Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020; Denver, Colorado
Session S58: Ultrafast Spectroscopies and Coherent Phenomena in the X-ray Domain I.
11:15 AM–2:15 PM,
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B
Chair: Shaul Mukamel, University of California, Irvine
Abstract: S58.00003 : Attosecond soft-X-ray spectroscopy in the gas and liquid phases*
Hans Jakob Woerner
(ETH Zurich)
Hans Jakob Woerner
(ETH Zurich)
Since the vast majority of chemical processes takes place in the liquid phase, the extension of attosecond spectroscopy to liquids is desirable. I will discuss the first observation of extreme-ultraviolet high-harmomic generation from liquids, achieved through the application of ultrathin (0.6-2 μm) flat microjets [4]. I will also present the extension of attosecond time-resolved spectroscopy from molecules [5] to liquids [6]. The time delays between photoemission from gaseous and liquid water range from 50-70 attoseconds and are shown to mainly originate from the solvation of water molecules, with liquid-phase electron scattering playing a minor role. These developments set the stage for attosecond time-resolved studies of molecular systems of chemical complexity.
1. Y. Pertot et al., Science 355, 264 (2017)
2. C. Schmidt et al., Opt. Exp. 26, 11834 (2018)
3. T. Gaumnitz et al., Opt. Exp. 25, 27506 (2017)
4. T. T. Luu et al., Nature Communications 9, 3723 (2018)
5. M. Huppert et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 093001 (2016)
6. I. Jordan et al.,submitted (2019)
*This work has been supported by ETH Zurich, the European Research Council and the Swiss National Science Foundation.
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