2007 APS April Meeting
Volume 52, Number 3
Saturday–Tuesday, April 14–17, 2007;
Jacksonville, Florida
Session B7: Binary Black Holes: Orbits, Mergers and Waveforms
10:45 AM–12:33 PM,
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront
Room: Grand 8
Chair: Pedro Marronetti, Florida Atlantic University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2007.APR.B7.1
Abstract: B7.00001 : Spin- orbit interactions in black-hole binaries
10:45 AM–11:21 AM
Preview Abstract
Carlos Lousto
(The University of Texas)
We present the first fully-nonlinear numerical study of the
dynamics of highly spinning black-hole binaries. We evolve
binaries from quasicircular orbits, and find that the last stages
of the orbital motion of black-hole binaries are profoundly
affected by their individual spins. In order to cleanly display
its effects, we consider two equal mass holes with individual
spin parameters $S/m^2=0.757$, both aligned and anti-aligned with
the orbital angular momentum (and compare with the spinless
case), and with an initial orbital period of $125M$. We find that
the aligned case completes three orbits and merges significantly
after the anti-aligned case, which completes less than one orbit.
The total energy radiated for the former case is $\sim$7\% while for
the latter it is only $\sim$2\%. The final Kerr hole remnants have
rotation parameters $a/M=0.89$ and $a/M=0.44$ respectively, showing
the unlikeliness of creating a maximally rotating black hole out
of the merger of two spinning holes.
To calculate the transfer of angular momentum from orbital to
spin, we start with two quasi-circular configurations, one with
initially non-spinning black holes, the other with corotating
black holes. In both cases the binaries complete almost two
orbits before merging. We find that, during these last orbits,
the spin-orbit coupling is far too weak to tidally lock the
binary to a corotating state during the late-inspiral phase.
We also use the `moving puncture' approach to perform fully
non-linear evolutions of spinning quasi-circular black-hole
binaries with individual spins not aligned with the orbital
angular momentum. We evolve configurations with the individual
spins pointing in the orbital plane and 45-degrees above the
orbital plane. We introduce a technique to measure the spin
direction and track the precession of the spin during the merger,
as well as measure the spin flip in the remnant horizon. These
simulations show for the first time how the spins are reoriented
during the final stage of binary black hole mergers verifying the
hypothesis of the spin-flip phenomenon. We also compute the track
of the holes before merger and observe a precession of the
orbital plane with frequency similar to the orbital frequency and
amplitude increasing with time.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.APR.B7.1