Bulletin of the American Physical Society
53rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Volume 67, Number 7
Monday–Friday, May 30–June 3 2022; Orlando, Florida
Session M05: Searches for Symmetry Violating Electric Dipole Moments (EDMs)Recordings Available
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Chair: Nathan Clayburn, Amherst College Room: Salon 9/10 |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 2:00PM - 2:12PM |
M05.00001: Progress in the ACME III Search for the Electron EDM Daniel G Ang, Cole Meisenhelder, David DeMille, Collin Diver, John M Doyle, Zhen Han, Ayami Hiramoto, Peiran Hu, Nicholas R Hutzler, Daniel D Lascar, Zack Lasner, Siyuan Liu, Takahiko Masuda, John Mitchell, Cristian D Panda, Noboru Sasao, Satoshi Uetake, Maya Watts, Xing Wu, Koji Yoshimura, Gerald Gabrielse The ACME experiment probes physics beyond the Standard Model by measuring the electron electric dipole moment (eEDM) through a spin precession experiment in a beam of thorium monoxide. In 2018, the second generation of the ACME experiment placed the current upper limit on the eEDM at |de|<1.1×10-29 e·cm (Nature 562(2018), 355-360). The third generation of the experiment is currently under construction. We provide an overview of the experiment and describe upgrades that either have been demonstrated or are under development, such as a longer spin precession time, an electrostatic molecular lens, enhanced fluorescence detection, and improved electric and magnetic field control. Together, the upgrades are projected to increase the statistical sensitivity of the experiment to the electron EDM by an order of magnitude while sufficiently suppressing known sources of systematic error. |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 2:12PM - 2:24PM |
M05.00002: Electrostatic focusing of cold and heavy molecules for the ACME electron EDM search Xing Wu, Daniel G Ang, David DeMille, John M Doyle, Gerald Gabrielse, Zhen Han, Bingjie Hao, Ayami Hiramoto, Peiran Hu, Nicholas R Hutzler, Daniel D Lascar, Zack Lasner, Siyuan Liu, Takahiko Masuda, Cole Meisenhelder, John Mitchell, Cristian D Panda, Noboru Sasao, Satoshi Uetake, Koji Yoshimura Measurements of the electron electric dipole moment (EDM) using atoms and molecules shed light on T-symmetry violating new physics beyond the Standard Model. The best upper limit on the electron EDM was recently set by the ACME collaboration: |de|<1.1×10-29 e·cm (Nature, 562, 355 (2018)), using a cold beam of heavy molecules, thorium monoxide (ThO). This result significantly constrains T-violating new physics in the 1∼10 TeV range and above. Upgrades to a new generation ACME measurement are now underway. Here, we report the demonstration of electrostatic focusing of ThO with a hexapole lens, resulting in over 16× enhancement in the molecular flux arriving at the electron EDM detection region. While preparing ThO into a single quantum state for the beam focusing, we demonstrate an upgraded rotational cooling protocol that increases the ground state population by a factor of 3.5, consistent with the theoretical limit. This is 1.4× improvement compared to the previous schemes. When combined with other improvements, we project over an order of magnitude improvement in the statistical sensitivity for the next generation ACME electron EDM search. |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 2:24PM - 2:36PM |
M05.00003: Towards a 20-second coherence time in the eEDM sensitive state of ThF+ Benjamin D Hunt, Kia Boon Ng, Noah Schlossberger, Sun Yool Park, Anzhou Wang, Tanya Roussy, Trevor Wright, Luke A Caldwell, Antonio Vigil, Gus Santaella, Jun Ye, Eric A Cornell
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 2:36PM - 2:48PM |
M05.00004: Design of an ion trap for the JILA Generation III eEDM experiment Anzhou Wang, Kia Boon Ng, Noah Schlossberger, Sun Yool Park, Benjamin D Hunt, Tanya Roussy, Trevor Wright, Luke A Caldwell, Antonio Vigil, Gustavo Santaella, Jun Ye, Eric A Cornell The third-generation apparatus for the measurement of the electric dipole moment of the electron (eEDM) at JILA takes advantage of the fact that the eEDM-sensitive state (3Δ1) of ThF+ is the ground state, promising a coherence time of about 20 s [1,2,3]. The desired long coherence time places stringent constraints on the uniformity of the rotating electric field seen by the ions; we require field homogeneity levels down to 100 ppm. We present the progress on our prototype experiment including ion trap design and electric field simulations. |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 2:48PM - 3:00PM |
M05.00005: Experimental Progress Toward the Measurement of CP-Violation in YbOH Yuiki Takahashi, Chandler Conn, Arian Jadbabaie, Ashay N Patel, Nickolas H Pilgram, Phelan Yu, Yi Zeng, Timothy C Steimle, Nicholas R Hutzler Precision measurements of heavy molecular systems have proven to be a powerful probe of high energy scales in the search for New Physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) due to their high sensitivity to charge parity (CP) violating electromagnetic moments. The polyatomic molecule YbOH is a promising platform to probe BSM physics in both the leptonic sector, through the measurement of the electron’s electric dipole moment (eEDM) in the 174YbOH isotopologue, and the hadronic sector, through the measurement of the nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment (nMQM) in the 173YbOH isotopologue. The localized electron around the Yb nucleus offers the ability to cycle photons while its mechanical bending mode provides parity doublets in the electronic ground state which enables full polarization and robust systematic error rejection. We give an update on experimental progress toward these goals, including observation and study of spin precession, high resolution spectroscopy on new states relevant to photon cycling and CP-violation searches, and new schemes for photon cycling. |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 3:00PM - 3:12PM |
M05.00006: Progress on the CeNTREX TlF Schiff moment search Olivier O Grasdijk, David DeMille, Jakob Kastelic, David M Kawall, Steve K Lamoreaux, Oskari Timgren, Jianhui Li, Tristan Winick, Tanya Zelevinsky The aim of CeNTREX (Cold molecule Nuclear Time-Reversal Experiment) is to search for the proton’s electric dipole moment by measuring the Schiff moment it induces in the 205Tl nucleus. We use the amplified energy shift from the Schiff moment that is present in the polar molecule thallium fluoride (TlF). To maximize the population of the science state, we employ rotational cooling on the cold TlF beam, which pumps lowest few rotational states into a single J=0 hyperfine level of the 1Σ+ electronic ground state. Electrostatic focusing with a quadrupole lens will be used to efficiently direct molecules to a downstream detection region; this requires a weak-field seeking state. This is achieved by adiabatic state transfer from J=0 to J=2 with microwaves. Finally, the Schiff moment measurement requires careful nulling of magnetic fields in the interaction region. Characterization of a new magnetic shielding system is ongoing. |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 3:12PM - 3:24PM |
M05.00007: Probing physics beyond the standard model using ultracold mercury Thorsten Groh, Quentin Lavigne, Felix Affeld, Simon Stellmer Searches for physics beyond the standard model (SM) range from high-energy collision experiments to low-energy table-top experiments. Cosmological phenomena suggest the existence of yet undiscovered particles, described as dark matter. Recently, it was proposed to employ high precision spectroscopy of atomic isotope shifts [Delaunay, PRD 96, 093001 (2017); Berengut, PRL 120, 091801 (2018)] to search for a new force carrier that directly couples quarks and leptons. Signatures of such new particles would emerge as nonlinearities in King plots of scaled isotope shifts on different electronic transitions. |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 3:24PM - 3:36PM |
M05.00008: Measurement of the Electric Dipole Moment of 171Yb Atoms in an Optical Dipole Trap Tao Zheng, Yang A Yang, Shao-Zheng Wang, Jaideep T Singh, Zhuan-Xian Xiong, Tian Xia, Zheng-Tian Lu The permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) [1] of the 171Yb [2] (I = 1/2) atom is measured with atoms held in an optical dipole trap (ODT). A quantum non-demolition measurement with a spin-detection efficiency of 50% is realized. A systematic effect due to parity mixing induced by a static E field [3] is observed, and is suppressed by averaging between measurements with ODTs in opposite directions. The coherent spin precession time is found to be longer than 100 s. The result shows a sensitivity of E-26 e cm in searching for 171Yb EDM. We describe the progress, challenges, and prospects of the experiment. Through this experiment, we develop atom manipulation techniques and study systematics for a parallel search for the EDM of 225Ra[4,5], a radioactive isotope expected to possess a much larger Schiff moment due to its nuclear octupole deformation. |
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 3:36PM - 3:48PM |
M05.00009: Status of the new measurement of electron magnetic moment Xing Fan, Gerald Gabrielse, Benedict A Sukra, Thomas G Myers The measurement of the magnetic moment of the electron provides a stringent test of the Standard Model. A new setup with an improved magnetic field stability using a cold-bore magnet has been constructed. Preliminary measurement of the magnetic moment is ongoing to estimate the statistical and systematic errors. The status and progress towards a new measurement of electron magnetic moment will be presented. |
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