2008 APS April Meeting and HEDP/HEDLA Meeting
Volume 53, Number 5
Friday–Tuesday, April 11–15, 2008;
St. Louis, Missouri
Session 10HE: Radiation and Supernovae
11:00 AM–3:10 PM,
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Hyatt Regency St. Louis Riverfront (formerly Adam's Mark Hotel),
Room: Promenade F
Chair: Steve Rose, Imperial College
Abstract ID: BAPS.2008.APR.10HE.5
Abstract: 10HE.00005 : Radiative shock theory, experiments, and connections to astrophysics
2:00 PM–2:25 PM
Preview Abstract
Claire Michaut
(LUTH, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS)
This work concerns both radiative shocks (RS) in astrophysics and in
laboratory. Accurate RS models are attempted to understand stellar evolution
where they are always involved. Two extreme types of RS can be considered:
in optically thin and thick medium. A third type is an intermediate regime.
In astrophysics, observed RS arise generally in optically thin material.
Thus, radiation escapes without interaction with the surrounding gas and it
can be modeled by a cooling function $\Lambda $. In this case only the
post-shock region is structured by the radiation cooling.
We have solved the hydrodynamic equations including $\Lambda \propto \rho
^\varepsilon P^\zeta x^\theta $ for arbitrary values of $\varepsilon
,\;\,\zeta ,\,\;\theta $. Moreover introducing this cooling function in
hydro-code HADES, we are able to simulate astrophysical shocks under
optically thin conditions and recover analytical calculations.
Our models are validated by confrontation with experimental results. We
performed RS experiments using LULI2000 laser facility, in which the plasma
is more or less optically thick. Consequently, these high-Mach number RS
present a radiative precursor. Specific radiation hydrodynamic codes,
including radiative terms (flux, pressure, energy density), are used to
examine the structure of this kind of RS.
In addition, we obtain analytical solutions describing the post-shock
structure of RS growing both in astrophysical environment and in laboratory.
Therefore, we can study this region experimentally and compare its structure
with astrophysical shocks. This theoretical work is motivated by new very
high-power experimental facilities, as LIL (France) for which we propose to
probe the downstream zone. Experimental results related to the cooling in
the downstream flow will allow to validate and to check our astrophysical
code HADES.
Finally, we attempt to predict the precursor length of steady laboratory RS,
using now $\Lambda $ as a radiation flux propagating towards the upstream
flow in the precursor.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2008.APR.10HE.5