2007 APS April Meeting
Volume 52, Number 3
Saturday–Tuesday, April 14–17, 2007;
Jacksonville, Florida
Session B4: LHC/ILC Detectors
10:45 AM–12:33 PM,
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront
Room: Grand 3
Chair: Jim Pilcher, University of Chicago
Abstract ID: BAPS.2007.APR.B4.2
Abstract: B4.00002 : The ATLAS detector -- status and plans.
11:21 AM–11:57 AM
Preview Abstract
David Lissauer
(Brookhaven National Lab.)
The ATLAS detector is preparing for the first data at the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC) at CERN. The LHC is a proton-proton Collider with 14 TeV
center of mass energy and a designed luminosity of 10$^{34}$
cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$. Beam crossings are 25 ns apart and at designed luminosity
there are $\sim $23 interactions per crossing. The LHC thus presents an
enormous experimental challenge to enable us to select the small fraction of
interesting events and to measure their properties. The main components of
the ATLAS detector include: The Magnet system that is composed of two main
magnet systems, a central superconducting solenoid that provides the field
for the central tracker, and a large superconducting Barrel and End-cap
air-core Toroids outside the calorimeter that provides the field for the
muon spectrometer. The Inner Detector (ID) of tracker allows pattern
recognition, momentum measurements, and electron identifications at high
luminosity. This is achieved using a combination of high resolution pixel
and silicon strip detectors in the inner part of the tracking volume and a
straw tube tracking with transition radiation capability in its outer part.
A high granularity liquid Argon (LAr) electromagnetic calorimeter has
excellent performance in term of energy and position resolution. In the
end-caps, the LAr technology is also used for hadronic and special forward
calorimeters. The bulk of the hadronic calorimeter is provided by a novel
scintillator-tile calorimeter. The combined calorimeter system gives a very
good jet and missing E$_{T}$ resolution. The muon spectrometer surrounds the
calorimeter system and is composed of the air-core Toroids system that
generates a large magnetic field volume with strong bending power. The air
core Toroid minimizes the multiple scattering, and the excellent muon
momentum resolution is achieved with three stations of high precision
tracking chambers. This gives the external muon spectrometer stand alone
capabilities that are important at high luminosity. The trigger system is
composed of Level 1 triggers with a 75 kHz rate followed by high level
trigger to make finer selection. The Level 1 trigger relies on the
calorimeter and muon information while the High level trigger has the full
information for the regions of interest allowing for finer selection. The
construction of the ATLAS experiment is nearly complete and the installation
and commissioning is progressing in preparation for first beams. We will
describe the present status of the installation and commissioning of ATLAS
detector and the plans for completing the installation and commissioning the
detector prior to the first collisions.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.APR.B4.2