Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2012
Volume 57, Number 3
Saturday–Tuesday, March 31–April 3 2012; Atlanta, Georgia
Session Index
Session W2: DPF Prize and Award Session
Sponsoring Units: DPFChair: Patricia McBride, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Room: Regency Ballroom V
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:45AM - 11:21AM |
W2.00001: W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics Lecture: The making of GLAST: Being creative with experimental particle physics Invited Speaker: William Atwood Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:21AM - 11:39AM |
W2.00002: Henry Primakoff Award for Early-Career Particle Physics Lecture: Calculating the number of degrees of freedom in supersymmetric quantum field theories in three dimensions Invited Speaker: Daniel Jafferis Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:39AM - 11:57AM |
W2.00003: LeRoy Apker Award Lecture: Connecting the Holographic and Wilsonian Renormalization Groups Invited Speaker: Djordje Radicevic Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:57AM - 12:15PM |
W2.00004: Tanaka Dissertation Award Lecture Invited Speaker: Georgia Karagiorgi Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 12:15PM - 12:33PM |
W2.00005: J.J. and Noriko Sakurai Dissertation Award Lecture Invited Speaker: Andre Lessa Preview Abstract |
Session W3: Invited Session: Cosmological Constraints from Small-Scale CMB Anisotropies
Sponsoring Units: DAPChair: John Wise, Georgia Institute of Technology
Room: Hanover CDE
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:45AM - 11:21AM |
W3.00001: Latest results from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Invited Speaker: Tobias Marriage Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:21AM - 11:57AM |
W3.00002: Cosmological Constraints from the South Pole Telescope Invited Speaker: Bradford Benson Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:57AM - 12:33PM |
W3.00003: Non-Gaussianity in the CMB Invited Speaker: Kendrick Smith Preview Abstract |
Session W5: Invited Session: Nuclear Energy, Post-Fukushima
Sponsoring Units: FPSChair: Peter Zimmerman, Kings College London
Room: International Ballroom South
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:45AM - 11:21AM |
W5.00001: Nuclear Safety Concerns post-Fukushima and future of Nuclear Power Invited Speaker: Richard Meserve Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:21AM - 11:57AM |
W5.00002: Challenges and Opportunities for a Sustainable Nuclear Energy Future Invited Speaker: Mark Peters Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:57AM - 12:33PM |
W5.00003: A mild skeptic's view of nuclear power and a deep skeptic's view of reprocessing Invited Speaker: Harold Feiveson Preview Abstract |
Session W6: Panel Discussion: Challenges for Early Career Researchers in International Collaborations and Exchanges
Sponsoring Units: FIP FGSAChair: Renee Horton, Lousiana State University
Room: Embassy C
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:45AM - 11:21AM |
W6.00001: Collaborating across the ocean Invited Speaker: Lindley Winslow Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:21AM - 12:33PM |
W6.00002: Panel Discussion Preview Abstract |
Session W7: Cosmic Ray Spectrum and Distribution
Sponsoring Units: DAPChair: Gregory Guzik, Louisiana State University
Room: Embassy D
Session W8: Topics in Numerical Relativity
Sponsoring Units: GGRChair: Manuel Tiglio, University of Maryland College Park
Room: Embassy B
Session W9: Direct Dark Matter Detection
Sponsoring Units: DPF DAPChair: Corbin Covault, Case Western Reserve University
Room: Embassy E
Session W10: Partonic Structure in Nucleons and Nuclei
Sponsoring Units: GHP DNPChair: John Arrington, Argonne National Laboratory
Room: Embassy A
Session W12: Invited Sesson: Neutrinos: The Wild Frontier
Sponsoring Units: DNP DPFChair: Bruce Vogelaar, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Room: Grand Hall East A/B
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:45AM - 11:21AM |
W12.00001: Neutrinos as a probe of Earth's interior Invited Speaker: Yuri Efremenko Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:21AM - 11:57AM |
W12.00002: Solar Neutrinos in 2012: The End of Days? Invited Speaker: Gabriel Orebi Gann Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:57AM - 12:33PM |
W12.00003: Neutrino Self-Refraction in Core-Collapse Supernovae Invited Speaker: Basudeb Dasgupta Preview Abstract |
Session W14: Nucleon Form Factors and Two-Photon Exchange
Sponsoring Units: DNPChair: Andrei Afanasev, The George Washington University
Room: Grand Hall East C
Session W16: Sherwood IV
Sponsoring Units: DPPRoom: Hanover FG
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:45AM - 11:15AM |
W16.00001: Energetic particle effects on n=1 MHD instabilities in a DIII-D hybrid discharge D.P. Brennan, M.R. Halfmoon, C.C. Kim, R.J. La Haye Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:15AM - 11:45AM |
W16.00002: Oblique Plasmoid Instabilities S.D. Baalrud, A. Bhattacharjee, Y.-M. Huang, W. Daughton Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:45AM - 12:15PM |
W16.00003: Unveiling the kinetic mechanism for RMP penetration in diverted edge geometry C.S. Chang, G. Park, S. Ku, T. Evans, R. Moyer Preview Abstract | |
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 12:15PM - 12:45PM |
W16.00004: Theoretical and simulation studies of plasma-wall interactions Xianzhu Tang, Z. Guo, N. Krasheninnikova, G.L. Delzanno, V. Borovikov, D. Perez, A. Voter, B. Uberuaga Preview Abstract |
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