Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2022
Volume 67, Number 6
Saturday–Tuesday, April 9–12, 2022; New York
Session G09: Mini-symposium: Innovative Dark Matter Detection II
8:30 AM–10:18 AM,
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Room: Salon 3
Chair: Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada, Univ Complutense
Abstract: G09.00003 : Interactions of dark matter portals
9:18 AM–9:30 AM
suresh AHUJA
(Xerox Corporation)
suresh AHUJA
(Xerox Corporation)
Dark matter(DM) origin cover a vast range of materials, from weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) to axions, dark photons, new neutrino species, primordial black holes, superfluids and more. In freeze-out mechanism where DM decouples from the visible sector heat bath as the expansion rate of the universe wins over the interaction rate of DM and heat bath particles. Consequently, the commoving number density of DM particles freezes to a constant value. In freeze-in mechanism which is based on the assumption that the DM phase space is initially unpopulated, but subsequently produced from the visible sector by decays or annihilations. Also, the dark sector can have rich dynamics as combinations of the previous two mechanisms. For example if dark matter has self- interactions, it can, after initially populated by freeze-in from the visible sector, constitute a heat bath within itself but decoupled from the visible sector. The Higgs Portal, The Vector Porta, Axion Portal, Neutrino Portal, interactions with SM as well as, Strongly Coupled Composite Dark Matter, Dark Pions, Dark Quarkonia and Dark Baryons, Dark Glueballs are possible..
Due to the lack of any compelling evidence for the existence of WIMP dark matter despite many searches are probing into the plausible WIMP parameter space, many theoretical developments are now going beyond the minimal WIMP model or alter its basic assumptions. If one considers the possibility that dark matter is produced at the LHC, and that its interaction cross section with normal matter is so high that the particles are no longer WIMPs, but become SIMPs or strongly interacting massive particles. With an interaction cross section as large as the hadronic one, these SIMPs manifest themselves as jets in the calorimeter, but with no tracks in the tracking detector from charged hadrons, in sharp contrast to typical quantum chromodynamics (QCD) jets.
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