Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2009 APS April Meeting
Volume 54, Number 4
Saturday–Tuesday, May 2–5, 2009; Denver, Colorado
Session L6: Future Accelerators for Particle Physics |
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Sponsoring Units: DPB DPF Chair: Matt Poelker, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Sunday, May 3, 2009 3:30PM - 4:06PM |
L6.00001: Scientific Reach and Accelerator Challenges of Project-X Invited Speaker: The proposed FNAL high intensity proton complex, known as Project X, is designed to provide high power proton beams for neutrino oscillation experiments, muon to electron conversion experiments, possible kaon experiments, and an upgrade path to a higher power front end to a neutrino factory/muon collider complex. I will address the accelerator challenges of the initial configuration, possible alternatives, and how it increases the scientific reach of experimental programs. [Preview Abstract] |
Sunday, May 3, 2009 4:06PM - 4:42PM |
L6.00002: Accelerator Physics and Technologies for Muon Colliders Invited Speaker: An accelerator complex that can produce ultra-intense beams of muons presents many opportunities to explore new physics. These facilities are unique in that, in a relatively straightforward way, they can present a physics program that can be staged and thus move forward incrementally, addressing exciting new physics at each step. Ultimately an intense cooled low-energy muon source could be accelerated to very-high energy to do energy-frontier physics with a muon collider. This talk will give an introduction to the physics capabilities of a muon collider, outline the accelerator physics of the facility and will then explore some of the limiting technologies that must be developed in order to make this ``concept'' a reality. [Preview Abstract] |
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