APS April Meeting 2015
Volume 60, Number 4
Saturday–Tuesday, April 11–14, 2015;
Baltimore, Maryland
Session K9: Invited Session: Astrophysical Black Holes on All Mass Scales
1:30 PM–3:18 PM,
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Room: Key 5
Chair: Grzegorz Madejski, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Abstract ID: BAPS.2015.APR.K9.3
Abstract: K9.00003 : Black holes on all scales: similarities and differences
2:42 PM–3:18 PM
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Chris Done
(Durham University)
I will review what we know about astrophysical black holes, from the
stellar mass back holes formed from the death of massive stars, to the
supermassive black holes in galaxy centres. Where material falls onto
a black hole of any size, the enourmous gravitational energy released
transforms these darkest objects in the Universe into the
brightest. The luminous accretion flow lights up the regions of
intensely curved spacetime, and its spectrum and variabilty carry the
imprint of strong gravity as well as the geometry and dynamics of the
emitting material.
I will show how the stellar mass black holes form a homogeneous set,
and how their large changes in mass accretion rate on easily
observable timescales mean that they form a a template for how the
spectrum and variability of the accretion flow, and its associated
jet, change with mass accretion rate. They ubiquitously show a
dramatic switch in both spectral, variability and jet properties as
the mass accretion rate changes, probably associated with a change
from a hot, geometrically thick flow to a cool, geometrically thin
disc. Since the geometry and dynamics of the disc are well understood,
these spectra give a clean test of Einstin's gravity in the strong
field limit, with clear evidence for the existance of a last stable
circular orbit. The hot flows are less well understood, but it is
possible that the characteristic timescale for variabilty seen in
these data is from Lens-Thirring (vertical) precession of the flow
around the black hole.
Scaling these models of a changing accretion flow up to the
supermassive black holes can give an explanation for the multiple
different types of unobscured AGN. However, as well as similarities,
there are also some differences in the properties of the spectra,
variability and particularly in the jet. A small subset of the most
massive black holes have highly relativistic jets, with
relativisitically emitting out to GeV or TeV energies. I show that
the statistics of these jets may be pointing to their origin from the
highest spin black holes formed in major merger events.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2015.APR.K9.3