2007 APS April Meeting
Volume 52, Number 3
Saturday–Tuesday, April 14–17, 2007;
Jacksonville, Florida
Session C8: GPMFC Prize and Fellowship Session
1:30 PM–3:18 PM,
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront
Room: City Terrace 4
Chair: Siu Au Lee, Colorado State University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2007.APR.C8.2
Abstract: C8.00002 : Herbert P. Broida Prize: Stable and Accurate Single-Atom Optical Clocks*
2:06 PM–2:42 PM
Preview Abstract
James C. Bergquist
(National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO)
Optical clocks based on narrow transitions of single ions have
long promised
unprecedented stability and accuracy, but only lately has this
begun to be realized [1-3]. At NIST, two single-ion optical
clocks are in
operation. A $^{199}$Hg$^{+}$ clock uses a single laser-cooled
ion held in a
cryogenic rf Paul trap and is based on the $^{2}$S$_{1/2}$ ($F$ = 0)
$\leftrightarrow \quad ^{2}$D$_{5/2}$ ($F$ = 2, $m_{F} = 0)$
transition at 282 nm. An $^{27}$Al$^{+}$ clock uses a single ion
held in a
linear trap and is based on the $^{1}$S$_{0} \quad
\leftrightarrow \quad ^{3}$P$_{0}$
intercombination line at 267 nm [4]. The burden of cooling, state
preparation and state detection of the Al$^{+}$ ion are borne by an
auxiliary Be$^{+}$ ion using quantum logic methods [5]. A recent
of these two standards achieved a relative fractional frequency
of less than 7 $\times $ 10$^{-15 }(\tau $/s)$^{-1/2}$, reaching
4 $\times
$ 10$^{-17}$ in 30 000. The absolute frequency of the Hg$^{+}$
clock was
measured against the cesium fountain standard NIST-F1, and we
fractional frequency inaccuracies below 10$^{-15}$. An evaluation
of the
systematic shifts of the Hg$^{+}$ system in the latest of these
returns a total systematic uncertainty of about 3 x 10$^{-17}$
and that of
the Al$^{+}$ standard, 2.6 x 10$^{-17}$. We will report the
results of
measurements conducted over the course of five years and discuss the
implications of these results as a constraint to test for the
constancy of
the fundamental constants that determine atomic transition
frequencies [6].
We will also describe the present limitations and planned
improvements to
the accuracy of the single ion clocks.
1. H.S. Margolis \textit{et al., }Science \textbf{306}, 1355 (2004).
2. T. Schneider, E. Peik, and Chr. Tamm, Phys. Rev. Lett.
230801 (2005).
3. W.H. Oskay \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{97},
020801 (2006).
4. P.O. Schmidt \textit{et al., }Science \textbf{309}, 749 (2005).
5. D.J. Wineland \textit{et al.}, \textit{Proc. 6th Symposium on
Frequency Standards and Metrology, }P. Gill, ed. (World
Scientific, Singapore, 2002) pp.
6. T. M. Fortier \textit{et al.,} Phys. Rev. Lett. accepted for
publication (2007).
*Supported by ONR, DTO, and NIST.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.APR.C8.2