns gradually in the nose-up direction and goes back and down as the pitching angle ${\it \Theta}_{\rm c}$ increases. That is, the wing-body model cannot make a stable forward flight without control. Finally, we show a way to control the pitching motion by changing the lead-lag angle $\gamma(t)$. We propose a simple proportional controller of $\gamma(t)$ which makes stable flights within ${\it \Theta}_{\rm c}=\pm 5^{\circ}$ and works well even for a large disturbance. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 24, 2014 5:45PM - 5:58PM |
Monday, November 24, 2014 5:58PM - 6:11PM |
L6.00012: Pitching motion control of a butterfly-like 3D flapping wing-body model Kosuke Suzuki, Keisuke Minami, Takaji Inamuro Free flights and a pitching motion control of a butterfly-like flapping wing-body model are numerically investigated by using an immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method. The model flaps downward for generating the lift force and backward for generating the thrust force. Although the model can go upward against the gravity by the generated lift force, the model generates the nose-up torque, consequently gets off-balance. In this study, we discuss a way to control the pitching motion by flexing the body of the wing-body model like an actual butterfly. The body of the model is composed of two straight rigid rod connected by a rotary actuator. It is found that the pitching angle is suppressed in the range of $\pm 5^\circ$ by using the proportional-plus-integral-plus-derivative (PID) control for the input torque of the rotary actuator. [Preview Abstract] |
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