Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2013 Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics and the CAP Division of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, Canada
Volume 58, Number 6
Monday–Friday, June 3–7, 2013; Quebec City, Canada
Invited Speakers
Ballance, Connor Auburn University |
Session M5.00002 Electron-impact calculations of near-neutral atomic systems utilising Petascale computer architectures Room: 301 |
Bartschat, Klaus Drake University |
Session J5.00001 Computational Methods for Electron-Atom Collisions in Plasma Applications Room: 301 |
Barz, Stefanie Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna |
Session H7.00002 Photonic Quantum Computing Room: 303 |
Becker, Andreas JILA and Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
Session B7.00004 Attosecond dynamics in ionization of atoms and molecules Room: 303 |
Beugnon, Jerome Laboratoire Kastler Brossel |
Session G1.00004 Superfluid behavior of a 2D Bose gas Room: 200A |
Brown, Kenneth Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session P2.00004 Measuring single molecular ion spectra by Coulomb crystal heating Room: 200B |
Campbell, Laurence ARC Centre for Antimatter-Matter Studies, Flinders University |
Session J5.00004 On the role of electron-driven processes in planetary and cometary atmospheres Room: 301 |
Caux, Jean-S\'ebastien University of Amsterdam |
Session B1.00002 Releasing the trapped 1d Bose gas: from integrability and renormalization to Generalized Gibbs ensembles Room: 200A |
Chen, Hui Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session J5.00003 EBIT measurements of excitation and ionization by electron impact Room: 301 |
Cheuk, Lawrence Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session H1.00002 Spin-orbit Coupled Fermi Gases and Heavy Solitons in Fermionic Superfluids Room: 200A |
Corkum, Paul National Research Council of Canada |
Session T2.00003 Laser control of harmonic generation in molecules Room: 200B |
Cui, Xiaoling Tsinghua University |
Session N1.00003 Effect of Spin-Orbit Coupling to Interacting Ultracold Atoms Room: 200A |
DeMille, David Yale University |
Session C2.00002 The ACME electron electric dipole moment search Room: 200B |
DiSciacca, Jack Harvard University |
Session G2.00001 Precision comparison of the g-factor of the proton and anti-proton Room: 200B |
Doumy, Gilles Argonne National Laboratory |
Session J7.00002 Self-referencing time-domain measurements of femtosecond inner-shell dynamics Room: 303 |
Dudin, Yaroslav Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session H7.00001 Investigations of Memory, Entanglement, and Long-Range Interactions Using Ultra-Cold Atoms Room: 303 |
Dunning, F. Barry Rice University |
Session B2.00002 Probing stray electric fields at surfaces with Rydberg atoms Room: 200B |
Economou, Demetre University of Houston |
Session J5.00002 Control of ion energy distributions on plasma electrodes Room: 301 |
Englund, Dirk Columbia University |
Session M2.00001 Information Processing and Precision Measurements using Spin Qubits in Diamond Room: 200B |
Forrey, Robert C. Penn State University |
Session B5.00002 Three-body recombination in primordial star formation Room: 301 |
Foss-Feig, Michael NIST Gaithersburg and the Joint Quantum Institute |
Session H7.00004 Quantum simulation of many-body physics with neutral atoms, molecules, and ions Room: 303 |
G\"uhr, Markus PULSE Institute, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session J7.00003 Probing nucleobase photo protection with soft x-rays Room: 303 |
Geller, Michael University of Georgia |
Session M5.00004 Towards the simulation of molecular collisions with a superconducting quantum computer Room: 301 |
Glover, Ernest Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session J7.00004 X-ray and optical wave mixing Room: 303 |
Gopalakrishnan, Sarang Harvard University |
Session T1.00003 Frustration in spin models with cavity-mediated interactions Room: 200A |
Gorshkov, Alexey California Institute of Technology |
Session T1.00001 Topological phases in polar-molecule quantum magnets Room: 200A |
Greene, Chris Physics Department Purdue University |
Session N1.00004 Few-body dynamics of dipolar and finite-range systems Room: 200A |
Greiner, Markus Harvard University |
Session A1.00001 I.I. Rabi Prize Talk - A close-up of synthetic quantum matter Room: 200A |
Haroche, Serge Laboratoire Kastler Brossel |
Session L1.00001 Nobel Prize Lecture Room: 200C |
Hatef, Ali Laser Processing and Plasmonics Laboratory in the Department of Engineering Physics, \'Ecole Polytechnique de Montr\'eal |
Session H2.00002 Quantum dots-plasmonics nanostructure hybrid nanosensors Room: 200B |
Havener, Charles Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B5.00004 High resolution X-ray emission measurements toward understanding low energy charge exchange important to astrophysics Room: 301 |
Heidrich-Meisner, Fabian FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg |
Session B1.00004 Expansion dynamics of interacting bosons and fermions in one dimensional optical lattices Room: 200A |
Holland, Murray JILA and Department of Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session M7.00002 Cold atoms and degenerate quantum gases Room: 303 |
Hommelhoff, Peter University of Erlangen / Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics |
Session C7.00005 Strong-Field Above Threshold Photoemission from Sharp Metal Tips Room: 303 |
Hunter, Larry Amhearst College |
Session U1.00001 Using the Earth as a Polarized Electron Source to Search for Long-Range Spin-Spin Interactions Room: 200A |
Jimenez-Garcia, Karina The University of Chicago |
Session H7.00003 Artificial Gauge Fields for Ultracold Neutral Atoms Room: 303 |
Jochim, Selim University of Heidelberg |
Session N1.00001 Experimental studies of ultracold few-fermion systems Room: 200A |
Johnson, Philip American University |
Session N1.00002 Effective multibody interactions of confined ultracold bosons Room: 200A |
Kim, Jungsang Duke University |
Session P2.00001 Integrated Microsystems Approach to Trapped Ion Quantum Information Processing Room: 200B |
Kimble, H. Jeff California Institute of Technology |
Session H2.00004 Trapped Atoms in One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals Room: 200B |
Kirchner, Tom Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Toronto ON M3J1P3, Canada |
Session U5.00004 Ionization and fragmentation of complex molecules studied with a density functional theory based approach Room: 301 |
Klippenstein, Stephen Argonne National Laboratory |
Session B5.00003 Gas-Phase Theoretical Kinetics for Astrochemistry Room: 301 |
Koschorreck, Marco University of Cambridge |
Session G1.00001 Two-dimensional Fermi liquid with attractive interactions and near scale-invariant dynamics Room: 200A |
Krausz, Ferenc Max Planck Research School |
Session T2.00001 Attosecond science - present and future Room: 200B |
Kuzmich, Alex Georgia Tech University |
Session B2.00004 Quantum memory with Rydberg blockade Room: 200B |
LaForge, Aaron University of Freiburg |
Session U5.00001 Initial-state selective fully differential study on ionization of lithium by ion impact Room: 301 |
Lahaye, Thierry Institut d'Optique, CNRS, Universit\'e Paris Sud |
Session U1.00003 Direct measurement of the van der Waals interaction between two Rydberg atoms Room: 200A |
Lamonde, Germain Founder, Chairman, and CEO, EXFO Inc. |
Session S1.00002 Speaker Room: 200ABC |
Legare, Francois INRS-EMT |
Session N7.00005 High harmonic generation with intense infrared few-cycle laser pulses Room: 303 |
Leone, Stephen University of California Berkeley and LBNL |
Session T2.00004 Isolated attosecond pulse probing of atomic and molecular dynamics Room: 200B |
Lin, Chii-Dong Kansas State University |
Session N7.00001 Probing time-resolved large-amplitude molecular vibrations with high-order harmonics generated by ultrashort laser pulses Room: 303 |
Madej, Alan National Research Council of Canada, Measurement Science and Standards |
Session T7.00001 $^{88}$Sr$^{+}$ 445-THz Single-Ion Reference at the 10$^{-17}$ Level Room: 303 |
Martin, J.D.D. Department of Physics and Astronomy and Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo |
Session B2.00001 Electric field sensing near the surface microstructure of an atom chip using cold Rydberg atoms Room: 200B |
McQuillen, Patrick Rice University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Houston, TX 77005 |
Session J1.00002 The pursuit of more strongly coupled plasmas using the Rydberg blockade Room: 200A |
Meystre, Pierre The University of Arizona |
Session M7.00001 Quantum optics, cavity QED, and quantum optomechanics Room: 303 |
Mullin, Amy University of Maryland |
Session B7.00001 Spinning molecules into extreme rotational states with an optical centrifuge Room: 303 |
Murnane, Margaret Univeristy of Colorado |
Session T2.00002 High harmonic generation and attosecond pulse synthesis Room: 200B |
Myers, Edmund Florida State University |
Session G2.00004 Polarizability shifts and body-frame electric-dipole moments of molecular ions in a Penning trap Room: 200B |
N\"ortersh\"auser, Wilfried Technical University Darmstadt |
Session H5.00004 High precision atomic data for halo nuclei and related nuclear structure Room: 301 |
Naduvalath, Balakrishnan University of Nevada Las Vegas |
Session M5.00003 Large-scale Quantum Calculations of Inelastic and Reactive Scattering in Cold and Ultracold Gases Room: 301 |
Naegerl, Hanns-Christoph University of Innsbruck |
Session P1.00001 Quench dynamics in strongly correlated Bose-Hubbard chains Room: 200A |
Nakamura, Nobuyuki Institute for Laser Science, The University of Electro-Communications |
Session H5.00001 EBIT spectroscopy of highly charged heavy ions relevant to hot plasmas Room: 301 |
Neumark, Daniel |
Session A1.00002 Broida Prize Talk Room: 200A |
Nicholson, Travis JILA |
Session T7.00002 Optical lattice clocks near the QPN limit: a tenfold improvement in optical clock stability Room: 303 |
Ourjoumtsev, Alexei CNRS, Institut d'Optique |
Session B2.00003 Dispersive optical nonlinearities using cold Rydberg atoms Room: 200B |
Palomaki, Tauno JILA, University of Colorado and NIST |
Session M2.00002 Mechanical Oscillators and Itinerant Microwave Fields Room: 200B |
Rangan, Chitra Department of Physics, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4 |
Session H2.00001 Surface Enhanced Quantum Control Room: 200B |
Rosenfeld, Wenjamin LMU Munich and Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session M2.00003 Atom-photon entanglement as a resource for remote entanglement of quantum memories and quantum teleportation Room: 200B |
Sa de Melo, Carlos Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session H1.00001 Who is the Lord of the Rings in the Zeeman-spin-orbit Saga: Majorana, Dirac or Lifshitz? Room: 200A |
Santra, Robin Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY and University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany |
Session J7.00001 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction at high x-ray intensity Room: 303 |
Sauer, B.E. Imperial College London |
Session C2.00001 The YbF electron EDM search Room: 200B |
Sawyer, Brian NIST-Boulder |
Session T1.00002 Towards Simulating the Transverse Ising Model in a 2D Array of Trapped Ions Room: 200A |
Sayrin, Clement Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology, TU Wien, Atominstitut |
Session H2.00003 Coherent manipulation of cold cesium atoms in a nanofiber-based two-color dipole trap Room: 200B |
Schaefer, Thomas Department of Physics, North Carolina State University |
Session G1.00003 Viscosity and damping of collective modes in two-dimensional and scale-invariant Fermi gases Room: 200A |
Schafer, Kenneth Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University |
Session M7.00003 Strong-field interactions and ultrafast control Room: 303 |
Schiller, Stephan Heinrich-Heine-Universit\"at D\"usseldorf |
Session G2.00003 High-resolution spectroscopy of cold HD$^+$ molecular ions Room: 200B |
Schneider, Ulrich LMU \& MPQ Munich |
Session B1.00003 Fermionic and Bosonic transport in homogeneous optical lattices Room: 200A |
Schreck, Florian Institut fuer Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation |
Session U1.00004 Laser cooling to quantum degeneracy1 Room: 200A |
Senko, Crystal Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland Department of Physics and National Institute of Standards and Technology, College Park, Maryland 20742 |
Session T1.00004 Quantum Simulation of Frustrated Magnetism with Many Trapped Ions Room: 200A |
Shaffer, James The University of Oklahoma |
Session J1.00001 Observation of Blueshifted Ultralong-Range Cs$_2$ Rydberg Molecules Room: 200A |
Spanner, Michael National Research Council of Canada |
Session B7.00002 Multielectron strong field calculations of molecular ionization Room: 303 |
Stapelfeldt, Henrik Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University |
Session B7.00003 Laser induced alignment of molecules dissolved in Helium nanodroplets Room: 303 |
Starace, Anthony F. Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0299 |
Session M7.00004 Correlation Effects in Intense Laser-Atom Processes Room: 303 |
Stockman, Mark Georgia State University |
Session C7.00001 Controlling dielectrics with the electric field of light Room: 303 |
Sturm, Sven University of Dusseldorf |
Session G2.00002 g-factor measurements of hydrogen-like ions and a new electron mass Room: 200B |
Taylor, Edward McMaster University |
Session G1.00002 Apparent Low-Energy Scale Invariance in Two-Dimensional Fermi Gases Room: 200A |
Treutlein, Philipp University of Basel, Switzerland |
Session M2.00004 Hybrid atom-membrane optomechanics Room: 200B |
Vrinceanu, Daniel Texas Southern University |
Session B5.00001 Proton-hydrogen collisions for Rydberg n,l-changing transitions in the early Universe Room: 301 |
Vuletic, Vladan Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session U1.00002 All-optical switch and transistor gated by one photon Room: 200A |
Weiss, David Pennsylvania State University |
Session B1.00001 The onset of thermalization in nearly integrable 1D Bose gases Room: 200A |
Wells, Jack Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session M5.00001 From Petascale to Exascale: Prospects for Transforming Atomic, Molecular, and Chemical Dynamics with Leadership Computing Room: 301 |
Wineland, David NIST |
Session L1.00002 Nobel Lecture Room: 200C |
Zhang, Shizhong Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong |
Session P1.00002 Ferromagnetism of strongly interacting Fermi gases in the upper branch of Feshbach resonances Room: 200A |
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