Monday, November 21, 2005
4:10PM - 4:23PM
KA.00001: Simulation of Red Blood Cell Interaction with the Endothelial Cell Surface
Cyrus Aidun, Xinli Jia, Jeff Morris, John McLaughlin
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Monday, November 21, 2005
4:23PM - 4:36PM
KA.00002: Noninvasive Visualization of Human Capillary Vessel Blood Flow
Masao Watanabe, Toshiyuki Sanada, Yoshinori Sawae, Masutaka Furue
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Monday, November 21, 2005
4:36PM - 4:49PM
KA.00003: The effects of non-Newtonian viscosity on the deformation of red blood cells in a shear flow
Juldeh Sesay, Foluso Ladeinde
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Monday, November 21, 2005
4:49PM - 5:02PM
KA.00004: An Experimental Study of a Giant Vesicle in a Simple Shear Flow
Ryuta Hatakenaka, Takeshi Yamada, Shu Takagi, Yoichiro Matsumoto
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Monday, November 21, 2005
5:02PM - 5:15PM
KA.00005: The dynamics of a deflated giant Vesicle in a simple shear flow
Takeshi Yamada, Shu Takagi, Yoichiro Matsumoto
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Monday, November 21, 2005
5:15PM - 5:28PM
KA.00006: Hydrodynamic interaction of two capsules in simple shear flow
Etienne Lac, Dominique Barthes-Biesel
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Monday, November 21, 2005
5:28PM - 5:41PM
KA.00007: Effect of membrane constitutive equation on the recovery of capsules from large deformations
Andres Gonzalez-Mancera, Charles Eggleton
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Monday, November 21, 2005
5:41PM - 5:54PM
KA.00008: \textsc{Numerical simulations of cell interactions under shear flows in complex geometries}
Gaozhu Peng, Norman Zabusky, Prosenjit Bagchi
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Monday, November 21, 2005
5:54PM - 6:07PM
KA.00009: Numerical evaluation of stress contribution by model red blood cells in shear flow
Jeffrey Morris, Jon Clausen, Cyrus Aidun, John McLaughlin
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Monday, November 21, 2005
6:07PM - 6:20PM
KA.00010: Hydrodynamic interaction among blood cells in microcirculation
Prosenjit Bagchi, Sai Doddi, Gaozhu Peng
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Monday, November 21, 2005
6:20PM - 6:33PM
KA.00011: Three-dimensional numerical simulation of cell deformation
Sai Doddi, Prosenjit Bagchi
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