Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2023 APS March Meeting
Volume 68, Number 3
Las Vegas, Nevada (March 5-10)
Virtual (March 20-22); Time Zone: Pacific Time
Session K67: Quantum networks modular architecture and distribution
3:00 PM–5:48 PM,
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Room: Room 412
Chair: Michael DeMarco, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI
Abstract: K67.00002 : Quantum-Accelerated Distributed Algorithms for Approximate Steiner Trees and Directed Minimum Spanning Trees*
3:12 PM–3:24 PM
David E Bernal Neira
(USRA - Univ Space Rsch Assoc)
David E Bernal Neira
(USRA - Univ Space Rsch Assoc)
Eleanor G Rieffel
(NASA Ames Research Center)
Phillip Kerger
(Johns Hopkins University)
The CONGEST distributed computational model allows limited-sized messages to be transmitted within a network described by a communication graph of size n in a series of rounds to address a computational problem. The size limitation for such messages is O(log(n)) bits at each edge of the communication graph per round. The communication graph in the CONGEST-CLIQUE model is fully connected. In the Quantum CONGEST-CLIQUE model, at most O(log(n)) classical and quantum bits (qubits) can be communicated across each edge of the communication graph per round.
At a high level, we achieve these results by combining classical algorithms with fast quantum subroutines. These speedups further contribute to understanding what problems can be solved more efficiently when we allow quantum communication in this CONGEST-CLIQUE model of distributed computation.
*We are grateful for support from the NASA Ames Research Center, from the NASA SCaN program, and from DARPA under IAA 8839, Annex 130.PK and DBN acknowledge support from the NASA Academic Mission Services (contract NNA16BD14C – under SAA2-403506).
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