Bulletin of the American Physical Society
47th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Volume 61, Number 8
Monday–Friday, May 23–27, 2016; Providence, Rhode Island
Session P8: Ultracold Bi-Alkalis
2:00 PM–4:00 PM,
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Room: 555AB
Chair: Nate Gemelke, Pennsylvania State University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2016.DAMOP.P8.3
Abstract: P8.00003 : Creation of a strongly dipolar gas of ultracold ground-state $^{23}$Na$^{87}$Rb molecules*
2:24 PM–2:36 PM
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Mingyang Guo
(Department of Physics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China)
Bing Zhu
(Department of Physics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China)
Bo Lu
(Department of Physics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China)
Xin Ye
(Department of Physics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China)
Fudong Wang
(Department of Physics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China)
Dajun Wang
(Department of Physics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China)
Romain Vexiau
(Laboratoire Aim\'{e} Cotton, CNRS, Unversit\'{e} Paris-Sud, ENS Cachan, Universit\'{e} Paris-Saclay, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France)
Nadia Bouloufa-Maafa
(Laboratoire Aim\'{e} Cotton, CNRS, Unversit\'{e} Paris-Sud, ENS Cachan, Universit\'{e} Paris-Saclay, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France)
Goulven Qu\'{e}m\'{e}ner
(Laboratoire Aim\'{e} Cotton, CNRS, Unversit\'{e} Paris-Sud, ENS Cachan, Universit\'{e} Paris-Saclay, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France)
Olivier Dulieu
(Laboratoire Aim\'{e} Cotton, CNRS, Unversit\'{e} Paris-Sud, ENS Cachan, Universit\'{e} Paris-Saclay, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France)
*This work is supported by the Hong Kong RGC CUHK404712 and the ANR/RGC Joint Research Scheme ACUHK403/13
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2016.DAMOP.P8.3
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